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Chapter 814: Public opinion cannot be violated

People have inertial thinking, even the saint who is known as being able to abandon worldly troubles and devote himself to public service is no exception.

Of course, it turns out that the so-called St. Jie can't get rid of all the troubles in the world. This is just Gristia's wishful thinking. The fall of Visiferne and Devos is a clear example.

Unlike Maldraxxus, who has abundant martial arts and often changes barons, the atmosphere of promotion to the fortress is more peaceful, and the turnover of personnel is not so frequent.

Laisonia has served as a loyal hand for tens of thousands of years, and De Vos has long been accustomed to her assistance, and has never had any doubts about Laisonia.

But it was precisely this inertial thinking of over-trust that blinded De Vos' cognition, and made her always be played by the second and fifth boys.

Laisonia's spiritual suggestion to De Vos is not just a simple spell, but also mixed with some psychological principles mentioned in the barrage.

Under the long-term influence of the two-pronged spiritual suggestion, De Vos was completely unable to have any doubts about Lesonia.

Stellagosa is proficient in using various types of spells, but as the saying goes, there are specializations in the spell industry. In terms of spiritual spells, Little Star's attainments are not as good as Onyxia who specializes in this.

DeVos cast doubt on claims she was being puaed by Lesonia, who insists her will is free and not distorted by anyone.

There is no proof, after obtaining the permission of De Vos, Onyxia used the blade of the dark empire to bring Lesonia's will under control.

As the glassy-eyed Lesonia spoke out about the rebellious actions she had made over the years, DeVos's expression went from unbelievable at first, to furious later, and finally to self-blame and regret.

In order to avoid being noticed by De Vos, the spiritual spells that Lesonia applied to De Vos were not very effective. Rather than distorting her will, it was better to cooperate with psychology to induce her behavior.

DeVos thought that all the decisions she made these days were of her own volition, but that was not the case.

Laisonia... or the warden, is the driving force behind her many decisions, including Fallen Heaven.

When De Vos realized that there was a problem with his thinking mode, the weak spiritual suggestion imposed by Lesonia naturally became invalid.

Freed from the temptation of spells, De Vos began to reflect on his thoughts and actions over the years.

Then she sadly discovered the fact that Sharlayan's conjecture was correct. Her will was hijacked by others many years ago, and many decisions were not made by Devos.

This discovery hit De Vos hard, but it also allowed her to completely get rid of Lesonia's pua, and she could look at things more clearly.

The poison called Soul Eater is one of the most proud masterpieces of the alchemist Stradama. Lesonia was already dying after being poisoned by Soul Eater, and to make things worse, Onyxia gave her a set of spirits. control.

After revealing a lot of information against her master (the warden) against her will, Lesonia, whose will fell into conflict and confusion, could no longer support her. Her soul turned into pure light of the soul and dissipated with the wind, and it was over. A life of sin.

As the object of Laisonia's soul bondage, Alidia showed a sad face, clasped her hands in front of her chest, and silently prayed for Lesonia who had gone astray.

The sinner, Lesonia, dissipated freely, but the mess left to Viccione and Devos was far from over.

The Forsworn under the command of the Loyal Sanjie and the Pure and Holy are attacking each other inside and outside the Sleep of Heroes. This fierce internal struggle that broke the dog's mind can be clearly seen by the Kyrians as far away as Bliss Castle.

Regardless of how the situation develops, the immediate priority is to end the infighting among the Forsworn.

Visey Forgne, who finally knew the inside story of De Vos's fall, was still a little emotional, and couldn't calm down for a long time, but at least she still knew what she should do now.

De Vos also suppressed his complicated emotions for the time being, and appeared together with Visey Fergie to appease their subordinates to stop fighting.

When the two factions of Forsworn were separated again clearly, the elite troops from the direction of Bliss Fort, who planned to take advantage of the chaos and sneak attack, just rushed to the gate of Heroes' Rest.

The Fortress of Bliss did not expect that the Forsworn's infighting would be so anticlimactic. With the other party already on guard, the surprise attack that was originally planned to be launched could only be aborted.

Seeing that the common enemy Kyrian had already attacked, the Forsworn under the command of Loyal Saint Jie and Pure Sanity put aside their differences tacitly, and confronted the Kyrian raiders unanimously.

As far as this war is concerned, the Forsworn side has basically achieved its goal.

