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Chapter 410: Ceremony 0 state

With the arrival of delegations from various ethnic groups, the long-planned enthronement day of the new king finally came.

Silvermoon City was decorated more beautifully during the ceremony, and the representatives of various ethnic groups who came to watch the ceremony truly experienced the wealth and strength of Quel'Thalas.

As soon as it was daylight, the square in front of the Sun Chaser King's Court was filled with tourists of all nationalities who came from all over the world to visit.

The lawbreakers of the royal family's personal guards set up a cordon at the scene to maintain order and isolate the congested crowd. Only representatives of various ethnic groups who were allowed to get seats on the red carpet in the square.

The arrangement of these seats is also particular, they are arranged according to their closeness to Quel'Thalas.

Both Xiadorei and Fadorei are independent regimes without a state system, and they are far inferior to other powerful countries.

However, due to the deep binding of Quel'Thalas, Elisande, who represents Suramar, and Justina, who represents Fal'dorei, are very seated at the front.

After these two races are the two races of tauren, draenei, and Kul Tiras allied with Quel'Thalas.

The chairs under Kane Bloodhoof and Ulan Gaoling's buttocks were significantly larger than those of other races. At this time, the two were smiling and talking in a low voice, and Velen was also sitting next to them with a smile on his face. Chat with Dai Lin beside him.

Then there are countries and races that have maintained a certain cooperative relationship with Quel'Thalas, such as Stormgard, Gilneas, Khaz Modan, Gnomeregan, and the Wildhammer dwarves.

Although Quel'Thalas and Dalaran have secretly reached a settlement, after all, Kael'thas has not officially announced his enthronement.

Both Dalaran and Lordaeron were placed far away, and Antonidas, who had confidence in his heart, maintained his demeanor as steadily as Mount Tai.

On Lordaeron's side, Archbishop Alonsus Faol was no longer moved by foreign objects. Anyway, he was only accompanying Terenas, and the real representative was Prince Alsace, who was looking a little gloomy at the moment.

Although the young Alsace's expression was obviously very unhappy, but he was quite mature and did not explode on the spot. It should be that Terenas had mentioned it to him before, knowing that this ceremony might be met with indifference.

Quel'Thalas' prominent nobles and officials were invited to the coronation ceremony.

Including Sarlayan, all high-ranking officials from their own countries who participated in the meeting sat on the left side of the square according to their titles and official positions, while representatives from various countries were placed on the right side.

The son of the duke, the title of earl is already not low among the noble groups of Quel'Thalas.

But if you count the group of founding nobles who are enjoying themselves on the credit book, the earl is only the third level in the literal sense.

Although there were not many nobles sitting in front of Sarlayan, there were more than 20 people, including 4 dukes, 8 marquises, and 12 earls.

The four dukes are undoubtedly the four nobles of Quel'Thalas.

After a round of internal purges after the Battle of Quel'Thalas, only they can retain the title of hereditary duke.

The other marquises and earls were also titles bestowed by Dath'Remar during the founding of the country. These great noble families have declined to varying degrees, and most of them are living on their laurels.

Even so, these people still live a very extravagant life, occupying a large amount of national resources but producing almost no output, and they are proper state moths.

Except for the current patriarchs of the four nobles who nodded politely to Sharlayan, the other marquises and earls completely treated him as a transparent person, as if they would be polluted at a glance.

Different road non-phase plan.

Sharlayan is also not interested in talking to a group of dead bones in the grave. As long as Kael'thas officially takes over, these moths will not have much time to enjoy themselves.

From Sharlayan and below, the meritorious nobles who rose during the troll war were more friendly to him, at best they were neither salty nor weak, and at worst they would nod and say hello.

According to reliable sources, the nobles who firmly stood on the side of the royal family to suppress the rebellion during the battle of Quel'Thalas will be promoted to a rank of title after the new king ascends the throne.

Among them were Lord Deep Shadow (Villes) and Baron Sangunar, whom Sharlayan was most familiar with.

Valeera, Stellagosa, Jaina, and others were not eligible to enter the main venue, and they were currently crowded among the surrounding crowd under the protection of Julian.

