The sound of the stream was so strong that the water was flowing.

Jiangnan also heard the sound of the stream and could not help but quicken his pace.

After a while, a small river appeared in sight.

The river water was clear and not turbulent.

The grass on the shore was lush and green, and you could see various small animals such as butterflies, grasshoppers, and mantises.

Although the Great Barrier Reef has built a lot of houses and entertainment facilities to develop tourism, it has not deliberately destroyed the environment, nor has it built various factories here. Instead, it has been reasonably planned to perfectly integrate the buildings and entertainment facilities into nature, so the environment on the mountain has not been destroyed and the river water has not been polluted.

Everything is pure and natural, and it looks like a scene in a painting, making people want to open their arms and embrace this beauty.

Jiangnan walked into it, just like walking from reality into a painting, and even his mood became much happier.

"Oh my god, this place is so beautiful!"

"Screenshot! Must take a screenshot!"

"I live in this picture in my dream, I didn't expect it to be so beautiful in reality."

"I saw a mantis, I really want to catch one to play with."

"There is a fat grasshopper there, it kicks its legs and is one meter high."

"I'm not bragging, although this place is beautiful, but I have seen it. When I was a child, the countryside where I lived was full of such scenes, until the real estate industry set its sights on it."

The audience in the live broadcast room sighed.

Jiangnan took the fishing rod, came to the river, found a comfortable place to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, his eyes lit up and said: "Everyone, look there!"

As Jiangnan pointed, all the audience looked over.

There was a big goose on the other side of the river.

It was not a noble swan, but an ordinary white goose.

Behind the big goose, there was a long line of little geese that had just learned to walk.

Jiangnan opened his mouth slightly and counted them in his mind. There were nine in total.

Because they were still too young, their feathers had not completely faded, so they all looked gray.


With a sound of falling into the water, the big white goose jumped into the river. Instead of swimming away immediately, it turned its head and looked at the children behind it.

Although the baby geese were still very young, they followed their mother into the water because of their nature.


The smallest one at the end of the team stood on the shore, chirping non-stop, but refused to go into the water.

Perhaps because of fear, or perhaps because of anxiety, the little wings began to flap.

At this time, an audience member in the live broadcast room spoke up.

"Island owner, do you want to help the baby goose? It can't keep up with its mother and brothers and sisters."

"No! Absolutely no! The more you help it now, the more it will hurt it!"

"That's right. If you help it into the water now, it will be less afraid to be scared in the future. This kind of doting will only kill it!"

"But it's still a child!"

"I hate this sentence the most. No matter what the naughty child does, the parents always say this. Especially when visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, the relative's child made a mess of my room, and all the adults used this sentence to protect him. I was so angry that I really wanted to kick him!"

"The person upstairs, I have had this experience too. I want to cry but have no tears, and I am exhausted!"

Just as the audience was arguing with each other, the smallest baby goose finally jumped down after holding on for more than ten seconds.

But this time, it jumped accurately on the back of the big white goose.

The big white goose did not throw it down, but began to paddle in the river, and the other baby geese followed closely behind.

This picture is a bit warm and funny.

"I am dying of laughter, this little guy is so smart!"

"I know, the youngest one must be a girl goose!"

"The ones following behind must be Zhaodi, Pandi, Xiangdi, Wangdi, Dengdi, Niandi, and the one on the back is called Yaozu!"

"The one upstairs, you are really a talent!"

"I want to know where they are going so fast? Going to Beijing for roasting?"

"From the mother's preference, the last baby goose is too spoiled!"

"Baby goose: Don't talk nonsense, I bought a first-class ticket!"

The audience's attention was all on the big white goose family, and no one paid attention to Jiangnan.

In fact, Jiangnan was also staring at the big white goose family, but he casually took out a notebook and a sharpened pencil from his backpack.

The painting technique was activated,

In the blink of an eye, the interesting scene just now was drawn.

Although it was just a simple sketch, it was perfectly restored from all angles and aspects. Those who didn't know would think it was copied.

"Not bad! Just add some color to it at night!"

Jiangnan looked at the sketch in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

Who would have thought that he, who had never learned to paint, could draw a sketch in less than ten minutes?

"Is the island owner drawing?"

"Fuck! It's true. The island owner can actually draw?"

"What else can't the island owner do? Isn't this man too omnipotent?"

"The painting is great. It's a family of geese swimming. Even the baby goose sitting on its mother's back is drawn. I can even see a little arrogance in its eyes."

"I am studying painting. From a professional point of view, the island owner must have studied it specially, otherwise it would be impossible to draw it so quickly and so beautifully."

"I bought this painting. The island owner is out A price!"

"I want to buy it too!"

"Island owner, put a link to this painting, we all want to buy it!"

Jiangnan looked at the scrolling bullet screen and smiled: "I don't plan to sell this painting, because I want to fill this notebook with paintings. As for what to draw, of course, some interesting things that happened on the island."

"Filling a notebook with paintings is not only meaningful to me, but also memorable when I look through it in the future."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a sketch, experience value +30!"

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, the system sound rang.

It was just a little experience, Jiangnan didn't care.

Looking around, he found another interesting scene.

In the middle of the river, there are a few lotus flowers, which are not in full bloom, so they can't quickly attract people's attention.

Fortunately, Jiangnan has a good eye, otherwise he might not see it.

"Look at the lotus, there are more interesting animals than the big white goose family!"

Jiangnan hurriedly said.

Happily share your discovery with the audience in the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked again.


"What does the island owner want us to do?"

"It's just a few lotus flowers that haven't bloomed yet. Is the island owner fooling us?"

"No, look carefully, there is a little frog on one of the lotus leaves!"

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