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Chapter 792: thunderstorm

Ore and herbal medicine are very important resources for combat preparation. Ore can be forged into various weapons, and herbal medicine can also be used to make a wide variety of potions through alchemy.

There are only two secret courtyards where Maldraxxus can use ore to make weapons. One is the secret courtyard of soul selection that focuses on forging individual equipment, and the other is the secret courtyard of creation dedicated to forging war weapons.

Obviously, the Marquis of Kexus knew nothing about the ore smuggled from Chilan Xianye, otherwise, with his upright temper, he should have spoken out openly.

Then the answer is obvious, those ores were resold to the Secret Academy of Creation, and a large number of war weapons were built for Gamal.

Leaving aside ores, the whereabouts of the herbal medicines should be clearest to the Withering Secret Academy, which specializes in various types of potions, in addition to the Sharp-eyed Academy that can make poisons for smearing.

However, facing Sharlayan's question, Marquis Stradama smiled wryly.

"Unfortunately, I didn't know the whereabouts of the smuggled herbs before, but..."

Stradama's blue eyes, as beautiful as the sky, flashed a cold light: "Now, I know who secretly intercepted a large amount of smuggled herbs from the Blazing Blue Fairy Field."

"No wonder that traitor can easily come up with a new plague potion that requires a lot of precious herbs to be mixed and refined."

"Hmm..." Sharlayan analyzed with a slight frown: "That is to say, Baron Insel secretly colluded with the Secret Academy of Creation and the Secret Academy of Rituals many years ago, and only recently made up his mind to launch a rebellion .”

Huon Gaoling is different from Moonberry and other people who have settled in the Blazing Wilderness for a long time. He is naturally happy and often travels back and forth between the four major kingdoms. He also knows something about Maldraxxus.

As the legendary leader of the tauren family, Hun roughly understood the current situation through the conversation between Sharlayan and Stradama.

"Does this mean that if you want to quell the civil strife in Maldraxxus, you must first deal with the traitors who are holding back the Withering Secret Court?"

Hu En patted his chest and said, "I have many friends in Maldraxxus, and I don't want to see them sacrifice in vain in meaningless internal friction."

"It's time for this civil war to end, both of you, if there is anything I can use, please feel free to speak up."

Sharlayan naturally laughed at such a powerful combat force that came to his door on his own initiative.

"Then I won't be polite, Hun."

Salayan solemnly said to Hu En: "The top priority is that we must behead Baron Insel who started the rebellion, quell the chaos in the withered secret academy, and support the soul-chosen secret academy that is still fighting on the front line as soon as possible."

"Once the Marquis of Kexus receives the evidence we sent, he will soon make it public. This move will definitely deal a devastating blow to the reputation of the Creation Academy and the Sage. For us, it is an event not to be missed. great opportunity.”

The Marquis of Stradama nodded in agreement: "We must take care of our internal affairs as soon as possible, rush to the front line before the final battle begins, and completely crush the fans of Stupid Gamar in one fell swoop!"

Sharlayan patted Hu En's muscular arm: "It's not too late, let's take action."

"I need an expert who can launch precise sniping from a long distance to lie in ambush until our beheading team forces the traitor Yin Seer out of the hiding place..."


Hu En punched each other confidently: "I can kill him with a single blow through long-range sniping!"

Hun Gaoling, who once commanded the entire Gaoling tribe, was by no means a simple reckless man. Sharlayan checked his occupational level through Eagle Eye.

Like Sharlayan, Huln also has dual classes, and his fighter and hunter levels have reached high levels of 59 and 57, respectively.

Don't think that Hu En, whose main weapon was the Eagle Spear in his lifetime, is just a simple melee hunter. His shooting skills are also superb.

After the soul was led to the Shadow Realm, Hu En could not bring the Eagle Spear along with him. He entrusted the craftsman Sylvan of Blazing Wilderness to help make a pure wooden spear and an amazingly powerful spear. giant bow.

Hu En came to the Shadow Realm as early as 10,000 years ago. Due to his naturally restless character, he has repeatedly made military exploits during these 10,000 years.

In a certain battle to protect the peace of the Blazing Wilderness, Hu En's outstanding performance even alarmed the Queen of Winter.

After defeating the enemy, in recognition of Huln's exploits, the Winter Queen personally blessed his weapons, upgrading the epic-quality spears and longbows to artifacts.

After leaving Stradama's castle with Huln, Sharlayan introduced him to Valeera, Stellagosa and Onyxia who also came from Azeroth.

"Oh? You are Huon Gaoling?"

