The old man was very happy.

Lin Yuan poured a bucket of cold water on the heads of the fans who were enjoying the show.

"I may disappoint you. Even if this treasure is not from a new world, it is far less powerful than the dragon-slaying magic."

"This hat comes from Rob Lucci, the captain of a secret intelligence agency CP9 in the pirate world."

"It is a treasure of inheritance, which contains six kinds of physical skills called six styles."

: Another treasure from the pirate world. I guess the pirate world has the most treasures now.

: Since it is a physical skill, we should be able to practice it.

: Hey, what the above person said makes sense!

: Yes, yes, it is definitely a weaker ability for Lin Shen, but for us, this is a real extraordinary power!

: I think I can do it again, Lin Shen, please teach me!

The fans in the live broadcast room were not disappointed, but even more excited.

Lin Yuan did not keep the secret and continued to introduce.

"This six-style is the physical skill of the navy representing justice in the pirate world."

"Its status is roughly equivalent to the military boxing in our country's army."

"The six styles are: shaving, moon step, iron block, paper painting, storm kick, and finger gun."

While introducing, he put the hat on his head.

Three minutes later.

"First is the shaving of the six styles."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, the whole person suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Like teleportation, he appeared on the beach dozens of meters away.

The next second, he suddenly disappeared again.

The whole person's figure flickered on the beach.



Disappeared again.


Because it was moving in soft and loose sand, a large pit appeared in the place where Lin Yuan moved.

: Damn, this shave is teleportation!

: This is the superpower I dream of!

: Similarly, with teleportation, I can sleep an extra hour every morning.

: The person above is really useless. With teleportation, he just wants to be on time for work.

Lin Yuan's voice suddenly came.

"This is not teleportation."

"It's just that I move too fast, it looks like teleportation."

After all, the eyes of the fans are not high-speed cameras, and Lin Yuan's speed looks like teleportation.

: What? Just moving fast?

: How fast does it have to be to achieve the visual effect of teleportation.

: Good guy, how fast does it have to be? What Bolt, what world sprinter, are all younger brothers in Lin Shen's place!

Some fans who react quickly have already flipped through the live broadcast video just now and started to watch it frame by frame in slow motion using video software.

: I just watched the video frame by frame, it really moves at high speed.

: Yes, I have also slowed down the video. Although it is not slowed down frame by frame, you can still see the movement trajectory of the forest god.

Lin Yuan continued: "The principle of shaving is to step on the ground at high speed dozens of times in a flash, that is, within 0.36 seconds, to produce explosive reaction force to achieve high-speed movement."

"So when you see me moving, there will be a small hole left on the beach."

: Great, 0.36 seconds, stepping on the ground dozens of times continuously, isn't this nonsense!

: In fact, it is still a lot slower than the speed of the thunder fruit of the forest god.

: You are talking nonsense, that is the speed of lightning.

: Not necessarily, shaving is a physical skill, that is, the stronger the physical fitness, the faster the speed. Maybe when the physical fitness is strong enough, it can surpass the speed of lightning.

: This is a military boxing-based physical skill? How strong must the physical fitness of the navy in the world of pirates be!

: I finally fell in love once, but you made me lose so completely.

The Six Styles are originally physical skills that exceed the limits of the human body, and the requirements for physical fitness are of course quite terrifying.

"This is the Moon Step in the Six Styles."

Lin Yuan suddenly rose on the spot, as if he was stepping on transparent steps, and flew up step by step.

After only three or four steps, he had already arrived in the air about ten meters.

Then he moved horizontally, and could fly twenty or thirty meters away in one step.

Lin Yuan stabilized his body in the air, and stepped lightly on the air every once in a while to stabilize himself in the air.

It seemed so casual.

It was as casual as walking in the air.

"The Moon Step is to step on the air with strong foot power, generating strong air retention force, so that you can walk in the air like stepping on stairs, but there is no

The method is to stay in the air for too long, so you need to keep stepping into the air. ”

The fans were not as calm as Lin Yuan.

: I don’t know what to say anymore. How much leg strength is needed to form such a suspension force.

: But you see, the anchor seems to fly up with just a light touch in the air. Maybe he has some skills.

: The anchor just touched lightly because he is the God of Forest. Even if he has any skills, he needs strong physical fitness to achieve it.

: That’s right. After all, a light touch from the God of Forest probably has terrifying power.

Lin Yuan stopped the moon step and landed directly on the ground from ten meters in the air.

Before landing, Lin Yuan suddenly became like a piece of paper and slowly fell.

After landing, Lin Yuan changed his body into various weird states.

In the eyes of the fans, Lin Yuan seemed to have become a piece of paper.

Floating, folding, and dodging with the wind.

“This is the paper painting in the six styles. It unloads the whole body’s strength. Through the changes in airflow generated by the opponent’s actions, the body can become as thin as paper and can be easily controlled. ”

:How did Lin Shen do it? It was as if the whole person turned into a piece of paper.

:Yes, it was as if there were no bones.

:What can this move do?

:This is simply a magical skill of dodging! Just like what Lin Shen said, feel the changes in airflow, control the body easily and freely, and dodge the attacks directed at oneself at the last minute.

“This netizen named ‘Spicy Horse Power Shake’ is right. Paper painting is a defensive skill for flexible response to various combat scenes.”

The next iron block, since there is no attack to defend against.

Lin Yuan did not plan to demonstrate it, but simply introduced the ability and principle of the iron block.

“The iron block can also be said to be a weakened version of the armed color domineering.”

“The iron block in the six styles is also a defensive skill, which pumps strength into the well-trained body and makes the body as hard as iron. Even bullets and swords cannot break through, so I will not demonstrate it. "

:A weakened version of Armament Haki! That's also very strong!

:The iron block is probably mainly for defense, and it doesn't have the same attack bonus as Armament Haki.

:Is the principle a bit like tightening muscles to improve the ability to withstand blows?

:Yes, that's right, I was just thinking, the principle of this iron block seems familiar.

:It seems that all six styles require strong physical fitness to learn.

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