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Chapter 785: Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs

Before entering the Shadow Realm, Sharlayan heard the barrage discuss the Venthyr, a species unique to Revendreth.

In their words, the so-called Venthyr is actually a group of species similar to vampires.

Revendreth is the land of redemption in the Shadowlands.

Anyone who has committed sins during his lifetime will be sent to Revendres to atone for his sins, as long as he has not reached the level of heinousness in the trial of the arbitrator and must be thrown into the Maw. The time for atonement varies from person to person. .

It is Venthyr's job to oversee these sinners and guide them on their journey of redemption.

Many souls who have redeemed their sins in Revendreth will choose to stay in the familiar Revendreth and transform into a member of Venthyr, transforming from a sinner into a supervisor, passing on the suffering they have experienced to those who came after.

Generally speaking, the Venthyr, who are arrogant and good at intrigue, is a rather distorted race, one of the children created by Emperor Denathrius based on himself.

What? Other children? Isn't there a more twisted Nathrezim?

Compared with the dreadlord who naturally likes to see rivers of blood, Venthyr is relatively gentle.

In the words of barrage, almost all Nathrezim members belong to the chaotic evil camp.

The composition of Venthyr is more complicated, from chaotic good to chaotic neutral to chaotic evil, each camp has their people, but no matter what, they are chaotic, after all, their root is the Great Emperor Denathrius Well.

Normally, the Venthyr would not leave Revendreth. After all, their duty is to supervise the evil spirits, and other countries do not have their target of fun.

Under the secret attention of Sharlayan and others, in order to show politeness, the mysterious man of unknown origin temporarily lifted his hood, revealing a skull head wearing a gorgeous crown.

Stellagosa's eyes flashed: "The lich...could it be?"


Sharlayan nodded thoughtfully: "It should be someone from the Ritual Academy. Judging from the strength of the death force radiating from him, it's probably not an important person."

Due to the distance, the four of Sharlayan could not hear the conversation between the Lich and Venthyr.

The conversation between the two lasted only about half a minute. After explaining the matter, the Venthyr entered the space channel again.

Sharlayan turned to Onyxia for advice: "Oni, what do you think? Do you want to take him down now?"

"No, take it easy."

Onyxia said calmly: "This lich should only be responsible for the first level of messaging. He will definitely pass the news up. Let's keep up."

After Venthyr left, the lich looked left and right for a while before putting on the hood again, and sneaking towards the southeast of the Academy of Eyes.

Among the five secret courtyards of Maldraxxus, the sharp eye secret courtyard is located in the north, the soul selection secret courtyard is in the southwest, and the withering secret courtyard is in the southeast.

The northwest and northeast are respectively the secret courtyard of creation and the secret courtyard of ritual, that is to say, the secret courtyard of ritual is exactly located between the secret courtyard of withering and sharp eye.

In order to avoid the central battlefield of Maldraxxus, the process of going from the Eyes Sanctuary to the Withering Sanctuary must pass in front of the gate of the Ritual Sanctuary.

As a result, Salayan and the others discovered a major secret along the way, confirming the collusion between the Academy of Rituals and Denathrius.

But this is also thanks to the information provided by Bwonsamdi, otherwise Sharlayan would not pay special attention to meeting the Hooded Man on the road.

Temporarily changing the plan, the four hung far behind the lich who was circling back and forth.

"Tsk" Onyxia smacked her lips in displeasure: "This guy is quite vigilant, no matter if there are people following him or not, in short, he should stun any possible stalkers first."

"Of course it's an egg."

Sharlayan looked up at the sky, and saw an inconspicuous black crow hovering in the air, its dark eyes were fixed on the lich that kept circling.

No matter how he circles on the ground, as long as he can look down from the sky with a wide view, all the efforts of the Lich are destined to be useless.

As expected, in order to avoid the melon fields and plums, the lich who sent the message did not enter the gate of the Ritual Academy, but turned to the eastern mountainous area, speeding up and walking back and forth among the barren mountains in the Qi district.

Surveilled by the crow familiar released by Sharlayan, the four of them followed a lich courier who was as fierce as a tiger, and watched him enter a hidden cave in a corner.

Sharlayan put **** together and pointed at the crow familiar who was swooping down at high speed.


The familiar crow, made of pure death force, turned into a strangely colored squirrel.

The half-dyed green squirrel grabbed the tree trunk and ran down. It quickly landed on the ground and cautiously approached the cave with a very hidden entrance.

The entrance of the cave is very narrow, and only one person can squeeze through sideways.

After confirming that there was no guard near the entrance of the cave, Sharlayan manipulated the familiar to sneak into the cave, and was shocked to find that there was another universe inside the cave.

A long and narrow passage leading to the ground stretched forward, and the crisp footsteps left by the lich walking in front could still be vaguely heard.

Why crisp?

Isn't the sound of bones hitting the ground crisp and muffled?

Controlling the little squirrel to stay inside the cave for the time being, Sharlayan frowned slightly and said to the three girls who were waiting for the news: "There is a passage leading deeper underground in the cave, and this place is probably left by the secret academy of rituals outside the core area. A secret base."

Onyxia thoughtfully analyzed: "If this secret base has only one entrance, as long as we block the space transfer ability in the cave in advance, we can smoothly catch the turtle from the urn by blocking the entrance from the main entrance, but..."

"Hmm." Sharlayan rubbed his temples with a headache: "I'm not sure if there are other entrances to enter the secret base, let's just assume it exists."


Onyxia turned her attention to Valeera: "This kind of infiltration task can only be done by Valeera. At least we must first find out the detailed internal structure to ensure that the enemy has no way to escape."

Valeera nodded solemnly: "Leave it to me. It's not the first time I have carried out the task of sneaking into the enemy's stronghold. I am confident that no one will find out, and I will successfully bring back the information you need."

Although Sharlayan can also sneak, compared with professional thieves, his stealth skills are still too clumsy.

Different from sneaking into the Academy of Sharp Eyes before, in order to ensure sufficient combat power, Sharlayan had to act with Valeera at that time.

This time it's Valeera sneaked into the cave just for the purpose of scouting information, and would try to avoid fighting, and it would be easy to show her feet if she brought Sharlayan with her.

After a brief discussion among the four, it was finally decided that Valeera would infiltrate alone, and Sharlayan manipulated the familiar to follow her far away, which was an extra insurance.

If Valeera encounters a difficult problem in the cave, Sharlayan, who is monitoring in real time, can immediately take Little Xingxing and Oni to attack by force.

The slender Valeera easily passed through the narrow opening, officially entering the stealth state.

As a member of the undead, the Lich does not need light to assist in seeing things. The cave is pitch black, and the deeper you go, the dimmer the light from the cave entrance becomes.

After performing a large number of tasks given by the Backlight Blade, Valeera has long been used to moving in the dark, and the changes in light did not hinder her too much.

There were no forks around the descending passage in the cave, and Valeera walked silently all the way to a hall deep underground, followed by the squirrel familiar controlled by Sharlayan.

"This is...the laboratory?"

Through the various lights flashing in the hall from time to time, Sharlayan roughly saw the purpose of this secret base.

When Sharlayan was busy observing the environment of the laboratory, Valeera's long elf ears, who had not let down her vigilance, trembled slightly, and she caught the faint voice of words coming from a distance.

"...Marquis...Assault on...Stradama...Ascension to Bastion..."

The intermittent words made Valeera's beautiful brows frowned, and the information revealed in these words made her a little uneasy.

"Promotion to the fortress?"

Valeera's eyes showed a thoughtful look: "Could it be that something happened to the promotion to the fortress? Why did the people of Denathius get the news before us?"

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