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Chapter 806: Master's message

After successively obtaining runes from the House of Rituals and the House of Creation, Sharlayan has collected all five runes on the Blade of the Master of War.

When the civil war just ended, the situation in Maldraxxus was still very chaotic. The several marquises were all focused on cleaning up the mess, but they never took the time to get together and go to the seat of the soldier lord to listen to the words left by the soldier lord.

When Sarlayan acted as the agent of the Marquis of Creation to initially straighten out the chaos in the Secret Academy of Creation, the other major secret courtyards also returned to normal one after another.

To Sharlayan's surprise, Marquis Sindani of the Academy of Rituals also responded to the call, and brought the newly selected replacement baron to the gate of the Seat of the Lord of War.

The name of the new baron is Bamidal. According to the barrage, this person is also one of the barons of the Ritual Academy in the plot line they know.

In that timeline, apart from Bamidal, the other ritual baron was an old acquaintance of Sharlayan, and it was Kel'Thuzad who was still lurking in the Scourge.

After a period of adjustment, Sindani sorted out her mood, and greeted Salayan with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Sharlayan never liked this kind of two-faced and three-cutting wall. He even had a long-term plan in his mind. He planned to let Kel'Thuzad, who had completed the undercover mission, enter the Shadow Realm in the future and replace Sindani's position.

However, considering this is still too far away, Kel'Thuzad's strength has not yet reached the standard, and there is still a long way to go.

Over the years, Sharlayan has developed a habit of talking nonsense when he sees people and talking nonsense with the nobles of Quel'Thalas.

Although he was very disdainful of Sindani's behavior in his heart, he still responded enthusiastically to Sindani's greetings on the surface.

Time was short, and Sharlayan wasted no time in human contact.

After the four marquises gathered, Sharlayan drew out the Blade of the Warrior Lord and pointed the tip of the sword at the still closed door of the Warrior Lord's Seat.

As the five runes on the sword lighted up corresponding to the recesses on the gate one by one, the seat of the military master, which had been dusty for many years, was finally opened again.

The marquises ordered their baron entourage to stay outside the gate, and the five of them entered the seat of the military master together.

Just a few steps into the gate, Sharlayan and the others heard the message from the military lord echoing in the empty hall.

"Visitor, I am the military master."

"Your entry into my sanctuary means darkness has descended on Maldraxxus...and even the entire Shadowlands."

"Many years ago, the Eternals, including me, reluctantly banished our brother, Zovar, who committed a great crime, into the abyss from which no one can escape. He should have been permanently burdened with the shackles of the warden."

"But after a long investigation, I suspect that Zovar is not alone, and that he has hidden allies among the Eternals."

"If you hear my message, it means that my suspicion has become a reality. Zovall colluded with someone secretly and defeated me who went to the Maw Abyss to investigate the truth."

"To save the Shadowlands from Zorvar's madness...the doomed outsiders, you must gather the power of all the Eternals and unite the Shadowlands once again."

"Tell my warning to my brothers and sisters, we must build a line of defense in advance, and Zovall must not be allowed to reach the 'Tomb'."

"The arbitrator will be the final key, protect it, otherwise the Shadow Realm will be doomed."

The message only ends here. Except for Sarlayan, who already knew the inside story, the four Marquis had different expressions, ranging from shock to deep thought.

Sindani is not interested in the whereabouts of the soldier lord, what she cares about is the warden mentioned in the soldier lord's message.

"So, your claim that the Ritual Academy colluded with the warden was not just a simple slander. The Emperor Denathius, who colluded with the former Baron Stone, is the traitor to the Eternal mentioned in the message of the military master?"

"Hmph!" Kexus snorted angrily, "What else? You think we're bored and make up excuses to fool you?"

Stradama noticed an important word mentioned in the soldier's message.

"What is the mausoleum? Does any of you know?"

Salayan, who had obtained the spoiler ahead of time, of course knew that the so-called mausoleum refers to the Tomb of the Firstborn in Zaresantis.

Since the military master deliberately blurred the meaning of this word, he made it clear that he did not want too many people to know the inside story.

Once the Eternals heard the word Mausoleum, they could immediately guess Zovar's purpose.

Zarethantis is a forbidden place in the Shadowlands, and it will not be easily revealed to anyone.

