The night fell quietly.

Countless stars filled the sky.

Not only Lin Yuan and others in the New World.

Even the water friends in the city saw the starry sky for the first time in a long time.

: Go out and look at the sky, there are so many stars!

: Really! The last time I saw so many stars was in the countryside when I was a child. After coming to the city, there is not even a star in the sky for so many years.

: Do you feel that the air is particularly fresh today? I thought it was my illusion.

It seems that the changes of this blue star are not just as simple as getting bigger, at least the air has been purified.

Lin Yuan and his group built a bonfire on the grass.

It was dark all around. Apart from the stars in the sky, the bonfire was the only source of light.

Several people lay quietly beside the bonfire, enjoying the peace.

Suddenly, a meteor streaked across the sky, leaving a long tail.

Then, countless meteors flew across the sky.

"Lin Yuan's meteor seems to be wrong."

Thor's voice had just fallen.

A meteor was getting bigger and bigger in Lin Yuan's sight, flying towards the position of several people.

Thor half-crouched and accumulated strength, ready to stop the meteor from falling, but was stopped by Lin Yuan.

Seeing the meteor getting closer and closer.

Lin Yuan found that this was not a meteor.

It was clearly a person!

To be precise, it was an angel.

The light pink wings indicated her identity.

A head of uneven pink long hair, two long braids with red ribbons swirling behind her, and a collar around her neck.

A pair of eyes were tightly closed, as if she was asleep.

She wore silver-white clothes as the main color, and a dress similar to a modified version of a chest binder on her upper body, which barely covered her big breasts.

She was neither revealing nor revealing, very sexy.


It was a good idea to explore the new world today, and Icarus actually appeared.

Lin Yuan jumped into the air.

He flew straight towards Icarus.

The treasure hunting radar in his mind also sent prompts in real time.

[Above, 591 meters from the host, the treasure of the heavens is found]

[Item name: Strategic Universal Angel - Ikaros]

[Item source: World of Heavenly Drops]

[Ability description: Ikaros, the Queen of the Sky, has a powerful arsenal and the ability to destroy a country with one blow]

[How to use: Be engraved by the collar on Ikaros' neck and become her master]

"Is it a treasure, not a creature?"

Lin Yuan was stunned by the positioning of Ikaros by the treasure-hunting radar.

Then, thinking of Ikaros' identity as an artificial angel, he no longer had any doubts.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hands to catch Ikaros.

The huge impact force like a falling meteor did not make Lin Yuan's body retreat a bit.

Back to the ground.

Thor and others immediately surrounded him, staring curiously at Ikaros in Lin Yuan's arms.

"Lin Yuan, what's going on?" Kanna asked with a slight tilt of her head.

Before Lin Yuan could speak, Ikaros's tightly closed eyes slowly opened.

Her emerald green pupils looked at Lin Yuan with a slightly lifeless look.

"Engrave, start."

As Ikaros's calm voice sounded.

The chain of the collar on her neck began to stretch and wrapped around Lin Yuan's right hand.

"Nice to meet you. I am an all-purpose angel for entertainment."

"I will satisfy all your wishes, my master."

Thor immediately took Lin Yuan's hand with a jealous look on his face and wanted to take off the chain on it.

But no matter how hard she tried, the chain did not move at all, as if it had grown on Lin Yuan's hand.

The water friends in the live broadcast room saw a beautiful angel falling from the sky and called Lin Yuan master as soon as they opened their mouths.

Their jealous faces were distorted, and they launched a crazy barrage to ask about Ikaros' identity.

: Angel!!! Since there are angels, does God also exist?

: God Lin, tell the truth, did you do something to let Thor down outside! They've come to our door.

: Entertainment angel? What is that?

: You're so playful, Lord Lin, you even tied him up with chains.

Lin Yuan's attention was all on Ikaros at this moment, and he didn't notice the outrageous comments in the live broadcast room.

"Ikaros, hide the chains."

Upon hearing Lin Yuan's order, Ikaros immediately hid the chains.

Then he sat on the grass like a robot that didn't receive any instructions.

His cuteness is even stronger than Kanna's.

Ikaros's strength

Very strong, not the universal robot for entertainment as she said, but a real war weapon.

The flight speed exceeds 24 Mach.

The ultimate weapon Apollo and the Uranus system, which looks like a multifunctional mobile artillery, have amazing destructive power.

But Lin Yuan is more curious about her universal card.

I wonder if the wishing card that is almost universal in the world of the sky-dropped objects will still work on Blue Star.

"Ikaros, do you have a universal card with you?"

Ikaros did not speak, but stretched out his hands, and a card with flowing colorful light appeared.

Lin Yuan took the universal card from Ikaros's hand and looked at it from left to right.

"Give me a pistol."

There was silence all around, and Lin Yuan held the universal card with an embarrassed look on his face, and nothing happened.

Lin Yuan made several wishes in succession.

From the ability of another world to a piece of paper, none of them could be realized.

"It seems useless."

Such a convenient prop cannot be used, Lin Yuan shook his head with a look of regret.

Looking back, he found that everyone was staring at him.

Lin Yuan laughed and introduced Ikaros to everyone.

"An artificial angel from the world of God's Fall."

"A strategic angel armed with a lot of black technology, with the powerful power to destroy a country with one blow."

Ikaros still sat on the ground expressionlessly.

It seemed that the person Lin Yuan was talking about had nothing to do with her.

: Artificial angel? Is Ikaros a robot? Give me one too!

: A technological angel, destroying a country with one blow, who says technology can't do it! What Chaofan can do, technology can do as well.

: Countries are also divided into large and small, like the Korean country, which is only the size of a province in China.

: I don't know what effect that card has? It must have extraordinary special abilities, otherwise Lin Yuan would not have asked Ikaros for it specifically.

"Lin Yuan, aren't we going back yet?" Thor took the initiative to bring up going home.

"Let's go back now."

Lin Yuan didn't look at Thor, his eyes were always fixed on the darkness in the distance.

Upon hearing this, everyone put out the bonfire to prevent a fire.

The surroundings fell into darkness.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed from a distance, like a poisonous snake, and rushed straight towards Xiaobai.

It seemed that the black shadow knew that Xiaobai was the weakest person among the people present.

But his speed was like a turtle crawling for Lin Yuan.

The cold air on his body condensed, and an ice prison was formed in an instant. The people in the black shadow had no time to react and were trapped in it.

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