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Chapter 408: Great Wisdom Ruoyu

In Valeera's view, Vereesa was a little silly.

Compared with her two sisters with strong personalities, Vereesa seems to have no independent opinions, she only knows how to go with the flow, and do what others say.

The barrage's evaluation is completely different from Valeera's. They think that Vereesa is actually a fool.

Vereesa is indeed not as self-rebellious as Alleria, nor is she like Cirvanas who can disregard other people's pointing fingers and firmly move towards the goal with all her strength.

Even the strong Lyras seems to have a stronger sense of presence than Vereesa, she is like an answering person who takes shelter under the name of her mother and sisters.

But is this really the case?

Sharlayan didn't think so.

Alleria and Cirvanas do have their own outstanding strengths, but they also have their own personality flaws.

Let's take Alleria, whom Salayan is more familiar with, as an example.

Aurelia made more troubles than Sharlayne when she was a girl.

The son of a nobleman who beat up a toad and wanted to eat swan meat, the decisive battle with the descendants of the Sunying family who came to ask for an explanation on the top of Yangshen Peak, the legendary female wine tycoon in Eversong Forest, etc.

Some of the legends about Alleria are still circulated in the various taverns in Quel'Thalas, becoming people's talk after dinner.

Don't look at Aurelia has become a lot more mature and stable now, but when she was young, she was out-and-out violent and would make holes in people if she disagreed with her.

It is also for this reason that Alleria is interested in the fearless young Salayan, and patiently helps her friend Julian to take care of him as he grows up.

Sharlayan was not familiar with Cirvanas, but through occasional contacts, he could vaguely see that there was a more extreme part of the personality of the second daughter of the Windrunner family.

To put it simply, her mind is relatively weak, and once she decides on something, she will insist on completing it regardless of the persuasion of others, no matter what impact it will cause.

The barrage speculates that this part of the silly and bold character was probably influenced by Aurelia, but failed to learn Aurelia's shrewdness.

Both Sylvanas and Vereesa were brought up by Alleria, and only the only son, Lailas, was directly taught by Liresa since childhood.

Vereesa doesn't look like a mountain, but in fact she has learned from Aurelia Dao what the second sister failed to learn.

That is the shrewdness of examining Duodu.

Vereesa has self-knowledge. She knows that she is not a genius who is good at management. In terms of talent in territorial management, she is only average at best, and she can only do nothing but do nothing.

Fortunately, Li Reza did not ask her to complete the work of managing the territory perfectly, as the Windrunner family did not have this aspect of inheritance.

Now that she has taken over the job, Vereesa also wants to make impressive achievements.

But she knew her abilities, and she did not rashly carry out drastic reforms to the territory, which would only be counterproductive.

When Sarlayan started to manage the territory with her own hands, Vereesa was actually not pretty.

In her earliest impressions, Sarlayan was a good friend of her younger brother, a combatant with the same interests as her eldest sister, and a single-minded reckless man.

But after experiencing the battle of Grim Batol together, Vereesa unexpectedly discovered that Sharlayan had made great progress.

The improvement mentioned here is not the improvement of personal strength. If the rapid improvement of the strength of the golden growth period cannot be guaranteed, then it is not a qualified fighter.

What surprised Vereesa was Sharlayan's character growth.

The little guy who used to only know how to be reckless has become able to use his brain. Although his plans are still very young, who hasn't grown from young to mature step by step?

After the Battle of Grim Batol, Sharlayan was unlucky enough to be taken out to sea by Deathwing and accidentally fell into the Kul Tiras Islands.

After that, Vereesa went south with the alliance army, and fought a decisive battle with the Horde in the Burning Plains.

Meeting Sharlayan again was already the second Quicksand War. Since then, Vereesa has officially embarked on the path of a tool man, and has been ordered by Sharlayan one after another.

The position of a tool person obviously does not meet Vereesa's expectations of herself. She deliberately wants to get rid of this slightly derogatory inherent impression, and consciously keeps a distance from Sharlayan after returning from Draenor.

There is a saying that gold always shines.

After the Battle of Zul'Aman, Quel'Thalas drove the Amani trolls out of the forest, and Eversong Forest ushered in true peace.

