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Chapter 583: bloody battle

There is one thing to say, it is unrealistic to destroy the entire fleet with the three giant dragons led by Onyxia alone.

At Sharlayan's suggestion, the three dragons locked on the flagship of the privateer fleet and launched an attack.

The barriers arranged by the mages were pierced by the dragon's breath again and again, and the three-masted galleon named Mayflower was ablaze, and the towering masts had long been shrouded in raging fire.

While working hard to repair the barrier, the mages ordered the water elements they summoned to try their best to put out the fire.

The Mayflower was not a ship with both oars and sails, and the sails were its main power.

Losing its windward sails, the largest warship in the fleet stopped awkwardly on the sea.

But Sharlayan knew that ocean-going galleons like this usually had spare sails ready.

Once the suppression of the Mayflower is relaxed, under the operation of the sailors, the ship will soon be able to regain power.

So what to do?

Continue to procrastinate.

After the flagship Mayflower broke away from the line of battle, the privateer fleet without a command was somewhat out of step.

Admiral Jefferson Berryman seized the opportunity very astutely.

Taking advantage of the confusion of the enemy's command system and insufficient response, three small galleys broke through the interception of the frigate in front.


The oarsmen shouted in unison, and with the cooperation of the downwind wind direction, they launched a swift and violent assault on the galleons of the enemy fleet.

During the charge, the rangers and mages on board opened fire with all their strength, and two of the three galleys stood out, stabbing deeply into the belly of the two frigates with the ramming angle of their bows.

What followed was an even more brutal boarding battle.

Sharlayan has always believed that the tactics of pinning their hopes on boarding battles are not suitable for high elves.

A very simple reason, the high elves can't afford to die, and it is definitely not wise to fight for consumption with short-lived species.

The most suitable method of warfare for the high elf navy is long-range bombardment, but unfortunately, the current conditions do not allow it for the time being.

Although Sarlayan and others and Admiral Berriman tried their best to delay, the hard power gap between the two sides in terms of ships is still too obvious.

Facing the continuous harassment from the offshore fleet of Quel'Thalas, the privateer fleet forcibly broke its way and approached the offshore area of ​​Sunsail Port.

Seeing that the enemy fleet was about to launch a landing operation, the Sanlong team headed by Onyxia had no choice but to give up the continuous attack on the Mayflower and turn around to return to Yangfan Port.

The three entangled dragons finally left, and Colonel Weswin and Major General Abedis, who had taken refuge in the cabin, boarded the podium again.

At this time, the fore-mast of the Mayflower had fallen due to scorching, and the tom-mast and mizzen-mast were also pitch-black, looking precarious, as if they might fall together at any time.

The "pirate uniform" on Barry Weswin's body was damaged in many places, and he gave orders to the surviving sailors and mages in disgrace.

"The ship mage put out the embers on the deck and mast as soon as possible! Sailors! Go to the warehouse on the ground floor to take out the spare sails and replace them as quickly as possible! Our fleet needs command!"

On the way back to Sunsail Port, Sharlayan looked back at the Mayflower, which was undergoing emergency damage control.

For a moment, he wanted to turn around and give the flagship another set.

However, the most important task right now is to resist the destruction of Yangfan Port by the marines of the privateer fleet, minimize the loss of the port, and reduce the manpower and resources required for reconstruction.

The remaining galleons of the privateer fleet were moored on the water outside Yangfan Port, their side artillery was aimed at the shore to wash the ground frantically, and a large number of marines rushed the landing boats to the pier against the firepower of the shore.

"hold head high!"

Onyxia, Stellagosa, and Tinagosa acted separately, finding their own targets and blocking those landing craft that were unable to fight back against the air.

Whenever hit by the dragon's breath, the sailors on the ship will dance "tap dance" under the attack of high temperature and flames, and then the boat will roll over due to confusion, and everyone on board will fall into the sea.

Looking from a high altitude, there are at least dozens of landing craft heading towards Yangfan Port. It is impossible for three giant dragons to overturn them all in a short time.

The security maintenance troops urgently dispatched from Qingfeng Village have set up a simple line of defense in the port, and the rangers used the method of throwing arrows to rain arrows on the "pirates" who landed on the shore.


Sharlayan, who was sitting on Onyxia's back, frowned and looked at the battle situation below.

