Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 838: The well-informed old shaman: ?

The residence of the Frostwolf Clan is located in a hidden small mountain depression. After entering the entrance of the mountain depression through a winding mountain road, Salayan and the others suddenly saw a bright light.

Because the high mountains on both sides block most of the cold wind, the temperature inside the depression is obviously higher than outside.

A large number of orc-style animal skin tents and wooden buildings are scattered in the mountain depression, and the orcs of the Frostwolf clan are preparing lunch according to the usual rhythm of life.

Many heavily armed hunters were checking their bows and melee weapons. Several orcs wearing "long skirts" seemed to be praying for them.

Sharlayan looked at those orcs in strange costumes with great interest: 'Shaman priest? '

On the way to follow Drek'Thar to the Frostwolf garrison, Sharlayan heard a lot about the old shaman's life from the barrage.

It is said that from the time Drek'Thar was born, his eyes were blind.

In his early years, Drek'Thar studied under the former chief shaman of the Frostwolf clan, Matriarch Kashur.

When Kashur's mother was unfortunately killed in a certain hunting, Drek'Thar inherited the position of the chief shaman of the Frostwolf clan, and devoted himself to assisting the then Frostwolf chief Galad, Durotan's father. , the grandfather of Gu Yiner.

After Garad's death, the position of Chief Frostwolf passed to his second son, Durotan.

Galad's eldest son, Fenris, left due to disagreement with his ideas when Galad was in power, and joined the Thunderlord clan that also lived in Frostfire Ridge. Renamed Iron Wolf.

The early Drek'Thar was not as calm and sophisticated as he is now. He was also deceived by Kil'jaeden's Matriarch of Kashur, and he did not follow Durotan's advice, abandoning the teachings of elements and embarking on the way of a warlock.

Drek'Thar followed Gul'dan to participate in the **** action to encircle and suppress the Draenei people. Under the influence of evil energy to amplify the dark emotions in his heart, he even killed those unarmed Draenei women and children.

As Drek'Thar gradually deepened into the way of the warlock, he could no longer hear the call of the elements, which made Drek'Thar, who had established a deep connection with the elements since childhood, a little uneasy.

When Durotan investigated the demon hiding behind Gul'dan, Drek'Thar woke up like a dream.

With cold sweat on his face, he gave up the fel energy he had acquired quite a lot, hoping to return to the way of shaman priest.

But at that time, the elements of Draenor had already been severely damaged by the ubiquitous fel energy, and could no longer respond.

Abandoning the influence of fel energy, Drek'Thar was very guilty of the crimes he committed with the tribe, and always wanted to find a chance to atone for his sins.

After being dragged into Azeroth by the Horde, Drek'Thar followed the young and wise chief Durotan to lead the Frostwolf Clan and the Horde to part ways. Life.

Drek'Thar still routinely tries to communicate with the elements every day.

When Durotan took Draka and the young Goyinl to visit friends, Drek'Thar's persistence was finally rewarded, and he established a connection with the elemental spirits of Azeroth.

After many years, the lineage of shamans returned to the Frostwolf clan.

Drek'Thar, acting as the chieftain, carefully protects his people with his lost and recovered power, silently expecting that Durotan and Draka, who have been missing for many years, will return to him one day.

Today, 12 years have passed since Durotan disappeared.

Even though he still didn't want to believe it, Drek'Thar had already noticed that Durotan and Draka were probably killed.

In the original history, Drek'Thar got the exact news of the two's deaths from Orgrim who came to ask for help.

In this timeline, Orgrim is driven back by endless ambushes as soon as he enters Hillsbrad.

The moment he saw the swaddling cloth in Guyin'er's hand, Drek'Thar was basically sure that the Durotan couple would never come back, otherwise they would not be able to leave their child to grow up alone.

Drek'Thar is a veteran orc. He could "see" that Gu Yin'er's speech and behavior were far from those of the other orcs around him. It should be because he had not received the traditional education of orcs since he was a child.

Drek'Thar eagerly wanted to know what Guyin'er had experienced over the years, and also wanted to hear the ending of Durotan and his wife from him, so as to end the worries that he had never let go of for more than ten years.

