Video footage:

The clock counting down to the destruction of the ninja world, turning.

In the starry sky, meteorite fragments floated towards the Ninja Realm again.

Under the moonlight, the corners of Hinata's mouth were dripping blood, her clothes were tattered, and she walked bumpily on a pile of rubble.

"Uh..." The severely injured body could no longer support it, and Hinata fell to the ground weakly.

A figure, from the other direction, walked not far from Hinata.

"Boom-" A meteorite fragment cut through the sky, and a flash of light illuminated the faces of the comers, revealing Sasuke's face.

Next to the Chakra cannon, dozens of ninjas were on guard.

"Lord Thunder Shadow, the Chakra Cannon is ready!" The ninja under him reported the situation to Lei Kage Ai.

Lei Ying crossed his hands at his waist, nodded, and issued an order: "Very good, everyone listen, start teleporting Chakra!" "

Yes!" "Yes!!"

Behind the Chakra cannon, a dense array of ninjas sat and answered at the same time.

"First destroy the meteorite with the diffusion chakra cannon."

"Destroy ~ fierce ~" The gunner, who received the command, began to maneuver.

In the moon castle.

"Boom—boom—" A masked puppet tapped the gong hard.

A large number of masked puppets, standing on both sides of the red carpet.

Hinata and Otokisha, dressed in black wedding dresses, walked side by side on the red carpet.

Artificial sun extra.

"Swish-" The puppets riding on the back of the strange bird constantly faced the oncoming white giant bird, stimulating the energy ball of light.

"Please take cover!" Shikamaru harnessed the white giant bird, dodging back and forth while saying to Naruto in the rear.

"Good!" On the other white giant bird, Naruto stretched out his right hand in response and began to gather Chakra.

The orange-yellow ball of light suddenly expanded, forming a large shuriken pattern.

"Spiral shuriken ——!"

Naruto threw the spiral shuriken sharply, spinning the flock of puppet monster birds that swept through the air. Dense explosions sounded, and dozens and hundreds of puppets, under Naruto's blow, all killed in seconds.

The white giant bird flew underneath a strange bird, and the shadow landed beside Shikamaru.

"Shadow Binding Technique!" Shikamaru's hands froze, and the shadows around him suddenly turned into three tentacles, binding the puppet monster bird above.

Shikamaru jumped up and landed behind the puppet on the back of the strange bird, and as the puppet's hands formed a handprint, an entrance and exit instantly appeared on the surface of the artificial sun.

"Keep up!" Shikamaru shouted, and Naruto Sakura Saoi's three white giant birds, closely following behind, crossed into the interior of the artificial sun.

"It's time to break into the center." Shikamaru said.

Naruto nodded, "Good! "

Near the castle, the puppets maneuvered the anti-aircraft battery, triggering a large barrage in an attempt to intercept the advancing Shikamaru Naruto and the others.

For a time, the mid-air was full of dazzling yellow energy light balls.

"Boom!" A ball of light hit the white giant bird that Sakura was riding, instantly turning the giant bird into a cloud of ink.


Seeing this, Naruto immediately jumped and chased after Sakura's falling body: "Sakura! The

two held hands in the air, and Naruto pulled Sakura and landed on the back of the white giant bird that flew down.

"Thank you, Naruto!" Sakura sat on the back of the giant bird and thanked Naruto.

Naruto smiled and said, "It's not worth thanking for this hour, after all, I owe Sakura too much favor." "

Swish—" "Swish—"

Everyone rode the white giant bird through the puppets' empty barrage and successfully reached the castle.

"Snap!" "Snap!" Shikamaru and Sasui had just landed and rushed into the castle, when the two giant birds were blasted by the ball of energy light that flew over.

"What a trouble..." Shikamaru complained to Sasui, pulling out a pair of gloves from behind him and putting them on his hands.

Seeing Shikamaru obscuring the clock in his palm, Sasui asked, "Why hide it?" "

It's too much of an eyesore and will affect judgment." With both hands on gloves, Shikamaru rushed towards the inside of the castle.

Sasui also followed Shikamaru, and the two rushed to the inside of the castle together.

On the surrounding walls, yellow energy light balls still flew towards the two, but they were all dodged.

Shikamaru and Sasui had just crossed the clearing, and Naruto and Sakura had also arrived here.

"Boom!!" The white giant bird that landed on the ground was burst.

Naruto led Sakura through the fire crossnet in the clearing. After passing the clearing, everyone's pressure suddenly lightened, and the number of energy light balls flying around them plummeted.

"Naruto, can you feel the Chakra of Hanabi?" Shikamaru asked Naruto as he ran.

