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Chapter 703: numbers don't lie

Extraordinary creatures have their own pride and reserve, and dragons never take the initiative to intervene in the affairs of the mortal world, unless those events are related to the safety of Azeroth.

Aegwynn used to be a member of the extraordinary realm, and knew the nature of the dragon race very well.

Sharlayan and Valeera have always been treated as equals when interacting with dragons, but there's a reason for that.

Sharlayan itself is half dragon blood, and Valeera rescued the imprisoned Red Dragon Queen from Grim Batol.

Although the dragons are arrogant by nature, they are not a species that does not know good or bad. What kind of mortals deserve to be treated equally, they will naturally have a steelyard in their hearts.

High elves can be regarded as synonymous with arrogance in the mortal world, but in front of extraordinary species with higher life forms, even Anasteria would lower its proud head.

This is also one of the reasons why the two generations of Sun Kings treated Sharlayan with courtesy. They hoped to close their relationship with the Dragon Clan through their friendship with Sharlayan.

Facts have proved that the investment of Anasteria and Kael'thas has obtained a certain return. Stellagosa, Tinagosa and Onyxia's original intention to live in Quel'Thalas is a living example.

It is true that the three dragons lived in Quel'Thalas mainly because Sharlayan considered it their homeland.

But as the saying goes, there are three dragons sitting in Quel'Thalas, and one of them is a powerful adult dragon. This fact alone is enough to make the Sunstrider royal family proud.

There is a saying that goes well, paper cannot contain fire.

The top royalists headed by Kael'thas had been trying their best to conceal Sharlayan's true identity from Dar'Khan and other old noble factions.

However, as Dar'Khan voluntarily subdued and obtained Kael'thas' understanding, he naturally began to intervene in the high-level affairs of Quel'Thalas.

As a result, Darkan will inevitably come into contact with some secret information that was not open to him before.

Among them are the true identities of Sharlayan and Inas.

Of course, this was actually done intentionally by Kael'thas after seeking Sharlayan's opinion, and it also meant to use the favor of the dragon clan to frighten Dar'Khan.

I have to admit that Darkan's business ability is indeed very strong.

Since he began to formally participate in various high-level affairs, the somewhat chaotic situation due to slightly radical reforms was quickly straightened out one by one, and Darkan has truly demonstrated the ability that a prime minister in charge of the political situation should have.

As early as when Sharlayan soared to the sky and was reused by Anasteria, Dar'Khan had suspected that the life experience of this half-elf kid might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

But at that time, he only guessed that Inas was a descendant of a high-ranking night elf, and he didn't think about the dragon race at all.

After learning that Inas is a serious dragon, this shocking fact stunned the scheming Darkan for a while.

Kael'thas' deterrence plan started to work, at least until there was a way to deal with the dragon mother and son Sharlayan and Inas, Damou, who had always planned and acted, did not dare to jump out and stab again.

During this period of time, Kael'thas can use Dar'Khan with peace of mind, rely on his ability and connections to settle those stubborn nobles, and further deepen the reform.

After the new generation of officials has grown to a sufficient height through long-term government affairs training...then they can kill the donkey.

After hearing Sharlayan's self-introduction, Aegwynn looked around him with a strange expression.

"I've heard about Elena Straza from some old friends of the Dragon Clan. It turns out that you are her child."

Since she fought against invincible opponents of her age in the Dragon Rest Temple in the early years, Inas's name was very famous in the Mesozoic Dragon Clan.

Although many dragon clans of the same generation as Inas fell in the battle of the ancients, some survived, and these people became the elites of their respective clans.

Most of the dragons that Aegwynn made friends with were new generation giant dragons of the same generation as Chromie, and these giant dragons generally heard of Inas' reputation from their elders when they were young.

As far as Aegwynn knew, Elenastrasza faded out of Wyrmrest Temple long before she received the legacy of the Guardians of Tirisfal, and has rarely been seen since.

