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Jiang Nan didn't panic and said again: "I'll give you another piece of science knowledge. The anglerfish is a famous son-in-law in the animal world.

The larger anglerfish are all female.

Because males are too small, more than ten times or even hundreds of times smaller than females, most of them stay on the female anglerfish and obtain nutrients from the female.

Some female anglerfish will even host more than a dozen male anglerfish.

Very early on, some experts thought that there were no male anglerfish in the world. They even thought that anglerfish were male and female, just like loaches. Until after repeated observations, they finally discovered it under the belly of a female anglerfish.

The reason why this phenomenon occurs is because anglerfish are unequal from birth.

The body of a female anglerfish will develop rapidly after birth. In just a few days, she will change from a little girl to a sister, then from a sister to an aunt, and then from an aunt to an aunt.

The male anglerfish, on the other hand, lies flat and stops developing. The body of the male anglerfish is sixty times smaller than that of the female anglerfish, or even smaller.

The most important thing is that male anglerfish cannot grow fishing rods, which are so-called small lanterns. Therefore, they cannot attract zooplankton in the sea and cannot complete hunting. Naturally, they have nothing to eat.

But even though they don’t grow big, they still have to eat, otherwise they will starve to death, so we focused our attention on female anglerfish..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Nan suddenly stopped, frowning and looking at the sea in the distance.

He feels something is not right!

"Why did the island owner stop?"

"How can we stop at such a critical moment? Come on, come on!"

"Island Master, don't stop!"

"We want it, we want it!"

"Like my husband, it always stops at the critical moment every night!"

"Besides drooling all over me, what else can you do? Next time you give this sentence to your husband, it will definitely stimulate him to sprint with all his strength!"

"Wait! What all-out effort? What sprint?"

"I haven't gotten in the car yet, wait for me!"

The audience in the live broadcast room got excited and couldn't stop at all.

They obviously wanted to continue listening to the story, but when urged, their intentions completely changed.

Jiang Nan did not lose his appetite, and withdrew his gaze, and continued: "How should I put it, any son-in-law basically has his own specialties, including those who are looking for rich wives, and male anglerfish are no exception.

Although they are very small, they are really good at chasing girls.

Just like you often see some non-mainstream teenagers driving will-o'-the-wisps. They don't look like much and can't even get away with a hundred yuan in their pockets. However, there are many girls around them, and they even hug each other. of.

Although male anglerfish do not have small lanterns, their vision and sense of smell are very developed, and they can quickly detect the light emitted by the small lanterns of female anglerfish in the deep sea.

Even without a small lantern, you can still track the pheromones released by the female anglerfish. Once discovered, they will immediately rush forward and start a shameless hug.

Initially, the male anglerfish bites the female anglerfish's skin and then begins to develop steadily.

During the development process, the brain of the male anglerfish, which is a small lantern that can emit light, will gradually degenerate because it is not used at all, and the body will also begin to shrink rapidly, and finally only a developed reproductive system will remain.

With a developed reproductive system, even if the male anglerfish wants to leave, the female anglerfish will not agree.

To sum up, the son-in-law of the animal world is well deserved! "

"After listening to the story of the angler fish, I understood a truth. Men must have special skills."

"That's right! As long as you have special skills, no matter if you are a rich woman or a young lady, you will be inseparable!"

"Oh shit, I already want to be a son-in-law. Maybe it's because I've read too many articles about having a son-in-law lately!"

"The Crooked Dragon King, The God of War Descends from the Mountain, Shura Returns, Miracle Doctor Nanny, Nine Marriage Letters, I have read them all, including "The Son-in-law", the originator of the story about the son-in-law!"

“The God of War returned and found his five-year-old daughter living in a doghouse. In a rage, he gave an order and hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers rushed to attack.

One hundred thousand soldiers came rushing towards him, with a sound like a bell and a momentum like a rainbow: What's wrong with the God of War?

The God of War was furious: "I've only been out for a few days? You actually let her live in a doghouse... Can't you give her some dog food?"

"Hahaha, Lou

I am dying of laughter at your comment. Do you know how painful it is to hold back laughter at work? "

"Those who want to be a live-in son-in-law must be cautious. Reality is different from novels. In novels, you can pretend to be cool, but in reality, you will only be slapped in the face."

"That makes sense! I have a brother who wants to be a live-in son-in-law. Not only does he have to change his household registration, but the child's surname also follows the woman's. Although it is not so important whose surname the child takes in this era, his status will really plummet!"

"Anyway, I have special skills, so it's better not to be a son-in-law, but to find a rich woman!"

"This requires more caution. If you can't find one, the rich woman will slap you in the face and make you drink medicine!"

"Wuzhou: Who called me? ”

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions one after another.

These days, when it comes to the topic of the son-in-law, there seems to be countless topics.

On the one hand, it is because the novels on the theme of the son-in-law are too popular. There are always thousands of novels every month, and a large number of novels have been adapted into more magical short videos.

More importantly, because the current social pressure is too great, boys basically have to buy a house and a car in order to get married, and there are high betrothal gifts, so many boys are willing to find a wealthy female family to marry into.

Although there may be no status, at least there is no pressure.

Here, the audience is discussing it heatedly.

On the other side, Jiangnan walked slowly towards the sea.

At this time, there are still waves on the sea from time to time, but, It seemed to be more violent than before.

It seemed that something was about to rush out of the sea.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in sight.

Great white shark!

It came again!

Jiangnan subconsciously stepped back.

But it was too late!


La la! ! !

The great white shark suddenly opened its mouth and spit out all the seawater in its mouth.

Although Jiangnan reacted quickly, he could not outrun the huge waves and was knocked to the ground on the spot.

"Grandma Li..."

No matter how good Jiangnan's temper was, he couldn't help it at this moment.

Lying on the ground, rubbing his shoulders and cursing, but just as he cursed, he noticed a grouper in front of him.

It was the one that he and the anglerfish had just killed!

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