The door was opened, and the door was opened.

Zhao Liangguo took Orochimaru to the door of the storage room.

In the curious eyes of Orochimaru, a series of door opening verifications were completed.


The sound of the bolt retracting echoed in the empty room.

The huge iron door slowly opened.

Entering the storage room, the internal space is much simpler than Orochimaru imagined.

You can see it all at a glance.

Golden lion head coin, hollow cylinder with a front sight, samurai sword with petal-shaped blade...

Strange treasures, no wonder the Abnormal Bureau can't find a way to use them.

"Huh?! This is..."

Orochimaru walked to a stage in a few steps.

On it was a kunai.

It looked like a trident, with strange spells on the handle.

Seeing this, Zhao Liangguo asked.

"Do you recognize this treasure? Could it be from the Naruto world?"

"Flying Thunder God Technique."

Orochimaru said word by word.

Of course he would not forget that this was the Flying Thunder God Kunai of Minato Namikaze.

How could he not recognize it?

At the beginning, Orochimaru and Minato Namikaze competed for the position of the Fourth Hokage.

In order to obtain the method of eternal life, Orochimaru collected countless forbidden techniques and secret techniques.

He naturally tried to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique recorded in the Sealed Book of Konoha Village.

It's a pity that Orochimaru does not have the talent to practice time and space ninjutsu.

It should be said that in the entire Naruto world, there are not many people who have the talent to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Senju Tobirama, Minato Namikaze, and Uzumaki Boruto.

Now, the Flying Thunder God Kunai appears in the form of a treasure on Blue Star.

With Orochimaru's understanding of treasures, as long as you can use treasures, you can master related abilities without talent.

After listening to Orochimaru's introduction, Zhao Liangguo was tangled.

He felt that he had asked Orochimaru to pick treasures in the storage room at random too early.

Flying Thunder God Technique, isn't this the ability of rapid support that the Abnormality Bureau currently lacks?

Even if it can't be as energy-free as the Anywhere Door, it can still transport people on a large scale.

But if an abnormal event occurs, it is enough to bring several key figures to the place where the abnormality occurs for support.

Zhao Liangguo now wants to slap himself twice, but it's not good to go back on his word.

Fortunately, Orochimaru didn't intend to choose the Flying Thunder God Technique.

What he wants is the ability of other worlds.

Even if the ability chosen is not as good as the Flying Thunder God Technique, for Orochimaru, its significance is not just the strength of the ability itself.

More importantly, he wants to understand the ability system of other worlds.

Seeing Orochimaru walking away from the Flying Thunder God Kunai booth, Zhao Liangguo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked forward steadily, walked to one side, and clicked on the screen a few times with calm movements. The transparent glass instantly became pitch black, and the items inside were difficult to see.

Orochimaru didn't pay attention to Zhao Liangguo's actions, and his eyes kept looking back and forth between several treasures.

Finally, he stopped in front of a devil fruit.

A pink pineapple with multiple snake-shaped stems and leaves.

Orochimaru had a vague premonition that the ability of this devil fruit would be very suitable for him.

The devil fruits in the storage room at present are those that have not found a suitable user for the time being, and those whose abilities Hawkeye can't remember clearly.

Zhao Liangguo helped him take the devil fruit from the booth.

Orochimaru bit it without thinking.

A disgusting taste instantly filled his mouth.

His face, which was already very pale, became even paler.

As he swallowed the fruit pulp, Orochimaru suddenly felt a special power appear in his body.

Different from any ninjutsu, it strengthened Orochimaru's body.

"Snake Snake Fruit - Mythical Beast Species - Yamata no Orochi!"

"My intuition is right, this is the most suitable devil fruit for me."

Orochimaru was excited for the first time in a long time.

If he was not still in the storage room, he would have to test the power of this Mythical Beast Species - Yamata no Orochi.

He quickly left the storage room and returned to the training ground of the Abnormal Bureau.

Looking at Orochimaru's leaving figure, Zhao Liangguo shook his head helplessly.

Obviously, he didn't expect that there would be animal-type Mythical Beast Species in this batch of devil fruits.

Although it was a pity, it was not to the extent of regret.

What's more, he also got the information about the Flying Thunder God Technique from Orochimaru, which was also a kind of exchange.

Next, he just needed to keep the Flying Thunder God properly.

Kunai, find an opportunity to ask Lin Yuan for the method of obtaining inheritance.

In this way, the Abnormal Bureau can also have the ability to teleport over long distances.

After locking the door of the storage room again, Zhao Liangguo returned to the training ground as soon as possible.

See how powerful this mythical beast devil fruit can be in the hands of Orochimaru.

As soon as he entered the training ground, he found that the people who were still practicing in the field had already stood in the rest area.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise in the training ground, and dust rose instantly, making it difficult to see the situation inside.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared from the dust, and its figure became larger and larger.

Gradually, even the scattered dust could not cover this huge figure.

Eight heads and eight tails.

Eight huge snake heads poked out from the smoke, and the scales on their backs were as hard and pierced as steel, attacking and defending at the same time.

Orochimaru in the form of a transformed beast is more like the forbidden technique he mastered, the Eight-Headed Technique.

The whole body is pure white, with several sharp snake teeth in the mouth.

Unlike the beast form of the black charcoal snake, which is green all over and has a mouth full of human-like teeth, it is really ugly.

The Eight-Headed Technique was learned by Orochimaru when he was reading the forbidden technique book.

In a room full of forbidden techniques, Orochimaru only chose the Eight-Headed Technique and the Impure World Reincarnation.

You should know that the Impure World Reincarnation contains Orochimaru's hope for eternal life.

And the Eight-Headed Technique was chosen together with it.

You can imagine how valuable this forbidden technique is!

The Eight-Headed Technique is similar to the ability of the mythical beast species-Yamata no Orochi.

It gives the ability to resurrect the ability, and the ability will die only if all 8 heads are cut off.

Even if there is only one head left, Orochimaru can be resurrected from it.

Under the fusion of these two abilities, Orochimaru's ability to save his life can be said to have reached a level that ordinary people can hardly imagine, and he can be called an immortal cockroach.

Orochimaru, who transformed into Yamata no Orochi, opened his huge mouth and a huge stream of water gushed out.

On the specially made ground of the training ground, a huge pit of more than ten meters was left.

Releasing water flow is an ability that Kurozumi Orochi has never used in the pirate world.

In the hands of Kurozumi Orochi, the devil fruit of Yamata no Orochi can only attack the enemy from all angles with different speeds and ranges, and the main attack method is biting.

There is no style of the mythical beast species at all.

The development of the fruit ability is almost zero.

Except for a few more heads, what is the difference between the other attack methods and the ordinary snake fruit?

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