The old man was still alive, but he was still alive.

Lin Yuan strolled along the street, occasionally supplementing his fans with some information about the other world.

The fans knew that it was impossible to find treasures so easily, even if Lin Yuan had special means to discover the existence of treasures.

However, you need treasures to find them. Given the number of treasures that appear now, it is normal not to encounter treasures.

Therefore, there is no hurry. To be precise, there is no use in being anxious.

Lin Yuan walked to a square, and the treasure-hunting radar in his mind suddenly sounded.

[Right front, 392 meters away from the host, the treasure of the heavens is found]

"Followers, the treasure is found."

The next second.

A light curtain appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

[Item name: Pikachu Doll]

[Item source: Pokémon World]

[Ability description: This electric-attributed mouse Pokémon can store electricity in the power bag on its cheek and release enough electricity to attract lightning. It has a terrifying power hidden in its body, and once it is released, it can compete with the legendary beasts]

[How to use: Throw the doll into the air and shout "Go, Pikachu" at the same time]

When the treasure was found, the originally dull live broadcast room was immediately filled with barrages.

: Found a treasure again? ! I really don't know what to say, why can the anchor find the treasure so easily.

: That's right, I'm looking for treasures every day now, I don't know how many things I've bought, but I still have nothing to show for it.

: You should know that we are different from Lin Shen. We rely on fate and luck to find treasures, but Lin Shen is the one who really "finds" treasures.

: Anyway, I'm already lying down, so I just need to see what kind of treasures the anchor finds every day.

Lin Yuan walked quickly towards the treasure.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a Pokémon, and it was Pikachu.

There are thousands of Pokémon, but Pikachu is one of Lin Yuan's favorite Pokémon.

Maybe it's because it accompanied Xiaozhi on his journey, or it may be because Pikachu itself is playful and cute, which made Lin Yuan deeply impressed by it.

According to the description on the light screen, this Pikachu is very likely the Pikachu in the original book who can abuse the mythical beast and defeat the newbies.

A claw machine.

The Pikachu doll is mixed in a pile of ordinary plush toys.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Lin Yuan scratched his head. Pikachu is in the claw machine, and he can't buy it directly.

For a claw machine, don't even think about catching the doll without debugging the equipment.

Exchanged coins from the staff.

Try to grab it once.

Move, aim, grab.

The claws in the claw machine landed precisely on the Pikachu doll, but the moment it was lifted, the claws seemed to loosen and the doll fell down.

"Shh, the position is right and I can't catch it, then don't blame me for cheating."

Lin Yuan smacked his lips impatiently and put the coin into the machine again.

Aim at the Pikachu doll and lower the claws.

Just like last time, the claws loosened slightly at the moment of lifting, but this time the doll did not fall.

It was Lin Yuan who secretly used the gravity of the reincarnation eye to make the doll float and move with the claws.

It looks like it was caught.

Lin Yuan took out the Pikachu doll that was caught from under the machine.

"This is the treasure I found this time, Pokémon-Pikachu."

As he said, he gently threw the Pikachu doll up.

"Go! Pikachu!"

As this classic line was spoken, the toy thrown in the air emitted a yellow light.

Pikachu came to life, turned in the air, and landed on all fours steadily.

"Pika, Pika."

Pikachu, who had just been unsealed, was a little confused.

Pikachu stood up with his legs straight, his right hand next to his cheek, and looked around in confusion.

Suddenly, he turned around and found Lin Yuan behind him, and excitedly rushed towards Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hands and picked up the Pikachu that flew over.

It was small, soft, with very short fur on its body, and it felt very silky.

"What would happen if Pikachu ate the Human-Human Fruit?"

A strange idea appeared in Lin Yuan's mind.

Lin Yuan quickly shook his head and threw this idea out of his mind.

Pikachu is still the cutest in the Pokémon world.

: Ah! What a cute creature. Is this a biological weapon similar to Kero?

:It looks cute, but it has no fighting power at all. Is it a pet like a cat or a dog?

:Pokémon? Why is it called Pokémon and Pikachu?

It seems that it should be another creature from a new world. I am sure that this world must be a cute and warm world.

Cute creatures always attract a lot of people's attention.

As soon as Pikachu appeared, people in the square looked over.

A cute little girl came over with courage and gently pulled Lin Yuan's trouser leg.

"Big brother, the little animal on you is so cute! Can I hug it?"

Lin Yuan bent down and was about to say something when a young woman came over and hugged the little girl.

"Xuanxuan, don't disturb big brother."

"Sorry, she ran over when I didn't pay attention..."

Looked up and said to Lin Yuan a little embarrassedly.

"Nothing, here, its name is Pikachu, can you help big brother take care of it for a while?"

Lin Yuan gently touched Xuanxuan's head and put the Pikachu in his arms in front of her.

Xuanxuan nodded vigorously and hugged Pikachu into her arms.

Xuanxuan's mother also took the opportunity to touch Pikachu.

Who wouldn't like Pikachu!

Lin Yuan looked at Pikachu who was playing with the little girl helplessly and smiled slightly.

"Pokémon is a mysterious and incredible creature. There are more than a thousand known Pokémon. Pokémon are not just cute, they all have different superpowers."

"There are 18 attributes of Pokémon, namely: General, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark, Fairy. Each Pokémon has one or two attributes."

"As a friend and partner of humans, Pokémon can complete a variety of activities with humans, such as building houses, moving furniture, cooking, rock climbing, exploring, and even flying into the sky."

"There are also legendary Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon in Pokémon. Their abilities far exceed those of ordinary Pokémon. They are like gods. Legend has it that the Pokémon world was created by a Pokémon named Arceus."

"There are also Groudon who created land, Kyogre who created the ocean, and so on."

: It turns out that Pokémon is not a pet! It sounds like a beast, but it has so many attributes, just like in a game. I guess there is a restraint relationship between the attributes.

: The Pokémon world was created by a Pokémon! Then it must be a creator god! ! !

: It created the world, land, and ocean. It must be a real god!

: Pikachu doesn't look like that anyway. It seems that there is a huge gap between ordinary Pokémon and legendary Pokémon.

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