Alyssa was pregnant and it was inconvenient to participate in such a crowded gathering. Inas simply stayed in the Deep Shadow Mansion to take care of her. The two of them could stand on the top garden of the mansion and overlook the venue from a distance.

Guarded by two rows of brightly armored lawbreakers, the Sun King Anasterian and Prince Kael'thas strolled out of the royal court hand in hand.

All the representatives present stood up and bowed consciously and gave applause.

The crowd watching outside also became agitated, and some tourists from abroad even whistled frivolously, which attracted the dissatisfaction of some high elves.

Julian noticed the repulsion of the high elves around him against foreigners, and sighed secretly.

‘There is a long way to go. I don’t know if the new king who insists on opening up Quel’Thalas can withstand the joint pressure exerted by the old nobles and the people. '

There was a sentence in the barrage that Sharlayan didn't quite agree with, but he had to admit that there was some truth to it.

The civilians at the lower level are all ignorant, they have limited access to information, and they are easily led by some interested groups who control public opinion.

Kael'thas' reforms will inevitably touch the cake of some people, and these people happen to be the authorities who have a lot of resources in Quel'Thalas, and the battle of public opinion is also an issue that needs his focus.

Quel'Thalas is not a republic and is not responsible for the popular vote.

But as long as you are a normal person, you don't want to be scolded all day long, and you still need to be cautious about the issue of public opinion.

Speaking of rhythm, the keyboard warriors in different worlds are all good players.

Sharlayan volunteered to take over the task of public opinion warfare. He believed that the rhythmic barrage could teach those dying moths a final lesson.

The Lord came to the scene, and the mages of the Royal Arcane Association who were guarding nearby shot together, blocking the chaotic cheers from the people in the outer circle.

However, the sound in the venue can still spread normally, and the volume has been increased to a certain extent.

The inheritance of the throne is the top priority of the country, and Kael'thas and Anasteria have prepared for it for a long time.

Those ancient and complicated etiquettes made Sharlayan drowsy, but in this position, he couldn't be too lazy.

Sitting up straight, looking up at the ceremony with a solemn expression, it seems that he respects this ancient ceremony of inheriting the throne.

But in fact, most of Sarlayan's consciousness is chatting with the barrage, chatting with Valeera and Stellagosa through the soul link from time to time, just to pass the time.

When the sun was high, the stinky and long ceremony was finally coming to an end.

Anasterian with a tired face walked up to the high platform that had been prepared, and stretched out his hand to signal Kael'thas to follow.

Sarlayan, who was in the venue, couldn't hear the noise from the outside world, but through the feedback from Valeera and Stellagosa from outside the venue, the people who came to watch the ceremony were completely excited.

The final step was actually quite simple, and Sharlayan felt that the previous series of performances were unnecessary.

Kael'thas, whose brow was sweating after some exercise, bent one knee and half-kneeled in front of Anasterian.

The old king took off the golden crown from his head, and looked at the golden crown he had worn for more than 3,000 years with emotion.

"Kael'thas Sunstrider, I, Anasterian Sunstrider, the fourth Sun King, in the name of Sunstrider, hereby formally pass on the throne of Quel'Thalas to you."

"From now, you will continue to lead our people forward."

Anasteria solemnly put the crown on Kael'thas's head. The long golden hair matched the glittering golden crown very well. Anasteria seemed to see from his son that he took over the throne at the beginning. that scene.

Finally officially unloading the burden, Anasteria had a very complicated expression.

Relieved, but also a little lost.

Received from his father the symbol of the royal power passed down by the Sunstrider royal family for many years - the flame strike, Kael'thas stood up vigorously, and with the encouragement of Anasterian's smile, he stood alone on the high platform, overlooking the bustling crowds in front of the square scene.


Taking a deep breath, Kael'thas suppressed his excitement, and raised the Flame Strike that had been ignited by the flames above his head.

"As the fifth Sun King of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas Sunstrider hereby solemnly swears that he will never disappoint the expectations of the people!"

"For Quel'Thalas! For the Quel'dorei!"

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