The young man was born in a strange land, and the young man was born in a strange land.

"Everyone's spiritual power is different, and the awakened stand ability is also different."

"For example, the stand-Star Platinum, a humanoid stand, is extremely good at fighting and can generate powerful power with a single move. It also has the ability to stop time."

"There are also weaker ones who only have the ability to explore the terrain and see through the distant people-the purple hermit, which looks like a purple vine."

Lin Yuan briefly introduced the abilities of several stand.

Intended to tell everyone the diversity of stand.

: The combination of powerful power and the ability to stop time is simply an invincible existence!

: What purple hermit, it's a bit too much, is there a weaker stand ability than it?

: It feels worse than the Gate of Heaven Bug. Maybe it is not very strong in combat ability, but its auxiliary ability is definitely first-class.

: Hurry up, God Lin, let everyone see the ability of the Gate of Heaven.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan smiled sinisterly.

"Director Zhao, the fans in the live broadcast room all want to see the ability of the Gate of Heaven. How about you cooperate with me?"

"What do you want to do!"

Zhao Liangguo couldn't help but step back a few steps.

"Don't worry, it's just a small modification of your actions. I won't write too weird instructions."

"Wait, wait, let someone else cooperate with you."

Zhao Liangguo waved his hands repeatedly, and then he turned his head and shouted loudly to the outside of the house: "Xiao Liu! Come in!"

Hearing the call of the leader, Xiao Liu walked quickly into the storage room.

"Director Zhao, you called me?"

Before Zhao Liangguo could say anything, he saw the substitute - the Gate of Heaven flipping quickly.

Xiao Liu suddenly felt his body pause, and he froze in place, unable to move.

He shouted in horror. "What happened!"

The next second, Xiao Liu's body was flipped open like a book.

Shoulders, arms, calves... The skin was flipped open as if it was torn, but the strange thing was that underneath the flipped skin was not flesh and blood, but pages of a book, which were densely written with words.

The most bizarre thing was Xiao Liu's face, which was split in half from the middle, and endless pages were flipping rapidly.

The thickness of the head was halved, but the eyes, nose, and teeth were still retained on the face, making Xiao Liu look like a dried corpse.

Looking at this weird picture, Zhao Liangguo patted his chest with relief.

"Huh~ Fortunately, Xiao Liu came in, otherwise..."

"Let me see... Wow! When I was a kid, I peeked at the sister next door taking a bath." Lin Yuan joked, "I really can't tell that Director Zhao, your secretary is something."

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense, how can you insult someone's innocence for no reason!"

"Director Zhao, you know me, I can't do such a thing."

Xiao Liu argued loudly in panic.

Zhao Liangguo didn't blame Xiao Liu for this.

After all, who hasn't done a few ridiculous things when they were young?

However, Lin Yuan was still live streaming at this time, and the Abnormal Bureau was embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Liangguo couldn't help but have a few black lines on his face, and stood there silently.

Lin Yuan smiled without saying a word.

: The person was turned over! The densely packed text on it records all his experiences from birth to now?

: It feels that the ability to read alone is stronger than I thought.

: I didn't expect Xiao Liu to look handsome and serious, but I didn't expect him to have peeped at his neighbor's sister taking a bath.

: You see, Director Zhao's face is all black... Xiao Liu is in trouble.

For a while, all the attention of the netizens shifted to Xiao Liu.

Then, Lin Yuan took out a pen from the Shenwei space and wrote on Xiao Liu's face: Walk along the wall to the ceiling.

The moment he raised the pen, Xiao Liu's body walked uncontrollably towards the wall of the storage room.

When he got close to the wall, his soles stepped directly on the wall.

Xiao Liu closed his eyes tightly and was ready to fall.

But the pain he imagined did not appear. He opened one eye and found that he was walking on the wall step by step.

This completely violated the common sense of physics, and Newton's coffin lid could not hold it down.

Until Xiao Liu walked to the ceiling and hung upside down like Spider-Man.

He had just finished what Lin Yuan wrote, and suddenly fell from the ceiling.


The incident happened suddenly, and Xiao Liu couldn't help but scream.

The next second, he was caught by Lin Yuan alone.

The hand was lifted up, less than one meter from the ground.

A drop of cold sweat slid down Xiao Liu's cheek.

After standing up straight, he thanked Lin Yuan repeatedly, and then stared at Zhao Liangguo with a face full of resentment.

Zhao Liangguo felt a little guilty when being stared at by Xiao Liu, and hurriedly waved his arm to signal him to go out.

: Damn! He really walked up.

: Xiao Liu should not be a transcendent, which means that he can do one thing, all of which are the abilities of the Gate of Heaven.

: If "I can cast fireballs" is written on me, then I can also become a transcendent!

The stand of the rule system is so unreasonable.

Just like the Platinum Star Beyond Heaven, which has the ability to rewrite reality, and the Golden Experience Requiem that can never reach the real world.

It can't be said who is stronger or weaker, it's just a difference in priority.

After demonstrating the ability of the Gate of Heaven, Lin Yuan dispersed the stand.

Before leaving, he told Zhao Liangguo all the treasures in the storage room.

Finally, Lin Yuan stopped in front of the universal capsule booth.

With a wave of his hand, the metal box placed in the booth appeared in Lin Yuan's hand.

The sealed metal box, the fans didn't know what was inside.

Lin Yuan gently opened it, and the inside of the metal box was neatly arranged with colorful cylindrical containers that looked like glass bottles containing oral liquid.

Lin Yuan: "Universal capsule, black technology from the Dragon Ball world, each capsule contains an item, such as motorcycles, cars, airplanes and houses..."

As he said, Lin Yuan compared the item description inside the metal box, took out a universal capsule, gently pressed the button on the top, and then threw it in front of him.


A lot of white smoke poured out.

A few seconds later, a car appeared in the middle of the empty storage room?

The reason why it felt strange was that there were no wheels under the car, but it was floating in the air.

: Damn! Maglev car? Or anti-gravity car?

: Look at this silver-white car body, the arc-shaped design shows a sense of the future, it is simply my dream car.

: Is the technology in the Dragon Ball world so advanced? It's incredible.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were amazed.

Zhao Liangguo's face was almost pressed against the car, and his calloused hands kept stroking the car body.

"Do you want to test drive it?"

"No, no, such advanced technology, I'm afraid it will be damaged."

Zhao Liangguo shook his head, his eyes always staying on the driving seat in the car.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and pressed a button on the car again.

The floating car turned back into a capsule and returned to his hand.

Lin Yuan handed the metal box containing the universal capsule to Zhao Liangguo.

In this way, the treasures in the Abnormal Bureau were introduced.

After Lin Yuan left, Zhao Liangguo quickly appeared in the scientific research department with the universal capsule.

If we can analyze just one or two of these high-tech things, it would be enough for China's technological upgrading.

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