The fruit was eaten by a glutton.

PDD fixed the selfie stick on the lawn.

He appeared in front of the camera holding the devil fruit.

"Then I'll eat it."

Seeing Lin Yuan nodded.

PDD took a bite without hesitation.


A little pulp spurted out of PDD's mouth.

PDD felt like a sock he had worn for a month was suddenly stuffed into his mouth.

It was sour, bitter and smelly.

Resisting the nausea, PDD swallowed the devil fruit in his mouth.

"Ugh! Ugh! Brothers, this devil fruit is too evil..."

Before PDD finished speaking, his whole body suddenly became bigger.

The clothes on his body were directly burst and torn.

The body reached four or five meters in height, and the length exceeded six meters.

Far exceeded the size of the mammoth in archaeological records.

Covered with long brown hair all over the body.

The five or six-meter-long nose drooped naturally, slightly bent close to the ground.

A pair of two or three-meter-long milky white tusks appeared on both sides of the trunk.

: WTF! WTF! WTF! Teacher Piao turned into a mammoth!

: Such a big body, definitely much bigger than the size recorded in the mammoth data I found before.

: Sexy anchor, online clothes bursting.

: Hahaha, look at Teacher Piao's face, I laughed to death.

: Such a big face, a pair of small eyes are still on the trunk.

: But I'm so envious, I can feel how powerful Teacher Piao is now at a glance.

: When can you appear by my side with the devil fruit? I don't ask for any natural system or fantasy beast species, just give me the most ordinary animal system!

PDD has completely turned into a mammoth.

The huge and heavy body pressed the ground down.

The trunk on his head was slightly raised, and then fell naturally to the ground.

A pit immediately appeared on the soft grass.

PDD lowered his head slightly and looked at his body.

"Fuck, is this really me?"

"I feel full of strength."

PDD felt that he could collapse the ground with just a little force.

"Teacher Piao, you can try your current strength."

Lin Yuan was also a little curious about how much strength an ordinary person who just ate ancient animal species could increase.

"No problem, I'm also curious about how strong I am now."

The water friends in the live broadcast room also quieted down at this time.

There was nothing fancy, PDD just raised his forelimbs and stepped down heavily.

Boom! ! !

A huge crash sounded in the live broadcast room.

PDD's half body, transformed into a mammoth, sank into the soil.

Zoom out the screen, and you can see the whole picture.

With PDD as the center, a large pit with a diameter of 20 meters and a depth of 2 to 3 meters appeared on the originally flat grass.

The visual impact is very strong.

Although relying on the weight of the mammoth itself, PDD's current strength is not to be underestimated.

: Wow! Is this the power of the ancient species?

: Too scary, Teacher Piao is just an ordinary person, and he can exert such power at once

: There is no need for any fancy abilities. With Teacher Piao's current size and weight, no one can stop a simple collision.

: I am guilty, I actually thought that the animal-type devil fruit was not strong enough, now it seems that I am really short-sighted.

: But Teacher Piao's devil fruit is not a simple animal-type, but a relatively rare ancient species.

"This, is this what I can do!"

PDD himself felt a little incredible.

He felt that he had not used up all his strength.

And this is just the power he gained after eating the devil fruit.

This means that PDD can continue to become stronger.

Is this the value of the ancient devil fruit?

Although there are no cool abilities such as lightning and fire.

But such power can be described as simple and crude.

"Teacher Piao, you can experiment with the human-beast form."

"The animal-type human-beast form has both the flexibility of the human form and the power of the beast form. It is the most suitable form for combat."

Lin Yuan's voice suddenly came out, interrupting PDD's fantasy.

PDD touched his head with his trunk.

"Uh... How does Lin Shen change this human-beast form?"

Lin Yuan said: "Just imagine it. The devil fruit itself is a kind of idealistic ability."

"Eat the devil fruit, how can you change this human-beast form?"

Lin Yuan said: "Just imagine it. The devil fruit itself is a kind of idealistic ability."

"Eat the devil fruit, how can you change this human-beast form?"

After you have the fruit, you should have these abilities. You can use them as long as you want. "

Imagine? So abstract!

PDD can only imagine seriously.

The viewers in the live broadcast room also kept quiet, as if they were afraid of disturbing PDD.

Suddenly, PDD's figure shrank and refined little by little.

A strong man over two meters tall appeared in front of the camera in the live broadcast room.

The mammoth's limbs also turned back into human hands and feet.

The trunk and tusks on the face are still there.

PDD's original fat body was refined into muscles at this time.

A real abdominal muscle.

Fortunately, the key parts of the body There is long hair covering the part.

Otherwise, it is because he just transformed into a beast.

PDD is now running naked in front of the camera.

: Brothers, this is the first time I feel the concept of a piece of abdominal muscle so clearly.

: Indeed, although there is only one piece on the stomach, I have no doubt that it is a muscle.

: It doesn't look as domineering as the beast form.

: That's not the case. Human hands and feet are more delicate and can do more things, so this form should be more suitable for fighting.

"The strength seems to have weakened a little, but it is indeed more flexible."

PDD jumped out of the pit.

He ran around on the grass.

Even though he is huge, his speed is far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Soon, PDD returned to the camera in the live broadcast room.

"Thank you, Master Lin."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "It's nothing. You are lucky to get the devil fruit. "

Then he ended the live broadcast with PDD.


Inside the Abnormal Bureau.

Watching and recording Lin Yuan's live broadcast has become a daily must-do task for the Abnormal Bureau.

Zhao Liangguo sighed: "This should be the strongest extraordinary person besides Lin Yuan at present."

Although the Rust Rust Fruit, Barrier Fruit, and Thread Fruit are not weaker than the Mammoth Fruit.

But the basic attributes are too different.

As a result, the existing devil fruit ability users in the Abnormal Bureau, except for Li Gu who is also an animal system, the other few can't play too strong.

Zhao Liangguo immediately ordered.

"Let someone contact this PDD. His joining will greatly enhance the current strength of the Abnormal Bureau."

"Also, the water breathing must be popularized in the Abnormal Bureau as soon as possible."

A staff member immediately reported.

"We have obtained the practice method of the breathing method. One copy was sent to the elder, one copy was sent to the scientific researchers, and another copy was given to Chen Xinyi and others to practice. "

Hearing Chen Xinyi's name, Zhao Liangguo asked with some concern.

"How are Chen Xinyi and the others doing?"

"With the red-haired pork that Lin Yuan gave us before, plus the devil fruit."

"Their strength has improved very quickly, and their physical fitness has gradually approached the limit of ordinary people."

Zhao Liangguo smiled with relief.

"I don't know if the number of devil fruits has increased, or if the Abnormal Bureau didn't notice the devil fruits before."

"In the past two days, the Abnormal Bureau has collected a lot of devil fruits and items that are suspected to be treasures."

"Let Chen Xinyi take them to Lin Yuan for identification when the time comes."

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