The king cobra opened its mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp.

Jiangnan lowered his head and began to look at the golden koi.

This is a golden dragon and phoenix koi, with a head shaped like a dragon head, a tail fin like a phoenix tail, and four whiskers, which are not only slender but also look very majestic.

Because of the dragon whiskers, when it swings, it looks a bit like an ancient general in a battle robe, and more like a phoenix flying in the sky.

"This fish is so big, it must weigh at least 16 kilograms."

"All the fishermen salute the island owner."

"Pedestrian: How do I get to the subway station? Island owner: Yes, yes, exactly 16 kilograms!"

"If I caught this, I would have to walk around the community several times, pass by my house three times without entering, and let everyone in the community know that I caught it."

"I once saw a news report that a person's fishing rod was dragged into the water by a fish weighing more than ten kilograms. The man jumped into the river and swam while collecting the rod. Fortunately, the island owner made a ground trap, otherwise this would have happened."

"If such a big fish escapes, people will laugh at it for the rest of your life, while drowning will only make you cry for three days at most."

"By the way, what kind of fish is this? It looks like a dragon and a phoenix, so beautiful!"

"Dragon and Phoenix Koi!"

Jiangnan explained: "This fish has a unique dragon head and phoenix tail appearance, which is of great ornamental value. It is a rare top-grade ornamental fish. In addition, it loves to play with people, has a strong memory, and can recognize its owner if it is kept for a long time."

"Really Fake? In that case, the island owner must have caught a treasure."

"If you make a wish for such a beautiful koi, will you be lucky?"

"All wishes are fake, don't believe them, I will pray for my family first."

"Fuck, the guy above, you old man, my wish is very simple, I just hope there is a rich woman who can support me, rich woman, hungry, sticky!"

"Brother, you are too much, do you know how to speak, there are no rich women in this world, they are all treasures, understand?"

"Pass every exam! Bye "I must be single this year and I absolutely cannot use dolls anymore. I heard that someone bought a doll and it exploded that night. It was really amazing!" "My requirements are not high. I hope that billions of people in the world can give me a dime each." "My requirements are not high either. I just hope that one of the female stars such as Reba, Jinmai, Bai Xiaolu, Ruth, Shuxin, Yifei, etc. will make an official announcement with me tomorrow." ... The live broadcast room turned into a wishing meeting. The golden koi turned into a wishing pool. Jiangnan smiled and said, "Today I have gained a lot. I will go home and make dragon meat!" "Dragon meat?" "Where are there dragons in this world?" "The island owner will not want to eat the golden koi, will he?" "No! The golden koi is so beautiful, don't eat it. I want to make a wish to it every day." Jiangnan's words instantly brought the audience in the live broadcast room back to reality, and they all prayed for the golden koi. "Don't worry, I won't eat golden koi."

Jiangnan explained while packing up his tools: "Legend has it that if you steam the essence of the five dragons, namely the oolong, earth dragon, golden dragon, child dragon and flying dragon, you can make a five-dragon soup, which is as delicious as the legendary dragon meat."

"Don't think this dish is fictional. In fact, it is really recorded in the "Tangtou Gejue", but I don't know whether anyone has made it in the past and present."

"As for what these five dragons are, I will tell you in detail when I get home."

Jiangnan first aroused the audience's interest, and then deliberately kept it a secret, making people feel itchy.

While talking, he had already thrown the trap back into the water.

In this way, the next time he comes, he can catch fish immediately.

After packing up everything, Jiangnan said goodbye to the king cobra and prepared to go home.

Walking on the path home, everything went smoothly at first, until...


Jiangnan's head was hit by something.

Looking down, this time it was not a peach pit, but a soft peach.

Jiangnan picked it up and looked up, only to see the red-faced monkey he had met before on the tree canopy above his head, still staring at him.

It seemed to have been following him.

"What's going on?"

"What does this red-faced monkey want to do?"

"Why is it following the island owner all the time? Is it asking for help from the island owner?"

The audience talked a lot and began to speculate.

Jiangnan then

He took the peach and took a bite.

The juice burst out immediately after taking a bite.

He could clearly feel the juice not only gushing out from the gap in his mouth, but also flowing down his throat into his stomach.


The fruit wine brewed from this soft and sweet peach must be delicious!

The red-faced monkey was not angry because Jiangnan ate his peach, nor did he scream, but turned around and ran away.

After jumping from one tree to another, he turned his head and looked at Jiangnan, as if waiting for Jiangnan to follow him.

Jiangnan thought about it and decided to follow him to see what was going on.

In this way, under the leadership of the red-faced monkey, Jiangnan once again entered the forest.

This red-faced monkey was very smart. It was worried that Jiangnan could not keep up with it, so it would stop and wait patiently several times.

After a while, Jiangnan came to the place where he met the red-faced monkey just now, that is, where he picked water celery.

The red-faced monkey did not stop and continued to lead the way.

I don't know how long it took, but a beautiful picture appeared in Jiangnan's sight.

As he emerged from the woods, he came to a small valley like emerald jade.

At the end of the valley, there was a cliff.

The waterfall rolled down from above, gathering into clear streams.

Each stream was like a jade belt, winding through the entrance of the valley and flowing into every corner of the forest.

The stream where Jiangnan was fishing just now should have flowed and gathered here.

The scenery here is very good. Among the flowers and plants, there are all kinds of colorful birds.

They gather in twos and threes, sometimes chasing insects to fill their stomachs.

Sometimes they drink water by the stream, jump and play water fights.

Sometimes they play by slapping the water while flying, splashing a series of crystal clear water.

If Jiangnan wants to challenge life in the wild one day, this is definitely a great place to set up camp.

"This place is really a fairyland!"

Jiangnan stretched his body and took a deep breath of the fresh air here, sighing from the bottom of his heart.

This place reminded him of the canyon where Xiao Yan and Xiao Yixian were alone in "Fighting in the Sky". Everything was so beautiful, everything was so magnificent, so beautiful that it seemed unreal, as if it could only appear in anime.

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