Nazgrim and other foreign orcs were temporarily placed on the outskirts of the Frostwolf garrison.

Although these people are all followers of Gu Yiner, as the guard said before, the Frostwolf clan does not want to get involved in the struggle between the tribe and the natives of Azeroth, and does not want to get karma from these orcs of unknown origin.

That being the case, keeping them at a respectful distance is the best way to deal with them.

Nazgrim and others have no objection to this. As veterans who participated in the First World War and the Second World War, this group of orcs who are still suffering from the backlash of the blood of the demons are already exhausted physically and mentally.

It is rare to find a clan in Azeroth that still adheres to the original tradition of the orcs, enjoying a peace that has not been felt for many years. Nazgrim and others only hope to hide here and rest for a while.

Perhaps those shamans who have rediscovered the favor of the elements can soothe the weariness and weakness of their bodies and minds from the inside out.

After leaving more than 400 orc followers headed by Nazgrim, Goyil insisted on acting together with Sharlayan and Taressa.

Although Drek'Thar is invisible to the eyes, with the help of elements, he can distinguish many things through different auras.

Taresa's soul is pure and pure. Even though she knew that this girl was a human from a different race, Drek'Thar was still unwilling to embarrass such a pure and good person.

As for Sharlayan...

Drek'Thar couldn't see through the heart of this foreign man of unknown origin. The light of his soul was a chaos of mixed black and white, and he couldn't simply judge by good and evil.

In fact, this situation is the norm for intelligent creatures.

There aren't that many black and white diodes in the world, most people are a gray somewhere in between.

After arriving at the chief's hall where Durotan originally lived, Drek'Thar consciously sat on the second seat, leaving the chief seat vacant.

During this period of time, Nazgrim has been telling Gu Yiner about the traditions and common sense of the orcs, but he still doesn't understand some of the customs of the orcs, and subconsciously wants to go to the vacant seat and sit down.

Salayan grabbed Guyin'er's shoulder, and when he turned around in doubt and asked with his eyes, Salayan shook his head silently, pointing his chin at the next seat.

The blind Drek'Thar couldn't see the little movements of the two.

After several people sat down, Drek'Thar still had a nostalgic expression on his face, and gently stroked the swaddling cloth.


A few minutes later, Drek'Thar finally put down his swaddling clothes, and "looked" at Guyin'er with a slightly changed expression.

"Son, do you know your origin and name?"

Gu Yiner nodded subconsciously, and after realizing that Drek'Thar couldn't see him, he hurriedly added: "Yes, I have heard about my life experience from Salayan, and I have heard from him I got the tomahawk left by my father in my hand."

"A tomahawk?"

Drek'Thar was a little surprised, and stretched out his hand to Guyin'er and said, "Can you show me that tomahawk?"

Through the swaddling cloth and Guyin'er's soul breath, which has many similarities with Durotan, Drek'Thar has been able to determine his identity.

He was worried that the Sarlayan that Guyiner was talking about deliberately deceived him in the name of Durotan, and planned to personally check for Guyiner.


Sharlayan chuckled and said to Gu Yiner who looked over with questioning eyes: "There is no need to be scruples and This elder is a veteran Salayan who has served two generations of Frostwolf chieftains." Priest Man is also your elder, show him."

Sharlayan's evaluation made Goyiner put down the uneasiness in his heart, untied the battle ax from behind, and held it in front of Drek'Thar with both hands.

"Oh?" Drek'Thar didn't take the tomahawk immediately, but turned his head and "looked" at Salayan meaningfully: "So you are the Salayan that Guyiner said, so you Ever met Durotan?"

Durotan and Draka should have been killed shortly after they disappeared. It has been 12 years since now, and Sharlayan's voice sounded very young. Blow the air.

Sharlayan smiled nonchalantly: "I did meet Durotan and got this Wolf Soul battle ax from him, but..."

Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "What I saw was not Durotan in his lifetime, but an accidental encounter with him in the world of the dead."

Drek'Thar: "?"

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