Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 822: King of Lordaeron

After returning to Azeroth for the first time in more than 8 months, most of the chess games laid out before have developed, and Sharlayan sorted these things according to the priority of the situation.

The battle of Durnholde is imminent, and Sharlayan must make it a priority.

The small-scale war in the Blackrock Spire also needs to be focused on. Sharlayan handed over this task to Valeera, and the elite thieves from Backlight Blade will monitor the further changes in the situation at any time.

In addition, there are many other things worthy of continuous follow-up.

Including the activation of the Dark Portal, the confidential information of natural disasters sent back from time to time by Kel'Thuzad, the unfinished war in the Howling Fjord, the battle for storage in Lordaeron, etc.

Onyxia complained about Sharlayan's frenzied schedule. It was not just a joke. He did have a lot of things to deal with one by one. Even with the assistance of Stellagosa and Valeera, it would take a lot of energy and time.

The above are just major issues related to the changes in the situation in Azeroth, and there are some things that are relatively low in priority, but still need to take time to ask about them.

For example, the invitation sent by the Prophet Velen through Anasteria, check the current situation of Aegwynn and Medivh, the search for La Salazar, the seat of the sky, rescue the soul of Agamaggan, the wild boar demigod, and so on.

[By the way... Is it true that Xiao Sa has arranged too many things for herself? 】

[No way, Azeroth is such a world full of disasters and disasters. If you don’t want everyone to send it together in the future, you can only make arrangements in advance to accumulate as much vitality as possible for this world. 】

[Let's deal with one by one. Anyway, Xiao Sa is a long-lived species, and he has plenty of time. 】

[Sharlayan has plenty of time, but the Burning Legion and the Old Gods can't wait that long, and they may jump out to make trouble at any time. 】

[Agreed, a sense of urgency is a good thing, at least you won’t be in a hurry in the end. 】

After the short vacation ended, Sharlayan left the territory early the next morning and teleported to Silvermoon City.

As usual, he went back to the Deep Shadow family's mansion first, and met with Aunt Alyssa who stayed at home to take care of the children.

The little guy named Gilbert is still growing up carefree.

There are three big trees in the family, Sarlayan, Julian, and Welles, which provide shelter from the wind and rain. Little Jill's childhood will definitely be more comfortable than that of Sarlayan in his childhood.

From Aunt Alyssa, Salayan obtained some information about Uncle Welles.

In the past year, Welles' work intensity has not changed much. He can clock out of get off work on time every day and go home to have dinner with his wife and children.

However, due to the particularity of Backlight Blade's work, Welles was occasionally called up in the middle of the night to deal with emergencies.

Since the Defense Intelligence Agency and Backlight Blade split their duties, some miscellaneous and trivial matters no longer need Backlight Blade to pay attention to them at any time.

As the intelligence agency directly under the Sun King, the Backlight Blade is mainly responsible for those important things that may affect the overall situation of Azeroth.

With the acquiescence of Kael'thas, the Backlighting Blade has provided necessary intelligence support for Sharlayan's various operations in many cases.

In return, these activities of Sharlayan have actually enhanced Quel'Thalas' influence and overall national strength.

The Battle of Alterac that just ended last year is a stark example.

Some people in the cabinet are wary of Salayan, who is in full swing, fearing that he will become arrogant because of his favor, and gradually form a trend that cannot be lost.

But looking at the benefits that Sharlayan brought back to Quel'Thalas, most people are still willing to believe that he is dedicated to the public, and only a few people headed by Dar'Kan are always wary of him.

With the gradual increase of cabinet officials, it is inevitable that there will be some factional disputes due to different political opinions. Darkan also took the opportunity to win over several colleagues with similar positions.

Kael'thas will not let down his vigilance against this old fox. Dar'Khan's every move is under the surveillance of Backlight Blade, and he doesn't dare to go too far, at least he doesn't dare to blatantly form cliques and split the council like before. .

Under Kael'thas' secret control, although quarrels often occurred in the cabinet due to government affairs, overall, they tended to develop benignly.

Unlike the virtual monarchy mentioned in the barrage, the highest ruler in Quel'Thalas today is still the Sun King.

The power of the cabinet is to assist the Sun King in managing government affairs. As long as Kael'thas himself does not nod, the government proposals submitted by the cabinet cannot be passed.

