The more he edited Jiangnan's live broadcast, the more he got into trouble.

By editing Jiangnan's live broadcast, Miao Xiansen has become a short video blogger with millions of fans.

He has tasted the sweetness, but he is also full of worries.

He is worried that Jiangnan's live broadcast will not be wonderful every day, so he will have nothing to edit, and there is no way to continue to attract fans.

For this reason, he also plans to edit some live broadcasts of game anchors.

The first choice is naturally Lu Dehua.

Because Lu Dehua's live broadcast is very delicious every day, either he is playing credit points or on the way to playing credit points, there is no need to worry about not having anything to edit.

But now it seems that Miao Xiansen feels that he has completely thought too much.

Because Jiangnan's live broadcast is more exciting than the previous few days.

If every day could be so exciting, he felt that he could have two million or even five million fans by editing Jiangnan's live broadcast.

Mr. Miao did not dare to delay and started editing while watching the live broadcast.

Soon, the wonderful part of Jiangnan's live broadcast was edited out.

There are two videos in total, which Mr. Miao named respectively: "Shocking! The corpse-scented konjac in Ghost Blowing Lamp has appeared in the world, and the island owner actually did this to the corpse-scented konjac!" and "Four black men fought a bloody battle with lizards in front, and now hundreds of monkeys are besieging the island owner!"

The title is as funny as ever, and can even be said to be vulgar.

But Mr. Miao has tasted the sweetness, so why would he care so much, let alone change it.

"Isn't this what the island owner just broadcast live?"

"This is too fast! Excuse me, did you edit it while sitting on the island owner's router?"

"I guess I edited it while sitting on the island owner's lap!"

"Mr. Miao edited it quickly and well, but this title..."

"Just looking at the title, I thought the island owner was "wheeled" by a group of monkeys!"

After the video was sent out, Mr. Miao ignored it.

Because he had to keep watching the live broadcast, fearing that he would miss other exciting content.

He had no idea how popular these two videos were, and his heart rate was skyrocketing by tens of thousands every minute.

As it spread rapidly, a topic appeared on Weibo, named: [Fighting Buddha is no longer seen in the West, Sun Wukong is reborn in the mortal world]!

This topic rushed to the hot search like a rocket.

In less than half an hour, it was already on the top of the list.

And the popularity is still rising.

"Isn't this the island owner?"

"Oh my goodness, the island owner was named the reincarnation of Sun Wukong!"

"A person who subdued hundreds of monkeys can indeed be called Sun Wukong."

"In my lifetime, I can actually see such a spectacular scene. If Journey to the West is filmed again, I suggest that the island owner should be in the role. Not only is his stick skills superb, but he can also save money on special effects."

"No! You are pitting the island owner! If Teacher Zhang knows about this, he will say that adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense!"

"Wait, do our domestic TV series spend money on special effects? Don't they all give money to young actors, and the remaining few cents are used for special effects!"

"Why is it only you We are looking at monkeys, isn't the island owner handsome? This will be my husband from now on, I hope you don't have any ideas about your brother-in-law!"

"Sure enough, people who have something to do with monkeys are pretty handsome, like Teacher Zhang Weijian!"

"Brothers and sisters, hurry to the live broadcast room, more exciting things are coming!"

"By the way, where is the island owner live broadcasting?"

"Until now, there are still people who don't know where the island owner is live broadcasting? Search the island keeper on Huya!"

"Thank you, sister, to repay you, I am willing to have a monkey with you."

"Sorry, I only have the island owner in my heart, I give you four words: Don't! Come! Get! Close!"


In the live broadcast room at this time, Jiangnan was considering whether to let go of the monkey king.

It's not that Jiangnan is a kind saint, but because he will continue to live in the Great Barrier Reef in the future, there is no need to fight to the death with this group of "indigenous people".

The most important thing is that the red-faced monkey is a protected animal.

In China, catching a sparrow will result in a fine of 300 yuan. If you hurt a protected animal, you will have to spend the rest of your life in prison with Fanfan and Fengfeng on the sewing machine.

"We are friends after fighting. I can let you go now, but you have to agree to three requests."

Jiangnan said to the Monkey King: "First, you are not allowed to retaliate against me in the future."

"Second, I will protect this red-faced monkey. You are not allowed to lead the monkey group to bully it in the future."

"Finally, I allow you to take the monkey to walk around the human settlement from time to time, but you are not allowed to lead the monkey group in the settlement.

Don't cause damage, and don't bully the animals there."

"As long as you agree to my three requests, I will let you go!"


The monkey king might be a little impatient with being grabbed by the neck, or he might be worried about losing prestige among the monkeys, so he nodded humanely.

It nodded almost as soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, very decisively.

On the contrary, the red-faced monkey on the side shook his head violently, stretched out his claws, grabbed Jiangnan's arm, and tried to stop Jiangnan from doing so.

"As the monkey king, you must keep your word!"

Jiangnan added worriedly.

The monkey king nodded again.

"Huh! "

Jiangnan took a deep breath and slowly loosened his hand.

Who would have thought...


The monkey king, who was still aggrieved in the previous second, suddenly ran away in the next second, and smashed his clenched fist towards Jiangnan who was close at hand.

Not only that, it also screamed.

The monkeys around heard the monkey king's cry, and they picked up the sticks and stones they had just thrown away and rushed towards Jiangnan.

One by one, with scarlet eyes and hideous faces, they looked like a flood that had been opened, and more like wild beasts that had been released from the gate, viciously pouncing on their prey.

Some even jumped down from the tree, trying to pounce on Jiangnan's face, blocking Jiangnan's sight, and thus restricting Jiangnan.

Some crashed from the ground, trying to knock Jiangnan to the ground.

Some did not dare to provoke Jiangnan, so they went to besiege the red-faced monkey.

For a while, the forest was full of monkeys' strange cries, and the sound became harsh again.

"Stinky monkey, you are so despicable! "

Jiangnan cursed and grabbed the monkey king's neck again.

Because although he let go, he did not completely let go. His right hand was still a few centimeters away from the monkey king's neck. The distance was too close and he could grab it in one go.

Fortunately, the sound-sealing card was still effective, otherwise his ears would definitely not be able to bear the noise coming from all directions in an instant.

Although the monkey king was caught again, hundreds of monkeys had already pounced on him.

As the distance got closer and closer, Jiangnan couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

This time, the monkeys suddenly rose up, and it was impossible to hold the emperor hostage and control the princes again.

Because some monkeys had already pounced in front of him, it was impossible to retreat.

The atmosphere had been set off here, and Jiangnan had only two options.

First, force his way out.

Second, pray that the monkeys would be gentle. If they were gentle, at most they would have a few lumps on their body. If they were heavy, a lump would appear on the grave in their hometown.

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