The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Take off your clothes!" Jiangnan blurted out, not caring about anything else, and rushed towards the little sea dog 404.

Seeing Jiangnan rushing towards him, the little sea dog 404 turned around and ran away.

For a while, the man and the dog chased each other in the living room.

The little sea dog 404 thought Jiangnan was playing with him, and kept dodging, sometimes getting under the sofa, sometimes jumping on the table, and sometimes picking up a towel and biting it, having a lot of fun, and his eyes were narrowed into slits.

Jiangnan took a long time to grab it and forcibly take off its clothes.

After taking off his clothes, the little sea dog 404 pretended to be innocent, as if to say: Who put the master's clothes on me?

"You are too energetic, how come you are like Erha."

Jiangnan sat on the sofa and complained softly.


If this continues, the little sea dog 404 will have to destroy the house. Tomorrow, he must be taught to swim to consume his physical strength and energy.

Erha likes to destroy the house because of his high energy. You know, in his hometown, he has to travel long distances to pull sleds every day.

After Jiangnan's episode, Jiangnan began to check other animals at home.

Kangaroo Gangzi is still practicing boxing in the yard, and his chest muscles and arm abdominal muscles seem to be bigger.

The little shark is still recovering in the pool. When he saw Jiangnan coming, he flapped his tail to welcome him.

Bird Jianqiang was incubating eggs diligently. Jiangnan wanted to show the audience how the three egg babies were doing, but Bird Jianqiang was sitting in the nest all the time, and there was no chance to check at all.

The canary couple built their nest very quickly and have already built a preliminary model. If everything goes well, they can move in smoothly tomorrow night.

Finally, Jiangnan put the golden koi fished today in the water tank.

This is a large pure black porcelain tank, 1.3 meters high and 1 meter wide. It has been thrown in the corner of the yard. There are usually some sundries there.

After Jiangnan cleaned it up, it became the home of the golden koi.

After the golden koi was put in the large porcelain tank, it was still unconvinced and opened its mouth to spit at Jiangnan.

It can be seen that this guy is also a hot-tempered person.

After Jiangnan took the audience to check all the animals one after another, he went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Do you remember what I said when we were fishing today? I'll cook dragon meat tonight."

Jiangnan washed his hands and explained while preparing the ingredients: "Many people must be curious about how there is dragon meat when there are no dragons in this world?"

"Actually, it's not true. As I said today, it's not certain whether there are real dragons in this world, but according to the records of the ancients, some things can perfectly replace dragon meat."

"Today I'm going to make a five-dragon soup, which is made of oolong, flying dragon, golden dragon, earth dragon and child dragon. . "

"Among them, Wulong refers to sea cucumber, Feilong refers to partridge, Jinlong refers to crucian carp, Tulong refers to loach or yellow eel, and Zilong refers to eel."

"It just so happens that when I was fishing today, I caught eels, crucian carp and loach, as well as sea cucumbers and partridges. The sea cucumbers were caught from the sea before, and the partridges were caught and given to me by the White Wolf King Jiaoyue and the wolves before I went out today. There were also many pheasants and hares. "

"All the ingredients are complete, and the five dragons are making soup!"

After that, Jiangnan has begun to process the ingredients.

Eels, crucian carp, sea cucumbers and loaches are easy to handle, but partridges are more troublesome, and they need to be plucked, bled, and dig out internal organs, etc.

The audience in the live broadcast room has begun to discuss and complain about Jiangnan's hard work in cooking.

"This is too much trouble. For a lazy guy like me, the Five Dragon Soup doesn't have to be eaten. It's fine to order takeout."

"By the way, does the earth dragon include earthworms?"

"No wonder the men's football team kicked so many own goals. It turns out that Oolong is another name for sea cucumbers."

"Zhao Yun: Which bastard wants to eat me?"

"To be honest, I was lucky enough to eat dragon meat once. It was spicy and sweet when I ate it, and it was spicy in the aftertaste. It was not salty or bland and very delicious. If I remember correctly, this dragon is called Weilong."

"Xiu'er! Are you Xiu'er?"

Jiangnan looked at the scrolling screen, smiled slightly, and added: "The real flying dragon is called Hazel Grouse, which is a national second-level protected animal. It is illegal to eat it, so partridge is used instead."

"In addition, the original Five Dragon Soup used five snakes, but snakes are prohibited from being eaten and broadcast, so

The current Five Dragon Soup has been modified. "

"As for what the Five Vipers are, there are different opinions. It is said that Vipers are venomous snakes in ancient legends. The Southern Dynasty book "Records of Strange Things" records that Vipers turn into Jiao after 500 years, Jiao turns into dragon after 1,000 years, dragon turns into Horned Dragon after 500 years, and Yinglong after 1,000 years. "

"Now there are many opinions about Vipers. Some say it is a lizard, some say it is a salamander, and some say it is actually a venomous snake. The Five Vipers are actually the Bungarus, Bungarus, Cobra, Water Snake and Elaphe. "

"Of course, it is impossible to know whether it is true or not. ”

As the ingredients were gradually processed, Jiangnan also began to make it.

First, take out the meat of the earth dragon. The earth dragon is a tonic because it often swims at the bottom of the river and looks like a dragon, which is why it is called an earth dragon.

The meat of fresh earth dragon is extremely delicious, comparable to abalone, so the most essential part of the earth dragon, that is, the earth dragon meat, should be sliced ​​off and cut into thin slices.

As for the golden dragon, its roe should be taken out.

Carp roe is a rare delicacy, but no one can guarantee that every crucian carp has roe. Jiangnan found three in a row before he found it.

Then take out the skin of the black dragon and put the fresh Remove the internal organs of the sea cucumber, rub and pull it repeatedly in warm water until the water is completely squeezed out, then you can cut the skin.

Then take out the blood of the dragon, put the eel in the pot and cook it, use a knife to cut open the eel's belly, and take out the most essential blood strips in the lower abdomen.

Finally, take out the bones of the flying dragon and use the bones of the partridge to make a pot of soup. You don't need too many seasonings, just a little salt.

Finally, put it and the skin and blood seeds of the four dragons into the bone soup, thicken it, and sprinkle with scallion and ginger to remove the fishy smell, so that the legendary five dragon soup is ready.

"Now, we just need to wait quietly for the soup to be cooked. ”

After Jiangnan made the Five Dragon Soup, he did not sit idle. He also cleaned the water celery he picked today and made a simple cold dish to be used with the Five Dragon Soup later.

In addition, there were too many pheasants and rabbits sent by the wolf pack today. Jiangnan could not finish them in one day. He was worried that they would rot if left for too long, so he plucked all the hair and dug out the internal organs. After cleaning them, he put them in the refrigerator one by one.

In this way, he can make them anytime he wants to eat them in the future.

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