Valeera and Stellagosa only greeted Hu En politely and curiously, and Onyxia looked around him with great interest for quite a while.

"I want to thank you for taking care of my brother when he was young. Thanks to your help, he was not corrupted by his father's mad blood."

Hu En scratched his head in confusion, looked at the black-eyed, black-haired, pretty-looking Onyxia and asked suspiciously, "Brother? Are you?"

"Hehe." Onyxia smiled meaningfully: "I am Ebixian's biological sister, and my name is Onyxia."


The corner of Hu En's mouth twitched suddenly: "...Black Dragon?"

"Hmm." Onyxia shrugged, and asked jokingly, "What? Are you scared?"

Huln turned his gaze and looked at Sharlayan with weird eyes, as if asking why he acted with the black dragon.

Sharlayan stood on tiptoe and smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't make such a fuss, didn't I vaguely reveal it before?"

"The black dragon clan split into two factions, one is the evil black dragon led by the familiar Deathwing, and the other gathered under the banner of the Dragon Queen Sinestra, intending to defeat Deathwing and his crazy followers and retake The glory of the Black Dragon Clan."

"Abyssian and Onyxia are both righteous black dragons on the side of the Dragon Queen. Don't worry that she will seek revenge on you."

Only then did Hu En heave a sigh of relief. He had an inextricable enmity with the black dragon of Deathwing's faction before his death. Suddenly, a black dragon that turned into a human came up to him, and his heart almost stopped beating in fright.

…No, Hu En, who is already in the state of a soul, has long since lost his heart. It should be said that he was so scared that his soul ascended to heaven?

Strictly speaking, Hu En's death has a lot to do with the black dragon.

It was because of the overdrawn life that drove Khaz'goroth's hammer and banished the mighty Deathwing from Highmountain that he died in the prime of his life.

Fortunately, Hu En is open-minded in nature and would not implicate other innocent black dragons because of Deathwing's perverse actions, otherwise he would not adopt Ebythian who just hatched from the egg shell.

When Sharlayan was terrified in the heart of the castle and was struggling with the Marquis of Stradama, the three of Valeera had already assisted Baron Tarkov to open the situation.

Just as Sharlayan analyzed, after the Marquis of Kexus launched a full-scale attack on the frontal battlefield, the Secret Academy of Creation, which bore the brunt, was under tremendous pressure.

Gamar was able to arrange a small group of undead constructs to assist Yin Seer in launching the rebellion, which was considered as keeping his promise.

However, for Yin Seer, a mere few hundred undead structures could not meet his psychological expectations.

Even if Onyxia saved her hand and did not reveal her true strength, the three legendary heroes who cooperated with each other quickly turned the tide of the battle after joining the battle.

Yin Seer's rebels had a pre-emptive advantage, taking advantage of the unprepared regular army of the Withering Secret to fight a beautiful sneak attack.

Sharlayan and the others came at the right time. The addition of the three of Valeera helped the pressured Baron Tarkov to stabilize the battle situation, and the regular army of the Withering Secret Academy, which had a deeper foundation, began to gradually grasp the initiative on the battlefield.

Although Yin Seer was burning with anxiety, the strength he could control now was indeed no match for the regular army that was gradually regaining its status.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Seeing that the situation has become passive, Yin Seer is ready to evacuate at any time.

But before escaping, he was unwilling to send a signal for help to the Secret Academy of Creation and the Baron Sage for the last time.

It's a pity that what Yin Seer waited for was not his own reinforcements, but the enemy's thunder strike.

Well, a literal "thunder" strike.


There are almost no changes in the weather in the Shadow Realm. Once there is an abnormality in the sky, it is out of ten that the old master has changed the weather.

Suddenly a strong wind blew up over the battlefield, and there were bursts of thunder.

Yin Seer, who was circling back and forth in the camp trying to make a comeback, was startled by the sudden thunder, and looked up at the sky in surprise.

"...Ray? Could it be!"


A thick silver-white thunderbolt fell directly on the main tent where Inseer was located, and the entire Maldraxxas could see this explosive thunderbolt. It only took one blow to destroy the central army leader who had undergone multiple reinforcements. The battalion was completely destroyed.

Yin Seer was almost crushed under the collapsed tent, and narrowly escaped from the dangerous area, jumping and roaring in fright and anger.

"Damn! This is the power of nature. Could it be that the Queen of Winter crossed the border?"


A strange male voice sounded from Yin Seer's head: "Just because you are a traitor, you are not qualified enough to let the Queen of Winter take action!"

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