The fish was caught in a trap, but the water was still flowing.

About ten minutes later, a huge black shadow slowly swam over the top of the bionic fish.

Jiangnan had good eyesight and could tell what kind of animal it was by the shadow.

So Jiangnan immediately controlled the bionic fish to speed up and swim over it.

The audience in the live broadcast room panicked after noticing the huge black shadow.

"Oh my god! What was that just now?"

"It feels about six or seven meters long!"

"Isn't it a giant octopus?"

"I remember that in Western mythology, there is a giant octopus called the Kraken, which is more than a hundred meters long!"

"I already have a fear of the deep sea, and now I see such a big scary animal, and my hair is all standing up!"

As the bionic fish kept approaching, the audience's mentality gradually calmed down.

I saw that this huge black shadow looked like a disc, like a millstone, and more like an alien spaceship.

But it has wings on both sides of its body.

It swims by the irregular shaking of its wings.

A fish with wings in the deep sea?

After the huge black shadow gradually became clear in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, they became nervous again.

Basically, in people's impression, any giant thing, whether it is an animal or a human, seems to be very scary, this is giant phobia.

Because of this, many science fiction disaster movies were born.

Some animals mutated and became giants and attacked cities.

Some were giants hundreds of meters high that slaughtered humans.

If an ordinary person dived in the sea and suddenly saw a huge marine creature, he would definitely go ashore without looking back.

He would not even consider whether the huge marine creature would attack humans.

After all, people have a thought in their bones, that is: animals larger than themselves may pose a threat to their lives!

On the other hand, Jiangnan was surprisingly calm, controlling the bionic fish to continue swimming towards the huge black shadow.

He was not worried about angering the huge black shadow, so he opened his mouth and swallowed the bionic fish into his stomach.

As he got closer and closer, this large marine creature finally appeared in front of the audience.

"It's a stingray!"

"I've seen it in an aquarium!"

"Stingrays are like birds in the ocean. They swim by flapping their wings!"

"I've also seen stingrays eating small fish. They use their huge bodies to force the small fish against the glass wall and eat them!"

"Something's wrong. This stingray doesn't look like the one I saw in the aquarium!"

The audience in the live broadcast room gradually came to their senses.

Jiangnan explained: "There is an animal that looks very similar to a ray, but it is not a ray. It is the one in front of us. It is called manta ray, also known as devil fish."

"The reason why it is called manta ray is because their swimming posture is somewhat similar to bats flying at night, hence the name."

"And manta ray is divided into many types, including island manta ray, Indian manta ray, Gu's manta ray, etc."

"The tail of this one is so long, so it is naturally called long-tailed manta ray."

"Others think it is quite domineering, but in fact it is very gentle. It mainly feeds on plankton and small fish, and will not easily provoke humans."

At this point, Jiangnan paused for a while and began to look at the barrage.

The barrage at this time was also very exciting. Some people said that manta ray is like a flying carpet in an animated movie.

Others asked whether manta ray can fly since it has wings.

Jiangnan smiled and answered, "Manta rays have three characteristics."

"First, they can survive!"

"As an ancient fish, they appeared in the ocean as early as the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era."

"For more than 100 million years, their body shape has hardly changed."

"Second, they are viviparous!"

"In people's impression, fish seem to be oviparous, but manta rays are one of the few."

"It is not like other fish that lay thousands or tens of thousands of eggs at a time."

"Like the sunfish, it can be said that It is a high-yield fish, and can lay up to 300 million eggs at a time. "

"Female manta rays do not lay eggs, they are ovoviviparous."

"The most important thing is that they only give birth to one baby at a time."

"A baby manta ray weighs 20 kilograms and is about one meter long when it is born."

"People who don't know this fish think it is a big fish when they first see it. In fact, it is still a newborn baby."

"Third, it can fly!"

"Yes, manta rays really can fly!"