Sharlayan once again played brilliantly in this battle, leading the newly formed Dawn Vanguard Legion to show off its might.

The paladins rushed all the way to break through Zul'Aman's defenses, directly in front of the central altar, and firmly held the front line. When the follow-up reinforcements arrived, they knocked out the last hope of the rise of the Amani troll, Warlord Dakala. .

Vereesa originally thought that Sharlayan would be silent for a long time after the battle that Sharlayan was best at.

But the subsequent development made Vereesa's jaw drop.

Sharlayan, who she thought was just a warrior, actually took on the responsibility of being a lord very well.

Although he didn't intervene in the actual situation, he just made a development plan from above, but later facts proved that Sarlayan's plan was reasonable and orderly, and nothing was empty talk.

Saraan's performance made Vereesa puzzled, and she began to doubt her own eyesight.

Under the auspices of Sharlayan, the Unicorn Village is thriving, and has now been upgraded to a small town, and judging from the current development momentum, it is obviously not yet at its peak.

It has been less than half a year since Sarlayan officially took over the affairs of the territory. Compared with the two, Vereesa couldn't help but feel a fever on her face.

She feels that she has been fishing for more than a hundred years, and has not brought any benefits to the people in the territory at all.

So, Vereesa finally figured it out.

A tool person is just a tool person. It is not shabby to be a tool person for a star of hope who is both civil and military, and the future is destined to be extremely bright.

It just so happened that Sharlayan also needed to set up a vane for the nearby meritorious nobles, letting them know that following him would yield real benefits.

Vereesa's visit this time didn't just represent herself, she had asked her mother for instructions before leaving.

Li Reza's answer was as expected, let her decide according to the situation.

It's not that Li Resa is irresponsible, but that she believes in the eyes of her third daughter.

Both parties are interested in cooperating, and the next step is naturally to hit it off.

After Sharlayan asked Kael'thas for permission, he immediately issued a lord's order in the territory to divert some incoming visitors to the territory of Windrunner for resettlement.

Since the training of tour guides has not yet been completed, the territorial officials in Unicorn Town have been overloaded with work recently.

Sharlayan's timely release of the lord's order made all the officials in the territory breathe a sigh of relief.

Under the **** of the traveler, some passengers were diverted to Fengxing Village on the west coast.

Today, the seaside of Eversong Forest has not been developed, and there are no attractions that can attract tourists.

As a seaside village, the eating habits of Fengxing Village, which relies on the sea to eat the sea, are different from those of Unicorn Town. It mainly focuses on seafood, which also gives the tourists who come here a different experience.

The long-lost bustling scene in Fengxing Village was noticed by the honorable lords in the south of the forest, but they didn't rush to ask for advice.

Prince Kael'thas is about to formally ascend the throne, and they are not sure how the new king's policies will change after taking office, and they are not sure whether the lively scene brought by foreign tourists is just a flash in the pan.

The reason why Vereesa dared to act in advance was because she believed in Sharlayan's personal relationship with Prince Kael'thas and his vision.

On the other hand, it is also because there are people in the Windrunner family who can detect the upcoming political trend before the new king takes the throne.

In the wait-and-see with different opinions from all parties, the enthronement ceremony of the new Sun King Kael'thas is finally Town welcomed a man from the sea three days before the ceremony. Visitors from the other side.

Night Elf Archdruid Fandral Staghelm.

"Party? At this time?"

Sharlayan looked at the serious-looking Buck Helmet with a question mark on his face: "Are you kidding me?"

Staghelmet smiled wryly and shook his head: "Don't rush to question, it's not what I meant, but what my mentor Malfurion proposed."

Sharlayan's eyes flickered: "Master Stormrage? What is he thinking?"

Staghelm scratched his messy hair in confusion: "I don't know the specifics, not just Quel'dorei, Malfurion also asked me to take this opportunity of the ceremony to contact Syndra, Shaldorei and Fal'dorei, invite representatives of all elves to the Dreamgrove."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Sharlayan's mind, and he said with surprise in his eyes: "Could it be that... Master Stormrage wants to form a grand alliance of elves?"

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