The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Jiangnan gently touched the heads of Kangaroo Gangzi and White Wolf King Jiaoyue and said, "It's not as serious as you think. Just help me take care of the house."

Now there are various animals at home, such as white tigers, blue macaws, birds of paradise, short-tailed kangaroos, etc. He is worried.

Whether in reality or in the game, having your house stolen is a very annoying thing.

After repeated instructions, Jiangnan embarked on the road to find rare animals.

"What kind of accident has happened that has forced you to go into the mountains?"

"That's right! And it's late at night!"

"The island owner is simply courting death. Going into the mountains in the middle of the night, even if you don't encounter any ferocious animals, you are very likely to bump into something, and you might even fall into a big pit and faint on the spot."

"A few college students once sneaked into the back mountain of our village, but later lost contact, so we mobilized all the villagers to look for them."

"Didn't a few Korean kids go up the mountain to catch frogs, and there has been no news so far, which caused a sensation around the world!"

"To be honest, I've been wondering since the first day of the island owner's live broadcast. I've started following him. This time I feel like I can really play the suona. This is a craft passed down from my family!"

"If the island owner really has an accident, can you give me these cute animals from the Great Barrier Reef? I'm not picky, I want the little white tiger!"

"Since you're not picky, then I'm not picky either. I want the kangaroo Gangzi!"

"I want that salamander!"

"Island owner: Can't you guys just say something to me? Is there really no one to speak for me?"

The audience in the live broadcast room is like the unfilial grandchildren who are still lying on the hospital bed and are not completely dead, but are shouting to divide the family property.

It's more like Zhu Bajie who shouted to divide the goods and luggage just after Tang Seng was captured.

Jiangnan looked at the countless mocking comments and smiled: "Don't worry about me. In fact, I went into the mountains to find an animal this time."

"If I really encounter any danger and I can't beat it, I still have legs to escape!"

"Although most animals have four legs, men are not weak either, but they have three legs!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless male compatriots jumped out.

"Strange! Why can't I run fast with three legs?"

"Me too! I can't even run faster than the dogs in the village!"

"I have a feeling that tonight's live broadcast will be very exciting. It looks like another sleepless night!"

"Hurry up and prepare some snacks, eat while watching!"

"Upstairs, you reminded me, I'll order a barbecue right away!"

Jiangnan's staying up late to work overtime inexplicably caused a surge in takeout sales in various cities.

Soon, he went into the mountains.

After entering the mountain, Jiangnan did not run around aimlessly, but let the Steller's Sea Eagle Tai Sui explore the way ahead. It was more convenient to observe remotely when it soared in the sky.

As for the Great Sage Mandrill, it followed two or three meters behind him.

One man, one monkey and one eagle formed a triangle formation.

If there was an emergency, at least they could quickly protect themselves in the first place.

As they continued to go deeper, the trees around them became taller and taller, causing the environment to become darker and darker.

Even if Jiangnan wore a mining lamp on his head, the range of illumination was very limited.

From a distance, even some big trees looked very scary, like demons with bared fangs and claws.

Although they were separated by a screen, some timid viewers in the live broadcast room had begun to get nervous.

Unconsciously, they suddenly felt that the live broadcast scene in front of them was somewhat familiar.

In the first "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", the trees in the forest were designed to be very gloomy and scary.

It was exactly the same as what was in front of them.

I thought it was just an animation, but I didn't expect it to have a realistic style.

Jiangnan went deeper and deeper, and all I could see was black.

This was a kind of black like thick ink. People with poor eyesight would easily see overlapping images if they were here.

After walking for about 20 minutes, the surrounding environment became even darker.

How can I describe this kind of black? It's just as dark as the hearts of those real estate developers who cheated the people!

If it weren't for the upgrade, the drone could shoot high-definition effects in the dark. The live broadcast room at this time must be blurry, and only the general outline can be seen.

Of course, in addition to the black, there is also silence.

The night in the mountains is very quiet, or to be more precise, dead silence, like the silence in the morgue at midnight.

The only sound the audience in the live broadcast room can hear is the sound of Jiangnan and the Monkey King's feet stepping on the ground or falling leaves.

From time to time...

You can hear the sound of the Steller's sea eagle flapping its wings.

When Jiangnan accidentally stepped on a branch and suddenly made a crisp sound, the audience in the live broadcast room would be startled after the silence was broken.

Jiangnan was walking attentively, and his body suddenly stopped.

He moved his ears, as if he heard the sound of horse hooves.

And it was not a single horse hoof sound, but the kind of a group of horses galloping.

"There are horse hoof sounds!"

"There must be horses ahead!"

Jiangnan was 100% sure and said excitedly.

"Horse hoof sounds?"

"Why didn't I hear it?"

"Is the island owner too nervous and has auditory hallucinations?"

The audience in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears and listened carefully, but did not hear any sound.

No, to be precise, they also heard the whirring sound of the cold wind blowing gently through the leaves.

If you don't listen carefully, you can hardly hear it.

"Taisui, Great Sage, right in front, hurry up!"

Jiangnan shouted loudly while running forward faster.

When he climbed a high slope, the sound of horse hooves became louder and louder.

This time, the audience in the live broadcast room also heard it clearly.

"It's really the sound of horse hooves!"

"I heard it too!"

"The island owner is amazing! He can hear it from such a distance, his hearing is amazing!"

"In the future, you must never talk about the island owner behind his back, maybe he can hear it!"

"It's best not to live in the room next to the island owner, otherwise whatever happens with your girlfriend at night will be heard by the island owner without missing a word!"

"Zhuge Qing in "Under One Person": Isn't this my listening to the wind?"

Then, Jiangnan quickly climbed up the high slope.

Looking down, he saw an open space.

There were twelve or thirteen wild horses on the open space.

At this time, they were gathering comfortably in the open space.

Sometimes they gather in twos and threes, running freely.

Sometimes they stretch their necks and rest.

Sometimes they taste the delicious grass under their feet.

The body lines of these wild horses are very beautiful, and their muscles can be clearly seen with the naked eye. Each muscle is full of wildness and strength.

As the mane behind the neck flutters in the wind, it looks more and more majestic.

The leader is a big horse with a red body.

It is bigger than other wild horses, and its muscles are more developed and powerful, just like Lu Bu's Red Hare in the world.

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