"Before taking off, manta rays will spin in the sea

The manta rays rise in a spiral-like swimming posture, which is what we often call spiral ascension. "

"When approaching the sea surface, the rotation speed and swimming speed continue to increase, and they will jump out of the water. "

"They can jump up to four meters, and they will also perform several beautiful somersaults in the air. When they fall into the water, there will be a loud bang, which is a beautiful and spectacular scene. "

"If hundreds of manta rays jump out of the water together, the scene will be truly magnificent! "

While speaking, Jiangnan's eyes were already twinkling with little stars, and he began to yearn.

At the same time, the bionic fish had already swam to the side of the manta ray.

The manta ray had also noticed the bionic fish, but as Jiangnan said, it was particularly gentle, and did not show any panic, nor did it deliberately swing its body to drive it away, but swam slowly.

Jiangnan found it interesting, and controlled the bionic fish to swim to the back of the manta ray and gently attached to its body.

In this way, the ray actually swam forward slowly with the bionic fish.

"What a cute picture!"

"It turns out that the manta ray is really gentle. It's a waste to name it a devil fish. It should be called a gentle fish."

"I remember that sharks are also very gentle, and they will allow other fish to lie on them!"

"I know, is this fish called an ice fish! I remember that King Liu once sang about this kind of fish. It seemed to be called something cold and ice fish slapping on the face. I was curious at the time why the fish would slap on the face. Now I think it should be the shark's face that was slapped. It seems that King Liu still has a life! "

Jiangnan looked at the barrage and laughed: "Yes, sharks will allow a kind of fish to lie on them. This fish is called the seal fish."

"The seal fish has a slender body and a flat oval suction cup on the top of its head."

"And in the sea, the seal fish basically plays the role of a scavenger."

"All the food residues eaten by the shark belong to it, thus ensuring the shark's health and preventing illness."

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, a more interesting picture appeared.

Under the belly of this huge manta ray, a small and cute stingray suddenly emerged!

Is it just born?

Because Jiangnan didn't see it when the bionic fish passed under the belly just now.

"Awesome! "

Jiangnan sighed from the bottom of his heart.

He remembered reading a news report that a pregnant woman was walking on the road, and she gave birth to a baby right next to a trash can.

Another pregnant woman went to the toilet, and she gave birth to a baby with a push.

Therefore, when your parents say that you were picked up from a trash can or toilet, it means that it is very likely to be true.

The manta ray gave birth so smoothly that the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

Many pregnant women saw this scene and prayed that they would have children in the future. It can be so smooth, otherwise it would be painful.

The little manta ray that just came to the new world is about 1.56 meters tall. It is comparable to some people who can hit other people's knees when they jump up, and can't reach the elevator on the tenth floor.

Soon, the little manta ray swam to the back of the manta ray mother, curiously looking at the bionic fish, and its body kept shaking.

When the little manta ray swam, its wings swayed slightly, up and down, very regular, very much like dancing.

It feels like the little manta ray is born to dance.

"Is it dancing? So cute!"

"It's really amazing to be born to dance!"

"If this goes to India to make a movie, the box office will not be over 10 billion!"

"What's the matter? We Chinese are born to know martial arts!"

"I was born to breathe. Am I proud?"

"I was born to find milk to eat. I'm not proud! ”

“I’m in my twenties now, I’ll also look for milk!”

“Why do I feel like the little manta ray is inviting the bionic fish to dance?”

“At this time, we must add Liu Huangshu’s words: Keep playing the music! Keep dancing!”

Jiangnan was also very considerate, controlling the bionic fish to gently shake its body, which was considered dancing with the little manta ray.

The appearance of the little manta ray made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly become joyful.

Originally, the mother manta ray was a little depressed and even a little scared when she saw the huge manta ray, but with the appearance of the little manta ray, all of this disappeared.

Facts have proved that any animal is really cute when it is young, and it is easier to capture people’s hearts.

Of course, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, etc. are excluded.

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