Since the military master had this in mind, Sharlayan would not directly reveal the riddle without knowing it. He simply pretended not to know anything, and changed the topic to another point worthy of attention.

"The mausoleum is temporarily put aside, it should be a major secret that only the eternal can know."

Sharlayan and the thoughtful Akalek looked at each other: "From this message, we can at least know the approximate location where the leader of the troops disappeared."

Akalek spit out a word with a solemn expression: "Maw."

Sindani chuckled inexplicably: "Heh~ Then here comes the question, how do we break into the Devouring Abyss to rescue the soldier master?"

Stradama rubbed the center of his brows with a headache: "The Maw is a forbidden area for all souls, and once you enter, you cannot escape."

"Even if we can enter the Devouring Abyss to find the imprisoned military master, how can we get him out together?"

The Devouring Abyss is the most special area in the Shadow Realm, and there is no space channel directly connected to the five major kingdoms.

Today's Shadow Realm is not as unbalanced as in the original history. It can directly jump into the Maw from the center of Olympus, and merge into the regular entrance into the Maw.

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully and said, "Since Denathrius has a way to get in touch with the warden, it means that the Eternal knows the way to enter the Maw."

"How about this."

Sarlayan thought for a while and said, "I'm going to the Promotion Fortress to wipe Gristia's **** immediately, and you will send someone to Blazing Blue Fairy to ask the Queen of Winter."

"We should be able to ask the answer to this question from the mouths of the two Eternals with a two-pronged approach."

The four marquises exchanged glances and basically agreed.

Sindani asked another question: "So, who are we going to send to Blazing Wilderness?"

Akalek said without hesitation: "This kind of task of transmitting information is the responsibility of the Academy of Sharp Eyes. I will send Baron Pasonia to carry out this task."

"Baron Pasonia and Sharlayan come from the same material world, and Sharlayan has a good relationship with Blazing Wilderness. The Queen of Winter should sell Sharlayan's face."

Sharlayan shrugged indifferently: "Okay, let Pasonia say that I sent her."

Kexus frowned and said: "This mission of sending letters is just a small problem. What I am worried about is whether Sharlayan can successfully solve the mess left by Gristia when he goes to the promotion fortress."

Sindani glanced at the barons waiting outside the door, and her eyes lingered on Onyxia for a while.

"Considering the current situation of the Secret Academy of Creation, the Marquis of Deep Shadow will definitely leave 1-2 people to sit in charge, relying only on your own strength... Is it really enough?"

Sindani has her own plans, this time the wrong bet has caused a lot of losses to the Ritual Academy, and she wants to make up for the loss from other places.

After Sharlayan left, the leaderless Secret Academy of Creation became a favorite, and Sindani wanted Sarlayan to take away the strongest Onyxia.

It would be easy if only Valeera or Stellagosa was She could rely on the manpower she had placed in the Secret Academy of Creation earlier to try to obtain the design blueprint of the new type of war weapon in the Secret Academy of Creation.

Sharlayan could see that Sindani was playing with magical weapons.

Even if Sindani didn't say anything, Sharlayan had to bring Onyxia with her.

The Black Dragon Princess is the only demigod-level combat power in the team. Without her accompanying and supporting the formation, Sharlayan would have no way to deal with the Saint-Jie-level enemies alone.

Stradama also saw Sindani's plan, but unfortunately, the Withering Secret Academy is still selecting new baron candidates, and there is no manpower for the time being.

The Academy of Sharp Eyes was responsible for sending messages to the Winter Queen and collecting information from all parties, but it also could not intervene. Stradama turned his attention to the Marquis of the Chosen, Caixus, and signaled him to come forward to help Sharlayan relieve the troubles.

Kexus understood what Stradama meant, and he patted his chest cheerfully and said, "Sharlayan, you can safely take all your people to the promotion fortress."

"During the time you are away, I will let Durotan and Wilfred jointly take charge of the Secret Academy of Creation, and promise that no one will reach in and mess it up."

When Kexus said this, he almost pointed at Sindani's nose and called her name.

If other people dared to be so eccentric, Sindani would definitely turn his face on the spot, but the speaker was Kexus...

' Gan! I will endure! '

Sindani lowered her head angrily, pretending not to hear: "I'd like to see if those two soul-chosen idiots with long brains can keep guarding the blueprint!" '

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