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Chapter 831: Goblin tech, boy

After obtaining the guarantee from Haas, Sharlayan's next actions can be given the green light and proceed smoothly.


Sharlayan had just left the coalition barracks outside Durnholde Castle, and Jin, who had long been impatient, ordered the shelling of Dunholde's city walls to begin.

Quel'Thalas has begun using cone-shaped projectiles with built-in arcane magic.

This streamlined ammunition can fly farther after being accelerated by the rotation of the rifling, and when it hits an object, it will trigger the mechanism inside the shell due to the impact, causing the built-in magic power to explode at once, causing a certain range of magic explosion damage.

In contrast, the artillery technology of Kul Tiras has not yet developed to that point, and the heavy solid round bullets are still used, and can only rely on the impact force of the cannon to cause damage to objects.

Even so, with the improvement of the power of gunpowder, the volley of these solid bullets can cause considerable damage to the city wall.

When the battle around Durnholde Castle officially began, Sharlayan flew into the castle again.

The mercenaries that Blackmoore spent a lot of money to recruit, as well as Dunholde's original World War II veterans, focused all their attention on the enemies outside the city, and their defenses against the city's interior were significantly weakened.

When swooping down from a high altitude, Sharlayan accidentally saw a drunk middle-aged man in fine clothes on the top balcony of the lord's castle.

"That is…"

Slowing down the speed of descent, Sarlayan hovered in mid-air and carefully observed the bearded man who fell under his feet.

[Blackmoore? 】

[It should be, he finally was willing to come out. 】

[The enemy has already approached the city, and the movement of the artillery salvo is so loud, it is impossible to pretend to be an ostrich. 】

[Let him go, Blackmoore's combat power was not bad when he was young, but under the erosion of alcohol and **** for so many years, his strength is probably not advancing but retreating. It is impossible for him to cause any serious damage to the battlefield situation with his own strength. what effect. 】

Anyway, Blackmoore also looked drunk, and Sharlayan boldly activated the Hawkeye to observe his state.

Sure enough, Blackmoore's fighter level strangely showed a strange number of 51 (45).

51 should represent his peak strength, while 54 represents the strength he can display with his current physical fitness.

Sharlayan smiled disdainfully: "I'm willing to degenerate."

The subject of Eagle Eye is usually keenly aware that someone is watching them.

But Blackmoore, whose nerves were paralyzed by the alcohol, didn't react at all, still pacing back and forth on the balcony with the bottle in hand.

At the same time when the Battle of Durnholde officially started, Thrall, as a gladiator, also received the call-up order as a matter of course.

But he ignored the arrogant official who came to report the letter, and punched him unconscious with a punch that was caught off guard.

Since Thrall had entered the orc shelter many times, the soldiers guarding the gate knew him well.

Thrall easily sneaked into the shelter once again on the grounds that the lord was trying to recruit the orcs to join the war.

Under Thrall's call, the orcs who could still raise their fighting spirit set foot on the battlefield again after many years in order to gain freedom.

The orcs, who had completely rioted, knocked down the few remaining guards in the shelter without any hindrance. Under Thrall's guidance, they got the weapons they needed from the arsenal of the guards in the shelter.

Just when the city was in turmoil, Taressa, who was mentally prepared in advance, immediately realized that the time to escape Dunholde had come.

Early this morning, Taresa, who heard that the war was about to start, called the Foxtons, who were working in the castle, into her room on the grounds that she missed her parents.

Blackmoore's other mistresses resented this, but no one was in the mood to accuse Taretha of cowardice just now as the war that threatened Dunholde Castle was about to begin.

Is Taresa timid?

Sharlayan didn't think so.

On the contrary, this kind human girl is brave enough to do dangerous things for her family that she has never experienced before.


Just when all the defenders, including Blackmoore, were concentrating on resisting the enemy's attack, a violent explosion suddenly came from the southeast corner of Dunholde Castle.

Sharlayan, who hovered over the castle, immediately noticed Thrall who was not far from the explosion site.

"Oh? Goblin Dynamite? Interesting."

Now that he has decided to flee from Dunholde as a test for Thrall, Sharlayan has no intention of intervening in his escape plan. Everything is left to Thrall to prepare for himself. Teresa.

