The more you go, the more you go.

Jiangnan doesn't just paint on the wall.

Wherever he is, seeing anything, he can immediately come up with a good idea and quickly draw a few strokes.

There is a bridge hole in the building complex, and Jiangnan painted the rabbit police officer and the fox Nick from "Pet Story" on the wall next to it. Didn't they make up under the bridge hole?

After seeing a huge rock on the lawn, Jiangnan walked forward and painted a cave under the rock. There were three Asian black bears at the entrance of the cave, which were the family of three of Jiasha, Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

A group of ants passed by on the road, and Jiangnan took the opportunity to paint a group of small ants.

Because the painting was so realistic, the ants stopped and kept touching it with their antennae, trying to communicate with the ants in the painting.

In short, any place in the Great Barrier Reef became Jiangnan's painting place.

On the wall, on the ground, on the stone, even on the manhole cover, under the street lamp...

With the night reward, Jiangnan also finished his last painting of the day.

Under the dim light, he painted a group of bunnies wearing grass skirts and dancing.

It has the artistic conception of a little girl under the street lamp.

Every time a painting is finished, the system sound will sound, the experience value will continue to increase, and the painting skills are expected to be upgraded after a week.

"I feel that every painting the island owner draws is so healing!"

"Island owner, my community needs you, come quickly!"

"Don't you find that every painting the island owner draws is different, and you can't find similar ones on the Internet. Basically, they are all his creativity and inspiration."

"I have a strong hunch that when the Great Barrier Reef is open to tourism, these places drawn by the island owner will become check-in points for Internet celebrities."

Amid the praises of the audience in the live broadcast room, Jiangnan stopped working for a day and finally went home.

However, before going home, he still had to fulfill his promise and send food to every monkey and gray wolf.

There were still a lot of fresh fruits and fresh meat rewarded by the system before, which were just sent by Jiangnan.

Perhaps it was because he was too tired after a hard day, or perhaps it was because Jiangnan was in high spirits. After eating two slices of bread, he took out a new notebook and continued to paint.

However, this time the painting was different from all the previous paintings, and it can even be said that the style of painting changed drastically.

Soon, the first painting was ready.

In the painting, a tiger was tied to a tree with five ropes tied to it. A rough man stood under the tree, holding a small whip in his right hand and a candle in his right hand.

When the audience was still wondering what the painting wanted to express, Jiangnan slowly wrote four words to describe it: Wu Song fights the tiger!


Seeing these four words, the audience in the live broadcast room all spit out blood.

Then the more shocking paintings are still to come.

In the second painting, two cows came into view, and in front of the cows, a man was playing a guitar.

In the third painting, under the majestic Huashan Mountain, a group of people were pointing and discussing the things in front of them, and this thing was the rocket that was ready to be launched.

In the fourth painting, a five-clawed golden dragon was crashing in the river and the sea, but it was wearing more than a dozen swimming rings.

In the fifth painting, there is only one arrogant man, who is the Crow in "Young and Dangerous". At this time, the dining table in front of him has been overturned by him, and he can only hold a glass of water and drink it alone.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Wu Song Fighting the Tiger Picture, experience value +90!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Niu Playing the Lute Picture, experience value +100!"


Jiangnan was surprised to find that the more stupid he painted, the higher his experience value was.

Therefore, he painted more and more vigorously, and moved more and more towards an indescribable direction.

The audience in the live broadcast room stared with their eyes bigger and bigger, and then they all laughed.

"Is that picture a fierce dragon crossing the river? It's actually a dragon on land!"

"If it doesn't work, let the dragon drive the boat to win the prize!"

"The sword fight on Mount Huashan? It turns out it's about rockets. The island owner is in the atmosphere!"

"Island owner, you understand art!"

"I want to play the lute to a cow. This one looks like something from the Western Zhou Dynasty!"

"Island owner, I have a picture of Jiang Ziya electrocuting fish. Can I exchange it with you?"

"What a crow drinking water! It looks like it was passed down from the "Young and Dangerous" era!"

"I'm sick! And a serious disease! Why is the island owner's paintings getting more and more stupid, but I like to watch them more and more



Just when Jiangnan finished another painting, a big bird flew into the house from the balcony.

Its feathers were gray, and it was the gray parrot from Parrot Valley.

The gray parrot came to the Great Barrier Reef and Jiangnan's home for the first time, and it was not unfamiliar at all. After circling over his head, it slowly landed beside Jiangnan.

It took a look at Jiangnan's new painting, tilted its little head, and asked in confusion: "Isn't this Lu Fei?"

Yes, the moose in the painting was Lu Fei.

But in front of Lu Fei, there was a beautiful woman with a curvy figure.

After taking another careful look, the gray parrot uttered four words: "Seeing injustice on the road?"

"You understand art!"

Jiangnan was amused, and touched the gray parrot's head with satisfaction, saying: "You are the smartest among all parrots. You can learn a new idiom just by looking at my painting."

"Of course, it's mainly because I draw well! ”

When praising the grey parrot, he did not forget to be narcissistic.

The grey parrot could not listen any longer and rolled its eyes in a humane way.

Jiangnan put away his notebook and asked, "Why are you here? Did you come to see me specially or did something happen?"

"I almost forgot something!"

The grey parrot realized it belatedly and shouted to the outside, "Come in, come in! Come in quickly! I can definitely cure your illness! "


Is there a sick parrot?

Jiangnan turned his head in confusion, and when he saw the animal flying in, his jaw dropped.

Little blue macaw!

In 2005, the parrot that was declared extinct in the wild by humans has now appeared!

In a trance, Jiangnan suddenly thought that it must be because of the rare animal trigger card he used before that summoned it.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for it to exist in the wild!

Since the extinction was announced, no one has ever found them!

There is not just one little blue macaw in front of him, but two, one male and one female.

Their feathers are sky blue and their cheeks are pure white. They look particularly healing and beautiful, but in their beauty, they have a big flaw.

The feathers of the two little blue macaws are not particularly plump and bright, but lack a lot.

Especially at the tail, there is not a single feather.

Perhaps they feel a little inferior, they hold some leaves in their mouths and keep stuffing them into their tails, trying to restore the former beauty through this stupid method.

In addition to physical defects, they are also psychologically traumatized.

After flying into the house, they are extremely cautious, seeming to be very afraid of humans, and their bodies are trembling all the time.

When Jiangnan took a step forward to approach them, they would instinctively flap their wings and retreat, not daring to get close to humans at all.

Even because Jiangnan just took a step forward, they were frightened and involuntarily pooped!

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