Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 403: Kel'Thuzad: The Burning Legion? Please ask another wise man!

"Live: Azeroth (

Antonidas is already 76 years old this year. As his apprentice, Kel'Thuzad is also over 50 years old, and some graying can be seen in his beard and hair.

Thanks to the use of arcane life extension, Antonidas would not have any problem living another forty or fifty years.

But recently he has obviously felt that his energy is low, and this is not a problem that can be solved by arcane arts alone.

Alchemy potions can relieve fatigue, but as the saying goes, medicine is three-point poisonous, and relying on potions to replenish energy for a long time will inevitably cause a heavier burden on the body.

Antonidas is not a person who is greedy for power. He intends to pass on the position of speaker to this talented young mage after he has been trained and matured, and he will retire behind the scenes to enjoy his old age.

It's not that Antonidas doesn't want to promote his direct descendants.

Among his apprentices, Kel'Thuzad is the most promising, but Kel'Thuzad has no interest in power.

As the current chairman of the Kirin Tor, Antonidas must consider the future of Dalaran. Forcibly pushing Kel'Thuzad up will only hinder the development of Dalaran.

Besides, Kel'Thuzad himself may not be willing.

As Kel'Thuzad grew older, so did his sense of urgency.

He didn't know how long he could live, and whether he would die in an accident during the research experiment.

Just in case, Kel'Thuzad wanted to complete the transformation of the Lich as soon as possible and obtain an immortal body.

Undead creatures do not have the fatal weaknesses of living people. As long as the phylactery that stores the soul is not destroyed, the lich can be resurrected even if its body is destroyed.

Among the three branches of the death system, Necromancy happened to be the one that Sharlayan specialized in. He knew how to transform living people into liches.

To illustrate in a simplified way, there are three steps in transforming a lich.

1: Making the Lich Phylactery

Two: Detach the soul from the body

Three: put the soul into the phylactery

Easier said than done, these three major steps still need to refine many processes.

First of all, the secret method of death required to make a phylactery is not something ordinary people can master.

As Kel'Thuzad expected, Quel'Thalas still retains relevant information about transforming liches.

It was with the assistance of the high elves that the already dead Meili Dongfeng was able to be resurrected in the body of a lich.

Unlike Dalaran, Quel'Thalas advertises academic freedom on the surface, but secretly there are a large number of mages studying forbidden spells.

But even in Quel'Thalas, the literature related to necromancy is not accessible to everyone.

It was through Kael'thas' special permission that Sharlayan borrowed the precious records left over from the troll war, including the detailed steps of transforming a lich.

In all fairness, Kel'Thuzad's idea of ​​obtaining immortality is not out of the ordinary for an academic worker, and he is definitely not the only one who has this idea.

There are too many undiscovered secrets in this world, and Kel'Thuzad wants to gain enough time to unravel them one by one.

In this regard, the high elves have a unique advantage, and this happens to be the biggest shortcoming of human beings as ephemeral species.

No matter which world you are in, throughout the ages, countless human beings have longed for eternal life, but very few of them finally succeeded.

Kel'Thuzad groped alone for several years in desperation, and to this day is still unable to enter.

According to the information provided by the barrage, one day in the future, Kel'Thuzad will receive a letter from the Lich King while being disappointed.

He grasped the last straw, but under the instigation of the Lich King, he got deeper and deeper, and gradually deviated from his original intention of longing for eternal life.

Ner'zhul, the first Lich King, has not yet come to Azeroth, and the Icecrown Glacier is still dead.

With Kil'jaeden coveting Azeroth and Velen, Ner'zhul's arrival is only a matter of time.

Ner'zhul's position is very interesting. He was forcibly manipulated by Kil'jaeden, surrounded by several dreadlords, and had to obey the orders of the Burning Legion.

But in fact, he has his own plans in his heart. The Scourge Legion created by Ner'zhul will not fully obey the orders of the Burning Legion, and will even quietly drag its legs behind its back.

Anyway, the future will be reversed, and Sharlayan plans to insert an internal agent at the founding stage of the Scourge Legion, so as to secretly induce the Scourge Legion to develop in the direction he wants.