"Our defensive force is too small to hold the entire port area."


Onyxia swooped down again, and the scorching dragon's breath took away the lives of a dozen pirates.

These Lordaeron soldiers disguised as pirates are not fools. They knew that there was a dragon in the air to launch a surprise attack. Too much damage.

With the aid of bunkers near the port, the effectiveness of air strikes is significantly reduced.

"What are you going to do? The Red Dragon Knights should still need 5-10 minutes to arrive at the battlefield."

Sharlayan stood up from Onyxia's back: "I'll go down to delay the time, you continue to harass those big ships at sea, especially the flagship, don't let it approach Sunsail Port easily, and cut off their command system."

"Okay, you have to be careful too."

The battle situation is urgent, Onyxia didn't talk nonsense.

After seeing Sharlayan transform into a storm crow and dive towards the ground battlefield, Princess Black Dragon immediately turned around and took Stellagosa and Tinagosa to the sea.

About 30 meters away from the face, the petite Stormcrow suddenly turned into a huge brown bear.


The Lordaeron marines had already set up their posture and prepared to attack the defense line, but the huge creature that fell from the head suddenly fell into the center of their formation, and the officers who were giving orders were almost wiped out.


Without any words, the furious giant bear raised its sharp claws and attacked the enemy's formation, beating the Lordaeron marines who lacked command and reacted half a beat into a bewildered expression.

With Salayan's current strength, he still can't stand in the middle of thousands of troops.

The heroic Lordaeron soldiers were not intimidated by his huge size. This giant bear was too conspicuous, and it undoubtedly became the target of attracting fire.

A large number of arrows and spells hit Sharlayan all at once.

With the physical defenses of Ursoc's avatar, most arrows cannot penetrate his mane and fur.

In comparison, the magic defense of Ursoc's avatar is relatively low.

Even if dripping water can penetrate rocks, Sharlayan's defense is still not enough to ignore concentrated fire.

Five minutes after cutting into the battlefield, his mane was stained red with blood, and there were large and small wounds everywhere on his body, among which were mixed with frostbite and scorched burns.

If it wasn't for relying on its strong self-healing ability, Sharlayan wouldn't even be able to hold on for 3 minutes.

Even so, 5 minutes has reached the limit, and the healing speed of the wound cannot keep up with the increased speed.

Sharlayan's self-sacrifice is valuable.

Most of the firepower of the Lordaeron Marine Corps was concentrated on him, and the Qingfeng Village security maintenance troops and Yangfan Harbor defenders who were urgently deployed had a good output space.

A small number of priests hiding behind the line of defense tried their best to use holy light spells to heal Sharlayan's but this was only a drop in the bucket after all.

"hold head high!"

When the passionate dragon chant sounded from afar, Sharlayan's body was completely covered in blood, turning into a blood bear.

Fortunately, most wounds are only superficial and cannot pose a fatal threat.

The ground of Yangfan Harbor was blocked by nearly a hundred red dragon knights in the sky.

The angry red dragon knights each urged their mounts, and under the leadership of the squad leader, they swooped down and exhaled in an orderly manner.

The power of a single red dragon's breath is far less than that of Onyxia alone, but because there are enough of them, the area covered is very wide.

After three teams and 36 red dragons washed the ground, the morale of the Lordaeron marines finally collapsed, and they fled back crying.


On the deck of the Mayflower, which was harassed by giant dragons and approaching the battlefield, Abedis and Weswin stared dumbfounded at the giant beasts flying in the air.

"Red dragon? Why would there be a red dragon knight in Quel'Thalas?"

"Hey! Don't worry about it so much!"

Abidis gritted his teeth and hammered the railing in front of him: "The intelligence is wrong! With this mobile force defending the mainland, the plan to rob Quel'Thalas along the coast is doomed to fail!"

Weiswen also reacted immediately: "Sign out! All landing troops withdrew to their ships, and the fleet turned around and retreated west! Hurry up!"

"Damn it!"

Wei Siwen cursed in a low voice with a disheveled face: "The group of incompetent wastes in the Intelligence Bureau who only know how to flatter horses! Such important information has been missed!"


Abidis smiled bitterly: "Perhaps this is retribution... Anyway, this robbery plan has completely failed, try to preserve your vitality... I hope we can still escape."

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