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Chapter 705: The simplest wish, the hardest goal

In this world, no one can truly have no desires, at least within the scope of Sharlayan's cognition, there has never been such an extraordinary saint.

Of course, including himself.

The reason why he has traveled around Azeroth year after year is nothing more than because he has known in advance the many hardships Azeroth will face in the future from the barrage.

Knowing that there will be a lot of difficult and troublesome things in the future, Sarayan naturally needs to prepare for these disasters in advance.

Otherwise, once the disaster unfortunately spread to his family and friends, Sharlayan, who is very emotional, will definitely regret it afterwards.

Judging from the results, Sharlayan is indeed doing his part to protect Azeroth.

What he has done has been recognized by titan guardians and guardian dragons such as Azadas, Raden, Alexstrasza, Ysera, etc. These powerful guardians are willing to provide him with help within their ability.

But Sharlayan knew his own family affairs, and his original intention was not so noble. He just wanted to protect his homeland and the most important people around him.

[Regardless of your deeds, everyone in the know has seen your hard work in the past few years. 】

[In fact, you have indeed changed many tragedies that should have happened, such as Onyxia and Jaina around you. 】

Black Dragon Princess Onyxia.

In the original history, she did not meet a key person like Sharlayan who made a bridge and made her reunite with her mother Sinestra, and followed Nefarian and Deathwing all the way to the dark.

The final ending of Onyxia in the original history was very tragic. She was attacked by the warriors of Azeroth in the dragon's lair in Dustwallow Marsh, and the dragon's head was hung outside the gate of Stormwind City.

And this is not over yet, in the follow-up version, Onyxia, who had already died, was put together again by the maddened Nefarian, turning into a zombie dragon without any self-awareness, once again by the foot man They crusade.

After these years of getting along closely, Sharlayan has already seen through Onyxia's character.

Although this guy is a violent person and a natural hedonist, her nature is not bad. It was only because her father went crazy and her mother ran away unbearably tortured when she was a child. crooked way.

Reunited with the long-lost Sinestra after many years, Onyxia learned the truth of what happened back then from her mother, and the knot in her heart was finally untied.

Under Sinestra's persuasion, Onyxia made up her mind to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and return to Wyrmrest Temple, and her life trajectory was greatly deflected as a result.

As Onyxia herself said, as long as she runs around with Sharlayan, she will never have to worry about being bored. There are always various novel events happening around Sharlayan, satisfying her joyful desires nature.

On the other hand, Sarlayan, who is the Marquis of Quel'Thalas, is already rich enough to meet her needs for luxury and pleasure. It is no wonder that Onyxia regards Sarlayan as her destination in life.

Compared with Onyxia whose death fate has been reversed, Jaina is still alive in the future known by the barrage.

But this talented witch who is enough to be remembered in the history of Azeroth will suffer a lot in the future.

The first to bear the brunt was the death of his brother Drake... This has already happened, and Sharlayan is powerless to reverse it.

Secondly, her boyfriend Alsace suddenly backed away when he was about to kick the door, and did not formally propose to her. Afterwards, he fell completely under a series of conspiracies and calculations, and personally destroyed the kingdom he should have inherited.

Finally, under the mediation of the revived Medivh, he cooperated with the night elves and the tribes to repel a new round of large-scale invasion of the Burning Legion, sacrificing the world tree Nordrassil and killing the powerful polluter Archimonde.

Before Jaina could catch her breath, Theramore, which had just been established, welcomed an unexpected visitor.

Her father, King of Kul Tiras, Daelin Proudmoore.

Due to the tragic death of his eldest son Drake in the Second Orc War, Daelin has always had a deep hatred for orcs.

From the standpoint of Jaina, who just fought with the Horde and saved Azeroth from the Burning Legion, it would be a bit difficult for her to turn her head against the water immediately.

The father and daughter with different philosophies broke up unsurprisingly. Regardless of Jaina's persuasion, Daelin forcibly landed in Durotar, which eventually led to a tragic ending.

After the news of Daelin's death came back to Kul Tiras, the rumors that Jaina would not save her father also spread.

