The two of them were still trying hard.

Giyu Tomioka was still trying hard.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan loosened his fingers, and Giyu Tomioka fell backwards under the inertia of his own strength.

With his well-trained body and extremely fast reaction speed, Giyu Tomioka supported the ground with his left hand, turned behind him, and landed steadily on the snow.

"That's it, the person I'm looking for has come."

Giyu Tomioka turned his head and looked at Tanjiro.

Fiery red hair, a burn scar on his forehead, and no trace of swordsmanship or other martial arts on his body.

"Are you the gentleman who saved my family last night?"

Tanjiro ran to Lin Yuan and asked anxiously.

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded.

"Great! Mom has been waiting for you since early morning. Thank you so much for yesterday."

"I will lead the way for you now. Please follow me. But..."

Tanjiro invited Lin Yuan with a warm face, but suddenly turned to look at Tomioka Giyu.

"Tomioka Giyu wants to know about Muzan Kibutsuji, so follow me."

"Let's go, Tanjiro."

Tanjiro nodded and walked in front to lead the way for Lin Yuan. Although he had a lot of questions in his mind that he wanted to ask Lin Yuan, he held back for the time being.

Looking at the two people walking away, Tomioka Giyu put the Nichirin Sword back into the scabbard.

Staring at the direction where the two left, he thought for a moment and followed them.

First of all, regardless of whether the information about Muzan Kibutsuji was true or false, it was extremely important to the Demon Slayer Corps.

The second is Lin Yuan's strength. With his ability, it would be easy for him to kill Tomioka Giyuu. There is no need to set up a trap.

Kamado Aoi stood in front of the door and looked into the distance. She didn't know whether she was looking for Tanjiro or waiting for Lin Yuan.

Not long after, she saw Tanjiro walking towards this side with Lin Yuan.

She hurriedly stepped forward and led Lin Yuan into the house.

When the children saw Lin Yuan coming, they also returned to the house.

They saw Lin Yuan's strength last night, and now they are pestering Lin Yuan to teach them.

They said they also wanted to become stronger and protect their family.

Nezuko gently tapped the heads of her brothers and sisters.

"Don't worry Lord Lin Yuan! Be careful that Lord Lin Yuan hates you!"

"It's okay, you are still too young to learn my abilities. When you grow up, I can teach you some martial arts."

"Also, Nezuko, don't call me adult or anything like that. I will be very uncomfortable."

Lin Yuan touched the children's heads.

The children instantly became cheering and ran around the room.

Tomioka Giyuu, who followed Lin Yuan to the wooden house, did not knock on the door, and no one invited him in. He just stood outside the door and looked at the snow scene.

I don't know if he thought of the rabbit and the real rabbit again.

After Nezuko took the children to another room, Tanjiro could no longer hold back his inner doubts.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, was the monster that appeared last night a ghost? Why did it appear in my house? And what is the Demon Slayer Corps..."

Tanjiro asked all his questions at once.

Lin Yuan pressed his hand, signaling Tanjiro not to be so excited, and said to Kamado Aoi.

"Madam, can you please let the person outside come in?"

Kamado Aoi nodded, got up and walked towards the door.

Seeing Tomioka Giyu standing outside the house without making any noise was also startled.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Yuan, please come in."

"Sorry to bother you."

Tomioka Giyu nodded slightly, turned around and walked into the house.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to introduce Tomioka Giyu to Tanjiro.

"He is a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, the modern water pillar."

Tanjiro looked surprised and looked at Tomioka Giyu with wide eyes.

On the other hand, Tomioka Giyu's expression was still as cold as ever, and he was not surprised at all because Lin Yuan said that he was the water pillar.

Lin Yuan introduced Tanjiro to the creatures of demons and the existence of Muzan Kibutsuji.

Among them, the secret of the birth of Muzan Kibutsuji was something that even Tomioka Giyu had never heard of.

"Why would such a being appear here?"

"Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe it's because of something else, but if Muzan had seen you, he would definitely want to kill you."

Tanjiro stood up suddenly from the cushion, his pupils trembling constantly.

"Why? I've never seen it before, and I didn't even know it existed before today.

Why does it want to kill me? "

Aoi Kamado and Nezuko looked at Tanjiro with worry.

Even Tomioka Giyuu showed a bit of curiosity on his cold expression. He didn't know why such an ordinary mountain boy would be targeted by the Demon King.

You should know that the Demon Slayer Corps has not received any information about Muzan Kibutsuji for hundreds of years. They can't even determine Muzan Kibutsuji's location.

Although they just met, the process was not very pleasant.

But Tomioka Giyuu knew that Lin Yuan was not a person who talked nonsense. Since he said so, there must be information that we don't know.

"Because, this. "

Lin Yuan pointed at the sun wheel earring on Tanjiro's ear.

Tanjiro quickly took off the earring and placed it in his palm.

This earring was passed down to him by his father, Tanjuro Kamado, and was passed down from generation to generation in the Kamado family, along with the God of Fire Kagura.

"Speaking of this earring, we have to mention a person, a man who almost killed Muzan Kibutsuji, Yoriichi Tsugakuni..."

Lin Yuan informed the people present from Yoriichi Tsugakuni's birth, to his acquaintance with Tanjiro's ancestor Tanki Kamado, and then to his death.

Tanjiro held the earring tightly in his hand.

"So that's how it is, Yoriichi Tsugakuni, God of Fire Kagura, Sun Breathing... Is this the mission of our family?"

"Tanjiro, do you want to join the Demon Slayer Corps? If you continue to stay here, you and your family will die. ”

Giyu Tomioka still speaks so straightforwardly, no wonder he is so likable.

Tanjiro’s existence is of great significance to the Demon Slayer Corps, and can even help them lead out the hiding place of Muzan Kibutsuji.

Unfortunately, Giyu Tomioka did not know that Muzan Kibutsuji had been frightened by Lin Yuan last night and would not show up again in the short term.

Tanjiro’s family went outside to discuss, leaving only Lin Yuan and Giyu Tomioka in the house, and the whole house became quiet instantly.

Fortunately, Tanjiro and his family quickly finished the discussion and decided to leave here and go to the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Their family has lived in the mountains for generations, presumably to avoid Muzan Kibutsuji.

Now that their location has been discovered, whether it is a coincidence or they really know the existence of Tanjiro, they should not stay here any longer.

Having decided to leave, the family quickly packed up their luggage.

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