There is no doubt that Li Haotian was still the first to make a choice and choose: item A!

After answering the questions, Li Haotian stood lazily aside, watching the fierce arguments in the barrage, and the answers of the other four people.

"Hmm! I vaguely remember this!"

"This live broadcast room... shows the truth, but it is ~ exactly the same!"

Zhao Min, the county lord of Shaomin, touched his smooth chin, his eyes rolled around, and he was a little surprised.

"It's just that when Zhang Cuishan knows the truth, what should he be... How?!"

"Item A... It seems that it is not impossible to apologize for one's own crimes! Coupled with Xie Xun, it is possible... It's very high!"

When Zhao Min saw item A, she couldn't help but feel a little difficult in her heart, but she still looked behind her.

"Option B, kill Yin Susu?!This is impossible! Zhang Cuishan prides himself on being chivalrous, how could he possibly kill his wife?!"

"Option C, find a way to cure Yu Daiyan... This option is not impossible, after all, Yu Daiyan is not dead, and Yu Daiyan will be crippled... It's not Yin Susu!"

"Having said that, it is more or less related to Yin Susu, so Zhang Cuishan is guilty... It's not impossible!"

"Wait a minute, let's see option D, divorce your wife?! If Zhang Cuishan was really so decisive, he wouldn't have been framed as the murderer of the Dragon Vein Dart Bureau. "

Zhao Min glanced at option D and quickly ruled it out, "Then there is only option A and option C left!"

"What should I choose?!! Wait!"

"This happened on the occasion of Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday... In other words, Yin Susu has been hiding this matter for more than ten years!

If this is the case, Zhang Cuishan will feel even more guilty in his heart, plus Xie Xun's incident... A is very likely!"

Zhao Min's eyes lit up, and he slapped his palms, feeling that he had found the right answer.

She frowned again, thought about it carefully, and then chose item A!

After choosing, Zhao Min saw Li Haotian who was standing on the side very leisurely, and when he saw Li Haotian's choice, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but show a faint smile.

"It's... A item?!"

"Dad... Is Dad going to apologize for his sins?! How is this possible?!!

Zhang Wuji didn't want to see his father's option to kill himself, so his eyes turned and looked at option B.

"Option B... My dad....... Killed my mother?!This... It can't be!

"Option B is not right!

When Zhang Wuji saw option B, he panicked even more, and involuntarily looked at option C.

"Option C... Huh?! It's possible!"

Zhang Wuji's eyes lit up, and when he saw option C for the first time, he wanted to choose, but he steadied his hand and looked at option D.

"Option D! Divorce my mother?!"

"No way! It can't be option D!"

"Yes, option C, option C, yes!"

After reading the four options, Zhang Wuji did not hesitate at all, and directly chose option C.

After all, there is only option C, which is more in line with the idea that his father and mother are together.

But when he finished making his choice and saw Li Haotian's choice, he was immediately stunned.

"Option B?!How could it be... What about option B?!"

"How could it be..." (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhang Wuji muttered to himself, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

Not because he was about to answer the question incorrectly, but because his father, Zhang Cuishan, actually apologized for his sins? !


"A, commit suicide and apologize?!, after all, Yu Daiyan is not dead..."

"Option B, kill Yin Susu... It's not like that, not to mention that Zhang Cuishan is also a decent family, it is impossible to kill his wife. "

"Option C, this... Although Yu Daiyan did not die, he became crippled for more than ten years..."

"Option D?! Leave Yin Susu, and since then it's a stranger?! It's in line with those decent styles!"

Zhao Guangyi has been hesitant, after all, the three options A, B, and C are either too serious, or they feel a little too light... It wasn't until he saw option D that Zhao Guang's eyes lit up.

After pondering for a moment, as if he was deliberating, and as if he was thinking, Zhao Guangyi slowly chose option D!

That's right!

This time, for this second question, I will definitely choose option D!

In Zhao Guangyi's heart, it must be incomparable.

At the same time, just when Zhao Guangyi made his choice, Xiaolongnu also quickly made a choice and chose item A!

"Whew... Li Haotian chose to... A!"

Seeing Li Haotian's choice, Zhao Guangyi's mind was empty in an instant, and the whole person was directly stunned.

How...... How can it be an A?!

What is Zhang Cuishan thinking?!

Yu Daiyan is not dead, why are you apologizing for your crimes?!

Instead of apologizing for your crimes, why don't you find a way to treat Yu Daiyan's injuries?!

Zhao Guangyi was completely dumbfounded, if Yu Daiyan died, then he would probably choose A, but now Yu Daiyan is not dead...

And, more importantly, from the video just now, it can also be seen that Yin Susu can't be blamed at all!

Zhao Guangyi couldn't figure out what Zhang Cuishan thought, he had an impulse to knock on Zhang Cuishan's brain, how could he think of apologizing for his crimes? !

No fool would do that!

It was at this time.

In the Ice and Fire Island, at this moment, Zhang Cuishan looked at Yin Susu with a shocked expression, and asked: "It's you....... Hurt my third senior brother?Chuan!".

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