In order to prepare for the war with the Kingdom of Alterac that would happen sooner or later, Blackmoore hastily purchased a lot of war materials, including a batch of high explosives sold to him by goblin profiteers at a high price.

Facts have proved that the power of these explosives is sufficient, but the stability is worrying.

According to the instructions given by the goblin trader, these high explosives should detonate within 10-15 seconds of igniting the fuse.

But when Blackmoore sent someone to conduct the test, the unlucky tester hadn't had time to evacuate, and the flames burned out the fuze within 2 seconds, directly blowing the tester into pieces of meat.

Blackmoore is also a general-type nobleman who has come down from the battlefield, and he has seen many dead people.

But it was the first time Blackmoore saw such an unappetizing and tragic scene, and he almost vomited out all the breakfast he ate not long ago.

Witnessing the shocking effects of goblin technology with his own eyes, Blackmoore didn't dare to use these dangerous defective products anymore, and threw all the high explosives in the warehouse and shelved them.

Blackmoore didn't dare to use it not because he felt sorry for his soldiers, but because the explosives that exploded in the city would not hurt the city wall. Thrall and the orcs didn't care about this.

Speaking of engineering products made by goblins... how should I put it, Sharlayan thinks that people with luck are more suitable to use them.

To explode or not to explode is a matter of probability.

The orc that Thrall sent to ignite the fuze was lucky. The fuze strictly complied with the standard of the manual, and the explosives were detonated only 12 seconds after ignition.

While there are always all sorts of weird surprises with goblin-made things, if the products work properly, they're usually uncompromising.

It is said that high explosives are high explosives. Five groups of explosives detonated in parallel, blasting a large gap in the city wall at the southeast corner of Durnholde at one time.

Thrall was also a little worried about goblin technology. Seeing that the city wall was successfully blasted, he was relieved, and he stood up with his battle ax tightly and gave orders.

"Come on! The freedom you want is ahead! But escaping Durnholde Castle is only the first step, move! Everyone breaks up and goes to the meeting point!"

One of the orc veterans with a relatively calm temperament took a deep look at Thrall: "What about you? Young compatriots?"

Sal grinned: "I have other things to do, don't worry about me, I will definitely arrive on time."

At the same time, Taresa, who had just walked to the gate of Blackmoore Castle, ran into some trouble.

The guards staying at the castle still strictly obeyed Blackmoore's order, refusing to let the Foxtons through on the grounds that it was not safe outside.

Just as Taresa was anxiously trying to convince the guards, a big dark purple bird suddenly descended from the sky, flapped its wings and created a whirlwind, and swept all the guards at the gate of the castle into it.

The whirlwind like a drum washing machine quickly stunned the guards, Sharlayan dispersed the spell in good time, and landed on the low wall next to the bewildered Taressa.

Sharlayan tilted his head, and said to the three of Taressa in a convincing manner: "What are you waiting for? Haven't rushed to the agreed meeting place? Thrall has already blasted the city wall, and will soon Come to pick you up."


Hearing Sharlayan's familiar voice, Taressa subconsciously nodded in agreement, and then she suddenly realized that something was wrong, staring back and forth in amazement at Sharlayan who was still in the form of a storm crow.

"You...will turn into a bird?"

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Stupid girl! Is this the time to care about such things? Hurry up and leave!"

"Oh! Good."

Taresa, who had lost her focus, came back to her senses, UU Reading turned her head in embarrassment and said to the Foxton couple who also looked surprised: "Mom and Dad, come with me, Sal should It's already waiting for us."

Just when Taresa was about to take her parents to continue the action, a tongue-in-cheek shout suddenly came from the top floor of the castle.

"Traitor... traitor!"


A fairly tall figure jumped down from the top floor with a heroic leap.

Although his feet almost slipped, he managed to gain a firm foothold on the ground with the impact of gravity, blocking the terrified Taresa.

Taresa subconsciously opened her arms to block her elderly parents, and whispered to Sharlayan with trembling lips: "He...he is the lord, Aedlas Blackmoore."

"Ok, I know."

Sharlayan lowered his eyelids helplessly: "It really won't be so smooth... But looking at him like this, it's not too difficult."

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