The old man was very tired, and the old man was very tired.

"This thing is called Niuga!"

Jiangnan explained: "In the past, farmers used it on yellow cattle to plow the land."

"Just now I saw a large area of ​​vacant land in the building complex, which was full of weeds. It would be better to clean it up and plant some flowers or vegetables."

This is the talent and gene flowing in the blood of the Chinese: farming!

Abroad, you can see a lot of idle vacant land, which is left to grow weeds and not cleaned up.

Especially when watching African documentaries, you will find that there are large tracts of land there, but they would rather go door to door to work than to open up a small piece of land in front of their own house to plant, at least they can be self-sufficient.

Compared to farming, they prefer working and sleeping.

They work for a day or even several days to earn enough money for a meal, but they are still not full, and then they fall asleep immediately after eating.

Later, some people said that they really don’t know how to farm. The donors gave them seeds of various vegetables, but who would have thought that they would cook and eat them the next day.

In China, basically everyone can grow various flowers and plants.

Rural people will enclose a piece of open space in their yard and plant vegetables.

City people will plant some flowers and plants on the balcony or even on the rooftop.

And many office workers grow some small plants, such as succulents.

"I remember that when I was a kid, I saw this thing when I went to my grandpa's house in the countryside!"

"I should have it in my hometown, but I haven't seen it for decades!"

"Nowadays, farmers are basically using high-tech to farm. A tractor can do it. There is no need for this thing. It has been eliminated long ago!"

"Farmer? Why did I think of those three words when I heard these four words!"

"Let me tell you! Country girl!"

"What a coincidence, I just saw it last night!"

"I have a question. Isn't this thing for old oxen? The island owner doesn't have any oxen, so how can he use it?"

There are many hindsight viewers in the live broadcast room.

As soon as Jiangnan finished explaining, they jumped out one after another.

Just like the two World Cup matches between Croatia and Spain, Portugal and Switzerland, during the game, 99% of the audience lost money with curses, because even Zhuge Liang couldn't calculate the scores of 0-0 and 6-1.

But after the game, many people took out the lottery tickets with the same results as the game, and asked simply: "Come and see how much money I made."

"Who said there is no old ox? I am one, right?"

After that, Jiangnan shouted "mou".

Then he gently patted Kangaroo Gangzi on the shoulder and said: "This is also an old ox!"

Kangaroo Gangzi seemed to understand, but he actually opened his mouth and imitated Jiangnan and shouted "mou~"

This shout was too sudden, even more sudden than Uncle Benshan singing.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned for a moment, and after confirming that it was Gangzi who shouted it in a realistic way, they all laughed.

The Great Sage of Mandrill on the side covered his stomach, lay on the ground, and kept rolling.

After seeing the Great Sage of Mandrill laughing wildly, Kangaroo Gangzi seemed to realize something and turned around and ran away.

He was the Kangaroo King who wanted to be a boxer, how could he go down to the ground to pull a plow?

Jiangnan saw through Kangaroo Gangzi's idea at a glance, stepped forward quickly, stopped him, and said with a smile: "Don't be embarrassed, I am actually training you, you have to understand my good intentions."

Kangaroo Gangzi turned his head away and didn't listen at all.

Jiangnan continued: "Pulling a plow can train your strength, speed, agility, etc."

"There is a movie called "The Battle", starring Peng Yuyan and Zha Zhahui. In the movie, he pulls tires every day to become a professional boxer."

"We don't have scrapped tires for you to pull here, so just pull the plow, anyway, the effect is the same."

"As your master, how could I hurt you? All I do is for your sake, to make you stronger, you have to believe me!"

While speaking, Jiangnan has taken out his mobile phone, clicked on the movie "The Battle", and played the clip of Peng Yuyan pulling tires.

After watching it, Kangaroo Gangzi really believed it, and no longer walked back, but rushed forward quickly, eager to pull the plow.

Looking at the back of Kangaroo Gangzi going away, the Great Sage Mandrill gestured with his hands: He is really good at fooling people!

"This is called wisdom!"

Jiangnan added: "You also have a mission today, which is


"You are responsible for carrying and disposing of the garbage cleared by the monkeys and wolves."

"And when I repair, I may need some bricks, steel, wood, etc., and you have to carry them too."

"Anyway, in the next few days, the work of carrying is entirely up to you."

It would be a waste if the Great Sage of Mandrill was not responsible for carrying such a large body.

And it had no complaints and was willing to carry it obediently.

The Great Sage of Mandrill knew that he had indeed gone too far when they first met, and he must behave well in the next few days.

Soon, when they arrived in front of the deserted open space, Jiangnan put on the bullpup for himself and the kangaroo Gangzi.

"Next, I will teach you how to use it, you stand aside and learn it carefully. "

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, he began his own teaching.

In fact, it is very simple. You just need to put the rope on yourself and insert the plow into the soil.

As the rope is dragged forward, the sharp plow inserted into the soil will also move forward, thus quickly renovating the grass.

After the demonstration, Jiangnan had no time to ask Kangaroo Gangzi if he had learned it, and it had already started to pull it in a very good manner.

Kangaroo Gangzi is full of muscles and has unimaginable strength. Plowing the land is easy for it.

It’s just that you have to master the rhythm to prevent the plow behind from being inserted too deep and unable to pull it.

In the process of pulling the plow, it strolls leisurely, giving people a very relaxed feeling.

It can easily pull the bull plow and turn the soil easily.

Look at Li Xiao again, it’s even more relaxed.

In fact, he had done this kind of work when he was a child.

There was no other way, because there was no old ox at home, so he had to do it himself.

But he was too young at the time, so he needed his father to follow him and hold the rope, and he just had to keep rushing forward.

Now it is completely different from before.

With the experience of childhood, plus the strength of his body now, he pulled the plow rope, stepped forward with his legs, and ran forward.

At first glance, he really looked like a strong and experienced ox.

While running fast, the plow behind him had already turned over the soil.

Fast speed and high efficiency.

In fact, it is more efficient to use a tractor.

There are tractors in the Great Barrier Reef.

But Jiangnan thought that this would be more effective for the show, and the fact was just as he thought, and the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned on the spot.

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