In Sharlayan's view, what they need to do next is not to continue marching single-mindedly.

If the fortress of promotion is broken, you still have to spend energy to repair it later.

Vissy Fernie and Devos can completely rely on the superiority of the Forsworn army on the battlefield to force Kyrian to come to the negotiating table and get what they want through mutual compromise negotiations.

Although De Vos was puzzled and angry at the intrusion of Sarlayan and his group at first, after calming down and understanding the cause and effect of the incident, both Devos and Visie Forgne showed considerable anger towards the four of Sarlayan. trust and gratitude.

If these four mortals hadn't intervened in time, the conflict between De Vos and Vissie Furney would have caused a major event that was difficult to end, and would only cause pain to the loved ones and happiness to the enemies.

Knowing that Sarlayan was acting as the Marquess of Creation, and at the same time represented the Queen of Winter and the five secret courts of Maldraxxus to mediate the conflict, Devos and Vissie Furney happened to borrow the donkey from the **** and adopted Sarlayan. Proposal to submit a negotiation request to the Fort of Bliss.

In the absence of Gristia herself, it would be difficult to lead the Kyrians to a comeback against public opinion with the three Saint Jies who were injured in varying degrees of severity.

More than 70% of the Grians and candidates who have been promoted to the fort support the Forsworn to force Gristia to amend the law. If they continue to push hard, they will only completely lose the support of the people of Bliss Castle, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Courage St. Jessandria was the most seriously injured and was still unable to play, and Gristia was still autistic as expected.

Wisdom St. Jesenius and Humble St. Jacqueros, as representatives of Fort Elysium, agreed to the negotiating request of the Forsworn after some discussions.

Sharlayan did not pay attention to the follow-up negotiation process. After all, it was an internal matter of the promotion fortress, and it was not easy for him, who bears the title of acting Marquis of Maldraxxus, to intervene.

After witnessing with his own eyes the four Saints calmly approaching the negotiating table, Sharlayan obtained permission from Senius and Kairos to enter the city as the envoys of Blazing Wilderness and Maldraxxus.

Valeera, Stellagosa, and Onyxia ascended to the sky on the Sharlayan Griffon, aiming at the floating city of Elysium floating above the sky.

Ascension Bastion and Maldraxxus both have floating cities, but their purposes are completely different.

The floating city of Maldraxxus is specially used for combat, and is defined as a fortress in the sky on the battlefield.

The Bliss Fort is an administrative building complex, which is Gristia's palace, the government affairs center of the promotion fortress.

When Sharlayan was ushered into the Fort of Elysium by a Kyrian official named Adrestis, the scene here was different from what Sharlayan and the others had imagined.

In Valeera's imagination, there should be a large number of angels with snow-white wings flying freely around Fortress of Elysium.

The wings and the castle in the sky are intertwined, which should reflect a dreamlike beauty.

But when they actually arrived at Fort the first thing that appeared in front of the four of them was a battalion full of wounded soldiers.

Bliss Fort was not used as a fortress from the beginning, and there would not be too many troops stationed here.

From the perspective of the promotion fortress executives including Gristia, if one day the enemy breaks through layers of defense and hits Fort of Elysium, it means that the defense system of the fortress of promotion has completely collapsed, and there is no point in continuing to strengthen Fortress of Elysium.

Ironically, it was not a powerful foreign enemy that broke through the defense of the promotion fortress, but a surge of public opinion that broke out after being suppressed for many years.

After shrinking troops and retreating to Fort Bliss, a large number of wounded soldiers piled up in this small air palace.

Senius and Kailos could only temporarily transform a part of Fort Elysium, allowing the therapists to work overtime to heal the wounded soldiers.

Driven by the strong public opinion, the Forsworn army is in full swing, and Kyrian's troops are at an absolute disadvantage.

Even without the infighting between Vicy Forgne and Devos as an opportunity to send troops, Senius and Kailos planned to put all their eggs in one basket and fight again in the end.

If it still doesn't work, just lie down like the consul Gristia. Anyway, they are also dissatisfied with Gristia's inhuman regulations. Why don't you see if the Forsworn can change Gristia's stubbornness? idea.

Under the guidance of Adrestis, the assistant of the consul, Salayan and his party saw the eldest daughter Gristia again in the government affairs hall at the core of Fort Elysium.

[The eldest daughter of Vegetable Chicken...looks so decadent. 】

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