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“When you were a kid, you would definitely like a certain character in martial arts novels or TV shows. The reason why you like them is, in addition to their own unique charm, of course, because of the martial arts they learned.

Flying Fairy from the Sky, Lingbo Microstep, The various martial arts such as Qiankun Da Nian Zhuan Xing Yi, Toad Kung Fu, Bone Shrinking Kung Fu, etc. are dazzling and arouse yearning.

Some people wish to be in the book, learn the various peerless martial arts, and become the overlord of the martial arts world. Then take possession of all the beauties in the martial arts world.

Of course, all this is just the wild imagination of Jin Yong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng, Wen Ruian and Huang Yi, but returning to reality, among the many martial arts, the bone shrinking skill does exist. Although it is not as exaggerated as in martial arts novels, it is still possible to shrink by dislocation. The most famous one is Wang Baohe, who is over 70 years old. He huddled up, as if He looks like a child of seven or eight years old, but once he rolls over and gets on the ground, his entire skeleton stretches out immediately, and he instantly becomes tall and majestic.

In addition to Wang Baohe in China, there is also another person abroad who is good at shrinking bones, but he did not learn this skill since he was a child. He was born with the ability to do things like bending, opening, removing and setting bones.

This man is called Moses Lanham, and is known as the flip man or Mr. Rubber Band. He has superhuman flexibility and can effortlessly turn his hands and feet. The feet are turned behind the body, while the head is forward and the feet are backward.

When he was 14 years old, he was in physical education class and was practicing rope climbing with his classmates. Because he did not hold the rope firmly, Moses accidentally fell from a height of nearly 18 feet. He fell heavily to the ground, his feet flipped back and forth, and his classmates and teachers looked panicked. Moses once recalled: "Everyone thought I must have broken my leg. As a result, I stood up immediately and nothing happened. ”

When he was in high school, Moses often turned his feet behind his body and walked backwards.

After entering college, he came up with a new trick, not only rotating his feet behind his body, but also turning his clothes front and back at the same time. Wearing the reverse "cooperation" with the flipped feet.

In this way, Moses' entire body seemed to be turned backwards, with only his head facing forward, which looked extremely weird!

After medical experts examined Moses's After checking his feet, it was found that his leg joints were born with extra tissue and cartilage that ordinary people do not have, which made his hips, knees and ankles particularly flexible. ”

Jiangnan said too much in one breath and stopped to catch his breath He breathed a sigh of relief.

"The island master knows all this? It's worthy of being Baidu Encyclopedia!"

"Why do I need Baidu Encyclopedia wherever I go in the future? Just take the island master with me!"

"Sure enough! Foreign countries rely on mutations, while domestic countries rely on martial arts!"

"By the way, I can Want to learn bone shrinking from Mr. Wang?"

Jiangnan interrupted him and said, "Bone shrinking needs to be practiced from a young age, because children's bones are softer, and now that life is better, parents don't want their children to If the child suffers, the bone shrinking skill will be lost. "

"Secondly, even if you want to learn it from elementary school, the police uncle will not agree. This thing is too buggy. The police uncle will definitely ask you to report it. As long as something happens, The first one I look for is you."

"Back to the point, scientists have found that during the cold wave or high temperature shock period, because most marine iguanas cannot find food, some strong marine iguanas will Shrink your bones.

As long as you make your body smaller, the energy consumption will be reduced. Just a little less.

When there is enough food, they will start to grow again and regain their former glory.

Generally speaking, they can shorten their bodies by about six centimeters, and some can shorten their bodies by more.

So far, scientists have not figured out the reason why sea urchins can grow longer. Is the iguana's bone shrinking real or a rejuvenation? They don't know how they shrink their bones.

However, they believe that if they can figure it out, they can definitely invent drugs that can help treat osteoporosis in humans. , this will be a great medical breakthrough! ”

“It turns out that bones can really shrink? Incredible, the animals on earth are so amazing!”

“No wonder Godzilla in the movie is so powerful, it turns out that its prototype is very Awesome!"

"The eye opened, today the eye opened!"

"I just want to ask, which eye did it open? The top one or the bottom one?"

"I hope it's rejuvenation. If technology is advanced in the future, I can get it from the marine iguana. Genes extracted, humans say no

You can definitely rejuvenate and live decades or hundreds of years longer."

"Why live that long? To pay off the mortgage? That would be too tiring, it would be better to leave the world early!"

"Don't worry! Even if a drug that can rejuvenate can be developed, we ordinary people can't use it. They will only use it on themselves to make themselves live longer, and then exploit our descendants!"

"Fuck! The truth! Didn't they mock us for being small town lyricists some time ago! "

Jiangnan didn't expect that his words would cause such a big response in the live broadcast room.

Perhaps it's because people nowadays have been suppressed for too long.

As the anchor, it was not convenient for him to say more, so he simply changed the subject, said goodbye to the two marine iguanas, and continued to head towards the heart-shaped island.

Jiangnan walked for a while and stood on a hillside, and unexpectedly found a beautiful scenery.

Originally, he wanted to stand higher so that the audience in the live broadcast room could see the whole picture of the heart-shaped island more intuitively, but who would have thought...

There was also an unexpected gain!

In a valley surrounded by mountains, a pink lake appeared leisurely. It was the pink of petals, and it looked very fresh and romantic.

The most important thing is that this lake is also heart-shaped!

The sun shines on the pink heart-shaped lake, dotted with stars, like precious pink diamonds. Stone.

There are all kinds of flowers planted in the mountains and forests along the way and on both sides of the road. At this time, all these flowers are in full bloom, competing for beauty and magnificent.

Sometimes birds and butterflies fly by, adding a bit of fun.

There is also a pink heart-shaped lake in the heart-shaped island, which is simply romantic.

Jiangnan found that in order to set off this romantic atmosphere, wooden or earthen houses were built in the mountains.

These houses are very neat and orderly, and there is no disobedience at all.

The most important thing is that the workers also carefully planted flowers on the top and around the house, which perfectly blends with the surrounding environment. At first glance, it looks a bit like the house where the Hobbits live.

If you take wedding photos here, it is definitely a great blessing in the world.

Jiangnan raised the drone high and took a full view of the heart-shaped island and the pink heart-shaped lake from the sky.

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