Next to Shikamaru, Naruto entered immortal mode and was looking around. Finally, Naruto's gaze locked onto the tall tower somewhere in the castle. "Fireworks are in that tower!"

Following Naruto's gaze, Shikamaru instructed his teammates behind him: "Sakura, Sai, Hanabi please!"

"Understood!" "Understood!!" Sasui and Sakura answered at the same time.

In the castle's church, the otsuki and Hinata stand on a round platform covered with mysterious patterns.

As a puppet dressed as a priest in front of him raised his hand, a burst of green light began to appear on the ground of the round platform, and finally formed a light array under the feet of the two.

In the passage of the castle, groups of more than a dozen puppets rushed towards Naruto together, blocking the entire passageway.

"Boom!" Naruto met with a punch, directly knocking the puppet who rushed to the front to the ground.

Before the first puppet fell to the ground, Naruto fired another set of combos at the enemies who rushed towards him.

A punch hit one of the puppet's jaws, knocking him down on the spot, and then Naruto struck another elbow that severely wounded the other puppet's chest.

"Boom!!" Naruto kept swinging his fists, and within a second, he knocked over four or five puppets in a row, and abruptly killed a bloody path in the puppets' blockade.

Shikamaru followed closely behind, disposing of the two puppets next to him, and the two quickly rushed towards the castle.

In the castle church, the light from the round platform at his feet illuminated Hinata's face miserably.

Hinata, who was controlled by the Otsuki people using the spirit ball, could only stand in place without moving.

The puppet with a high hat stuffed a round cake into the mouth of the large wooden houseman. Then, the otsuki man turned around and walked in front of Hinata, as if he wanted to feed Hinata what was in his mouth to carry out the consciousness of the wedding.

The man of the big wooden house slowly came to Hinata with a round cake in his hand, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Just as he was about to approach, Naruto's shout suddenly sounded, interrupting the movement of the big wooden house.

"Hinata!" Naruto rushed in from outside the door.

The big tube wooden house person moved, his expression froze, and he closed his eyes helplessly.

"You bastard-" Naruto roared, raised his right fist, and rushed towards the round platform.

The figure of the puppet leader descended from the sky, holding a lightsaber, blocking Naruto's face.

"Wha-" A sword cut through the air, and Naruto quickly flew back and dodged the puppet leader's attack.

The puppet leader jumped up, jumped off Naruto not far away, swung the lightsaber in his hand, and tried to kill Naruto, but was constantly dodged by the agile Naruto, and the puppet leader was kicked by the counterattack.

Naruto took advantage of the momentum to pursue, punching the puppet leader hard in the cheek, and burst into a crisp sound.

"Just because you can't beat me." The otsuki man said with a look of disdain, opened a secret door, and walked in with Hinata.

"Boom!" Naruto ignored the provocation of the Otoki House and knocked the puppet leader down with one punch.

At this time, Shikamaru also chased in and asked Naruto, "Naruto, where is Hinata?"

"In there!" Naruto said to Shikamaru, surrounded by several masked puppets.

"Oh-uh-" Surrounded by the puppets, Naruto kicked one puppet away, and then turned around with the help of his strength and kicked another blow and kick, kicking the other puppet out as well.

Shikamaru rushed over, replacing Naruto, facing the siege of the puppets: "It's over to me here." "

Please!" Naruto nodded at Shikamaru and turned to chase inside.

Footsteps echoed through the room, and Naruto rushed to the secret door, guarding the puppet in a high hat in front of the door, and extended his hand to Naruto in an attempt to block it.

"Get out of the way!" Naruto's figure rushed past the gatekeeper's side, erupting with a muffled sound.

After Naruto rushed inside the door, the gatekeeper puppet who froze in place did he collapse violently to the ground.

Outside the gate, dozens of puppets chased in, but all of them were blocked by Shikamaru.

"Hey, it's not allowed here." Shikamaru smiled and sealed his hands, "Okay, let's start the puppet show!" In

the revolving corridor of the castle tower, Sasui rode a summoned white beast and led Sakura up the stairs quickly.

"Fireworks are up here!"

Passing through the corridor and turning the corner, nine puppets in the shape of little girls suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking the way.

"What is it?" Sakura looked warily at the row of little girls in front of her.

"Click-" The little girl's puppet's face suddenly made a mechanical noise, and its mouth was greatly split, revealing two rows of sharp teeth.

"Over here?" Naruto on the run crossed the passage behind the door, came below, discerned the direction, and ran to the left.

Rushing into the dark red passage, the floating blood moon appeared beside him, and Naruto ran unwaveringly. "Hinata—"

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