As for this internal candidate, Salayan took a fancy to Kel'Thuzad.

In the original history, Kel'Thuzad turned to the Lich King in order to spy on the truth and obtain immortality.

But when he knew of Ner'zhul's ambitions, Kel'Thuzad was frightened and once wanted to flee Northrend.

But by then it was too late to retreat, he had already fallen into Ner'zhul's hands.

The Scourge is a paradise for the dead. Leaving aside other things, the living cannot withstand the extremely cold climate of Icecrown Glacier for a long time.

Therefore, the insider who entered the Scourge must first be prepared to give up his life, and wait for the Lich King to actively persuade him as an undead.

Kel'Thuzad intends to continue spying on the truth as a lich, and Sharlayan intends to make a deal with him.

"I can tell you the method of transforming into a lich, and even assist you in completing the entire transformation ceremony, and continue to communicate with you more academic research results on death spells."

After all, Kel'Thuzad is also one of the members of the Kirin Tor. As the administrator and old politician of Dalaran, he knows that Sarlayan has not finished speaking.

After calming down his excitement, Kel'Thuzad forced himself to remain calm and asked, "What's your condition?"

Sharlayan's eyes flashed brightly: "I need you to break into an organization that is hostile to Azeroth in the future, gain the trust of their leaders, and keep me informed about the organization's latest intelligence."

"An organization hostile to Azeroth?"

Kel'Thuzad frowned and asked, "What organization? It can't be the orc tribe, right?"


Sharlayan smiled contemptuously: "The orcs? That group of brainless and unhappy people is not worth my troublesome layout. Just giving them a bait can make them turn around."

"The specific name of that hostile organization has not yet been determined, and it is expected to appear on the Northrend continent within five years."

"Now I can tell you not much information, the most important thing is... that organization is a subsidiary organization of the Burning Legion."

"Burning Legion?!"

Hearing this name, the knowledgeable and talented Kel'Thuzad immediately showed panic.

"Wait! You don't want me to break into the Burning Legion, do you?!"

"If this is the case, please forgive me for rejecting this transaction!"

Kel'Thuzad wasn't afraid of death, what he was afraid of was worthless death.

Regarding the information about the Burning Legion, the Tirisfal Council has obtained many relevant records through the channels of the high elves.

This information was passed to the Kirin Tor Council through the Tirisfal Council, and all Kirin Tor members are eligible to read relevant'Thuzad is no exception.

It is precisely because he knows the horror of the Burning Legion that he has no confidence in sneaking into it.

The Burning Legion is a real legend that is not as good as a dog, and walks half-heartedly. With the strength of Kel'Thuzad's 54-level intermediate legend, he is worried that he will be ruthlessly crushed in the internal struggle of the demons just after sneaking into it.

Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "Don't be nervous, I didn't ask you to undercover the headquarters of the Burning Legion. It's just a subordinate organization with relatively loose management. Let me call it the Legion of the Undead."

Sharlayan looked meaningfully at the disturbed Kel'Thuzad: "As a reminder, the nominal leader of the undead legion is the Lich King, and his real identity is Ner'zhul, the third great chief of the tribe."

"Ner'zhul..." Kel'Thuzad lowered his head and pondered for a moment, "I remember the name, it was he who sent people to plunder the three artifacts of Azeroth."

"According to the news from the expeditionary force, didn't Ner'zhul lead his followers to open the portal to the new world? How could..."


Sharlayan spread his hands with a half-smile: "New world? Where are there so many new worlds?"

"Even if there is, how could it be such a coincidence that I was met by a desperate orc?"

"Let me tell you the truth, Ner'zhul's so-called new world plan was intercepted by the fraudster Kil'jaeden from the very beginning, and the subsequent series of developments are under Kil'jaeden's control."

"Then here comes the problem."

Sharlayan curled his lips sarcastically: "Where do you think Ner'zhul, who thought he could teleport to the 'New World', went?"

Kel'Thuzad: "...The Twisting Nether? Isn't this a gift?"

"Bingo ~ the answer is correct."

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