This model of power distribution is more like the cabinet system of China and the Ming Dynasty mentioned in the barrage.

The elders of the pavilion are high and powerful, with power in the court and the public, but it is still the emperor who makes the final decision.

...Of course, some embarrassing emperors who were emptied by the cabinet must be excluded.

After mediating the dispute between the Anti-Lordaeron Alliance and the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the international status of Quel'Thalas, which was regarded as a neutral country by both sides, was once again elevated.

Whether it is the Anti-Lordaeron Alliance or the Kingdom of Lordaeron, neither side wants Quel'Thalas to completely fall to the other side.

Terenas, who had suffered a huge blow to his ambition, was bedridden again. In the past year, he has seldom been in charge of the government, and most of the government affairs have been handed over to the siblings, Calia and Alsace.

Ever since Calia made it clear that she wanted to fight for the crown prince, Terenas, who favored Alsace, suppressed her in every possible way.

After the peace talks with Alterac, the reputation of Calia of the peace faction has soared, and Terenas, whose influence is declining day by day, can no longer be killed.

In name, the current King of Lordaeron is still Terenas Menethil, but the actual ruling power has fallen into the hands of Calia and Arthas, and the two have gathered a group of people who are willing to support them. Princes and ministers.

Alsace's political views are different from Calia's. Calia advocates vigorously wooing the high elves and taking the opportunity to improve the stiff relationship with Quel'Thalas.

Although Arthas was released early because Terenas fell ill again, he didn't seem to have learned enough lessons from the confinement during this period, and he still embraced Sharlayan who "stolen" Jaina. There is a deep hostility.

His hostility also extended to the entire high elf group. Arthas firmly opposed to submitting to Quel'Thalas, and even clamored to use force to let Quel'Thalas know the power of Lordaeron.

The personal relationship between the siblings did not break down because of political disagreements. In private, the relationship between Alsace and Calia was still very good, and the two could be regarded as having a clear distinction between public and private affairs.

Arthas and Calia represent the two factions of Lordaeron respectively, which can be simply classified as Eagle and Dove.

The two brothers and sisters each have a large number of supporters, and they are basically evenly matched.

According to Kael'thas, Lordaeron's political situation has reached a delicate balance with the cooperation of the two siblings, which just stabilized the mess left by Terenas and prevented Lordaeron's national power from falling off a cliff. decline.

"This situation is only temporary."

Kael'thas said firmly to Sharlayan: "Terenas is old after all, and his physical condition is not optimistic."

"A country cannot be without a king for a day. Once Terenas dies, the battle for the throne will become completely heated."

"There can only be one person between Calia and Arthas who can rule the world, and sooner or later there will be cracks in the close cooperation between them."

Sharlayan asked thoughtfully: "Your Majesty, do we need to stand between the two heirs?"

Kael'thas shook his head: "Quel'Thalas will strictly abide by the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and will not interfere in the competition between the two royal families. At least... there must be no bias on the surface."

Salayan immediately showed a clear expression: "I understand."

Kael'thas' meaning is obvious.

With the help of Sharlayan's matchmaking, Quel'Thalas has long established a friendly relationship with Princess Calia.

This connection cannot be made public, at least not until the outcome of the battle for the throne is known.

But this does not mean that Quel'Thalas will really just stand by and watch Calia, who has a more moderate stance towards the high elves, ascends the throne, which is obviously more in line with Quel'Thalas Interests.

Quel'Thalas will secretly provide help to Princess Calia. If Calia can successfully win the competition, this kindness will definitely be rewarded in the future.

Even if Arthas "accidentally" wins, Quel'Thalas will be able to get rid of the relationship. Presumably, Calia will not blow herself up, and the connection with Quel'Thalas will only rot in her stomach.

"Judging according to the current situation." Kael'thas said with a relaxed smile, "Although this battle for the throne has been exaggerated by the princes and nobles in Lordaeron, in my opinion, it is nothing more than the political opinions of doves and hawks. battle."

"The competition between Alsace and Calia tends to be benign. No matter who wins in the end, the one who loses should not be in danger of life."

Sharlayan nodded noncommittally: "The premise is that Alsace's mentality will not change in the next few years. '

‘The Scourge, the Lich King… I don’t know if they will have anything to do with Arthas, let me wait and see. '

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