Aegwynn has fanatically pursued stronger power since her debut. She is not as keen on gossip as ordinary women, and she does not have the energy to study a missing dragon.

After refusing to return the power of the guardian many times, Aegwynn and the Tirisfal Council completely tore apart their faces, and played hide-and-seek with the newly formed Tirisfal Council. You chased me and fled for hundreds of years, and I was not in the mood to pay attention to myself Nothing to do.

By analogy, after knowing the identity of Sharlayan, it is not difficult to understand the reason why Onyxia and Tinagosa followed the mortals.

Both Aegwynn and Azshara's personalities are a bit like the third master Zhang mentioned in the barrage, flattering and arrogant, they are only interested in the strong, and the weak can't get into their eyes at all.

Sharlayan defeated Aegwynn in a one-on-one head-on battle, and now that he has learned about his extraordinary background, Aegwynn's original cold rejection attitude has obviously softened a lot.

After finally being able to sit down and discuss the situation as equals, Sharlayan re-read what Merry had mentioned before.

"Ms. Aegwynn, I think you already know about the destruction of the Tirisfal Council. After all, it was done by your son Medivh."

"Meli and I came here this time to invite you to assist us in rebuilding the Tirisfal Council."


Aegwynn curled his lips sarcastically: "Why should I help you rebuild an old stubborn organization that has hunted me down for hundreds of years?"

"That kind of product that is out of date should have been swept into the dustbin of history long ago."

Sharlayan shook his head, and patiently continued to persuade: "One size fits one size."

"I know you are very dissatisfied with the excessive intervention of the Tirisfal Council in the political situation of various countries, and I personally don't like this either."

"But it is undeniable that the existence of the Tirisfal Council is necessary... Jaina."


Jaina, who temporarily served as Sharlayan's secretary, took out a roll of exquisite parchment from the magic package, and spread it out on the table in front of Aegwynn little by little.

Sharlayan stretched out his hand and gestured: "I like to speak with facts. This roll of parchment records the increase and decrease in the frequency of infiltration of the demons of the Burning Legion into Azeroth before and after the destruction of the Tirisfal Council. Ms. Aegwynn Please read it first."

These data were summed up by Sarlayan specially instructing Ronin, which started more than 50 years ago and lasted until the first half of this year.

In order to find detailed information, Luo Ning mobilized many scribes in Dalaran, and worked overtime for more than a month to get a more accurate figure.

Aegwynn has never been interested in those trash fish demons who slipped into Azeroth. She only pays attention to those powerful individuals with names in the Burning Legion.

With a bored face, he picked up the parchment and flipped through it. After noticing the rising arrows that were specially marked in red in recent years, Aegwynn's expression became serious.

In any case, Aegwynn has always been very proud of her status as a guardian, and also very conscious of the responsibilities she should shoulder.

From the year when Medivh destroyed the Tirisfal Council, the data of demon infiltration every year has been at least 20% upwards, until this year it fell back.

But this is not a decline caused by other objective factors. It is simply that the invading demons have reached a magnitude bottleneck, and it is difficult to increase in a short period of time.

Without the hunting and killing of the Tirisfal Council for thousands of years, the infiltration of demons is becoming more and more rampant, which is why Dalaran and Lordaeron were invaded and bewitched by demons.

The capital city and royal family of the human kingdom were affected by demons, which had never happened before.

Aegwynn rubbed his temples with a headache, and looked up at Sharlayan with flickering eyes: "Is it really that serious? I thought..."

Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "Think that the Tirisfal Council is busy meddling in evidence from various countries and hunting you down all day long?"

"Let me put it bluntly, don't you take yourself too seriously, and look down on the Tirisfal Council too much?"

"As you said, the Tirisfal Council's political interference in various countries is obviously beyond the bounds, which has aroused dissatisfaction among high-level officials in various countries."

"But even so, they have never lost sight of their core responsibilities."

"Hunting demons."

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