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Chapter 193: cellular network

Valeera's emotions gradually calmed down, and only then did she realize what she had done in front of Wellas, and retreated to the side with a flushed face without saying a word.

Welles looked at Valeera, who had transformed into a chocobo in seconds, with great interest, and even took the time to give Sharlayan a "good job" look.

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: 'These elders... are all old and uneducated. '

After all, Welles was not a jovial person like Julian, so he joked about his nephew's emotional problems, and he quickly regained his composure.

"Are you really okay? The veins on your forehead burst out before, and your face is very hideous."

Sare let out a sigh of relief with lingering fear: "Fortunately, thanks to the help of noble people, I can't be so careless in the future."

All members of the Twilight's Hammer have been specially "cared for" by C'Thun, and every Twilight's Hammer is equivalent to a beacon for it to observe the outside world.

When the beacon was touched, it would naturally attract C'Thun's attention, and Sarlayan, who was infected with C'Thun's breath, was followed along the mark to find him.

Fortunately, separated by the seal of a quicksand wall, Ke'thun's strength was greatly weakened.

If he was facing the complete ancient god, even with Bwonsamdi's help, Sharlayan would not escape bad luck.

Welles patted Salayan's shoulder with self-reproach: "I didn't think about it. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise I don't know how to explain to Julian and Inas."

Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I will learn a lot from a fall, and I will never be fooled by the ancient gods next time."

Wellles had very few opportunities to deal with the ancient gods, and his understanding of the ancient gods came from Julian, a brother of the clan.

Since he had never personally contacted the ancient gods, Welles underestimated C'Thun's power, which led to this sudden crisis.

The sandstorm outside was still howling, showing no signs of subsiding, but intensifying.

Although Welles could barely move in the face of the sandstorm, there was no need to take the risk of taking so much time now.

He was still a little worried about Sharlayan's state, so he just accepted the invitation of the two juniors to stay in the cave with them and wait for the storm to go away.

When the sandstorm disappeared, a crescent moon hung in the clear sky.

Since they had already taken a nap in the cave, the energetic three rushed back to Cenarion Fortress overnight.

Sure enough, Welles was well prepared when he went out to act.

He deliberately changed his vocal habits and bent his body slightly, making it difficult for even acquaintances to recognize him at a glance.

Welles didn't plan to contact the night elves' official personnel, he took Valeera to the hotel first, and Sarlayan went to the administrative hall of the fortress to report the situation alone.

Night is the time when the night elves are active. Hamuul and the tauren have not reversed the jet lag, and they have already gone back to their room and fell asleep.

After announcing his name and seeing Koda, Salayan didn't bother to catch up with the female arch druid, and told her the information he had found with a serious expression.

Koda Steelpaw is a guardian druid who specializes in transformation, and her temper is not as violent as another archdruid Shaun Moonpaw.

After listening to Sharlayan's report, Koda frowned.

The steady Koda was not in a hurry to pass the news to the rear. She repeatedly asked Sharlayan for details, and finally confirmed it after getting the translated texts of the Twilight's Hammer from him.

"It's our fault."

Koda said with some annoyance: "I didn't expect that group of strange alien races to be connected with C'Thun. I thought they were just pure lunatics."

Orcs and ogres are not native species of Azeroth. Koda has never seen this kind of creature before. He originally wanted to catch a few lunatics to study, so he never attacked them.

The existence of Hive Zora is basically certain, but the information about Hive Regal only exists verbally.

Koda, who has always maintained the appearance of a giant bear, walked back and forth in the hall with some hesitation.

"The Cenarion Fortress has only existed as a surveillance outpost for a thousand years, and there are not many druids arranged to stand guard here."

"The reinforcements from the rear haven't arrived yet. I have to report the situation to General Shandris first, and hope she can arrange for her to come as soon as possible."

"Before that, we can only choose one of the camps as the target, as for the other side that has not been confirmed..."

Sarlayan understood Koda's meaning, and readily took the responsibility.

"Leave it to me, we will investigate the nest."

Ke Da solemnly nodded to Sharlayan: "Please, but please be careful, don't let Inas feel sad for you."

"I will."

The Cenarion Council is temporarily unable to spare manpower to fight on two fronts, which is also in the arms of Welles.

The ability to obtain information through observation has reached its limit, and Welles hopes to actually fight against the insects and test their abilities for himself.

Hive Zora was handed over to the Cenarion Circle, and Hive Regal was a good test for Backlighting Blade.

Welles has secretly issued a call to inform the Backlight Blade elites scattered throughout Silithus to gather near the Twilight's Hammer camp in the east, and first eliminate these insane lunatics.


After beheading the last low-level flying bugman with wings, Sharlayan flapped his partially changed flesh wings and hovered in the air overlooking the battle situation below.

The thieves of Backlight Blade have a very uniform fighting style. They will never fight the enemy head-on, and they will sneak deep all the way.

After killing the Twilight's Hammer in the ground camp, the experienced thieves quickly found the secret entrance to the underground insect nest, and a group of 13 sneaked in.

Since the Leigo nest is still in the construction stage, there are not many bugs inside, and the underground structure is not very complicated.

After basically destroying the entire insect nest, Welles ordered the thieves to burn the semi-finished insect nest and destroy all the eggs inside.

"These are just low-level insects, and many of them are workers responsible for engineering operations."

Welles said with some concern: "From the fighting methods of these worms, we can roughly see that the Qiraji probably have a set of spiritual networks connected to each other."

"They can share information through this network, record the enemy's fighting style and habits, and even if they die, they can pass the information to other members of the same race, so that they can make targeted battle plans next time they encounter the same enemy."

This is the most frightening ability of the buggers who use the hive network to connect to each other.

Low-level worms have almost no self-awareness, they are just the lowest-level nodes in the hive network.

But through these nodes, the information they collect can be uploaded to the main network, so that everyone in the family can learn and learn lessons.

Backlight Blade wanted to find out the details of the buggers, but he didn't know that the Qiraji side was also thinking about the same idea.

While fighting different worms, the cautious Villes found a problem.

They seem to be getting more and more familiar with their fighting style and habits.

Although it is impossible to achieve any effect through these small means due to the huge gap in strength between each other, but as the saying goes, you can know the whole leopard at a glance.

If those high-ranking worms with legendary strength can obtain the same information, they will be able to seize the opportunity in a more targeted manner during the battle. This is obviously not good news for Welles.

"It seems that I will not be able to participate in the decisive battle against Ahn'Qiraj."

After stabbing the dagger into the body of the last reptilian bugman, Welles sighed softly: "Your Majesty and the prince must tell this news, the night they know the characteristics of the bugger?"

Sare nodded calmly: "I should know it. We can all find out the problem. The night elves who fought fiercely with the insects thousands of years ago will definitely not miss it."

Welles nodded: "Fortunately, the Qiraji Empire was once beaten by trolls in ancient times. If their civilization has not been broken, with the hive network connecting the whole society, it is unknown how far it has developed. gone."

Sharlayan thinks to the trolls and night elves who gave the Qiraji Empire a head-on blow when it was about to rise twice, otherwise it would be hard to say who will dominate Azeroth.

"Intelligence collection is almost done, we..."


Violent vibrations came from deeper underground in the nest, and the elite team that sneaked into the nest of Rego hurriedly lowered their center of gravity to stabilize their bodies.

"This is?"

Welles looked at his feet in surprise, as if something was approaching the surface rapidly underground.


Under the order of Welles, the thieves who were resting and recovering their strength jumped back in groups of two or two.


A huge long worm crawled out from the ground, and burrowed into the wall of the nest at the other end in front of everyone.

"...Earth borer? This size is too big!"

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