Queen Catherine of Kul Tiras didn't have any opinions, and she couldn't wait for Jaina to come back to explain herself for a long time. She gradually believed the rumors and severed contact with Jaina since then.

Until many years later, after experiencing multiple blows such as the death of Arthas and the destruction of Theramore, Jaina, who was already physically and mentally exhausted, finally returned to her long-lost hometown in order to help the Alliance win new allies.

During this trip home, she encountered the indifference of her mother and the sharp hostility of the Ashvane family who attempted a coup, and almost died in her hometown.

Fortunately, Catherine got lost under the persuasion of the wolf king Jean and others, and finally rescued Jaina before she fell completely.

Jaina, who has experienced many vicissitudes, took over the throne of Kul Tiras from her mother and officially became the new Admiral of the Alliance.

In the foreseeable future, Azeroth, the sweet pastry, will inevitably encounter many tests, and the barrage does not know whether Jaina's suffering will end here.

In the world line where Sharlayan was in, when Drake died in battle, Sharlayan's "brain damage" had not yet recovered, and he was still messing around in the novice village of Quel'Thalas.

Accidentally met the young Jaina after the Battle of Grim Batol, and the life trajectory of the little princess of Kul Tiras was completely changed from the source.

Jaina's subsequent experience is very different from the original history. As one of the greatest tragedies in her life, Arthas tragically passed her by and failed to win Jaina's favor.

Sharlayan also couldn't say whether Daelin would continue to chase and kill the orcs of the new tribe regardless, but he could at least guarantee that Daelin would never fight alone like in the original history.

Even if he could not be persuaded to put aside his hatred for the time being and focus on the overall situation, Sharlayan would not let this ally who had been working happily with Quel'Thalas die at the hands of the orcs.

Sharlayan's communication with the barrage, as well as memories of the past and visions of the future, actually lasted only a short time.

Aegwynn was a little surprised by Sharlayan's answer: "Your wish sounds simple, but in this world full of disasters, it is not easy to achieve this goal."

As the former guardian of Tirisfal, Aegwynn knew a lot of secret information under the table, including the burning legion and the ancient gods and other terrifying enemies that were almost on the surface.

Even without Sharlayan's future vision, she can roughly predict that the future of Azeroth will never be smooth sailing.

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "That's why we need to work hard for a better tomorrow."

"No matter how the future will develop and how difficult the enemies will be, as long as we stay true to our original aspirations and firmly move towards our goals, we will surely pass those difficult trials that will eventually Aegwynn shook his head with a smile: "Idealists, the world is not as simple as you imagine... However, I don't hate people like you. "

Rubbing his cheeks, Aegwynn regained his composure.

"Okay, let me trust your kindness, and tell me in detail how you plan to help me revive Medivh."

The barrage made some speculations based on the beginning and end of Medivh's resurrection in the original history, and roughly came to a conclusion.

In order to revive Medivh, the power of the guardian with the same source as him is indispensable. In addition, a huge amount of magic power must be consumed to forcibly pull him back from the distant twisting void.

Medivh is an astral mage, and he got used to his soul leaving his body many years ago, roaming freely in the universe.

The world of Draenor was discovered by Medivh during one of his wanderings in the astral world, and Sargeras, who was possessed by him, finalized the plan for the orcs to invade Azeroth.

The death of the body is not the end of Medivh's life. As long as someone repairs his broken body, Medivh's soul can return to his body to "cheat the corpse".

Aegwynn is a mage, and she is also a genius witch who does her own way and is unique.

Although he tried to learn various powers such as fel energy, shadow, holy light, and nature by analogy, the most convenient thing Aegwynn used was still the arcane that had been with him for many years.

To put it simply, her healing spells are very lame, and she has still not been able to complete the restoration of Medivh's body, so she can only temporarily store him in a different space frozen in time.

When Aegwynn carefully pulled Medivh's corpse out of the different space, Salayan looked at the deadly wound through the heart on the corpse and twitched his lips.

"Lothar is very ruthless..."

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