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Chapter 852: double ghost

When the crisis came, Sharlayan had no time to dodge, and he hurriedly ordered loudly with the hair on his body: "Retreat! No one comes near me!"

Stellagosa's reaction was also quick, and he teleported a dozen or so soldiers who were relatively close to the rear at fixed points.

Liadrin immediately threw the blessing of sacrifice to Sharlayan, and at the same time activated the Holy Shield.

Sharlayan, who was bending over to take care of the booty before, had no time to make fine adjustments. He could only turn around and cross the two swords in front of him, using the wide blade to block his body as much as possible.


Centering on this blue-skinned fire demon, the charged magic explosion blasted away, and the huge impact threw Sarlayan, who was on an unstable footing, backwards.

Fortunately, Liadrin put on the Blessing of Sacrifice when she saw the opportunity, and part of the damage was transferred to her, which happened to be nullified by the Holy Shield.

Adjusting his posture in mid-air, Salayan landed steadily enduring the pain all over his body.


Spit **** saliva to the side, Sharlayan looked at the blue fire demon with a sarcasm with a gloomy expression.

"Shaslaal? A guy who doesn't talk about martial arts."

The real world is not a game, and the boss will not stand there foolishly waiting for you to challenge.

Long before the battle with Gall began, Sharlayan arranged for a small group of black iron scouts to enter the cave deeper into the Molten Core to closely monitor the movements of Baron Geddon and Shaslaar.

According to the report from the black iron scouts, Baron Gardon happened to patrol the area far away from the cave, and there was a mutated fire demon with a dark blue body on the small square not far from the cave.

However, when the battle between Sharlayan and the others was going on fiercely with Gal, the blue fire demon lord seemed completely unaware of the raging fire at the other end of the cave, and was still walking back and forth with its tail leisurely.

The cheers of the coalition's victory over Gal distracted the scouts who were in charge of monitoring Shaslar.

In just a few tenths of a second, Shaslar, who was not in a hurry just now, suddenly disappeared in front of them, and two consecutive long-distance flashes came to Sharlayan across space.

Right now is not the time to pursue responsibility, the top priority is to kill this mutant fire demon first.

The fire demon is essentially a kind of elemental creature born from the bath of fire. They only resemble human figures in appearance, and they are not flesh and blood creatures in the true sense.

Since its body is composed of fire elements, the fire demon has a strong affinity for fire elements, so it is natural that it will choose its own advantageous items to tap into its potential.

Shaslaer is a strange species among the fire demons. He gave up the strength of the fire demons, and unexpectedly chose to replace the fire elements filled in his body with arcane energy.

As a result, Shaslar's life form mutated, and the abundant fire element in his body was almost completely replaced by arcane energy.

The special body structure allows Shaslar to gain a lot of boost when releasing arcane spells, and it can also greatly reduce the spells and preparation time for casting large spells.

Arcane Explosion is not a rare spell for mages. It is one of the three spells that beginner mages must learn together with Arcane Missile and Mana Shield, representing single target, group attack and protection respectively.

Shaslaar's magic explosion technique is not ordinary, and Sharlayan felt the majestic magic power contained in it the moment he received the attack.

In the absence of preparations, even with Liadrin's urgent blessing of sacrifice, Sharlayan still suffered serious injuries, both internally and externally.

Fortunately, his resilience is strong enough. Under the influence of the blood of the red dragon, it only takes a short breathing time for the wounds inside and outside the body to heal automatically.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Holy Shield had not dissipated, Liadrin consciously took over the work Sharlayan had originally undertaken, and took the lead without hesitation.

Among the three specializations of paladins, Liadrin majors in protection and minors in holy light (healing).

Although her combat experience is not as rich as that of Sharlayan, she is still competent for a while.

Liadrin blesses herself with the King's Blessing that increases all aspects of attributes, and opens the aura of piety that increases all-round resistance.

When she rushed to Shasrael with the Priest's Speed ​​of Light spell, the guy raised his hands and was about to launch a pursuit to the wounded Sharlayan.

Liadrin hit the shield with sharp eyes and quick hands, and the power of the holy light attached to the shield interrupted Shaslar's spellcasting.

This is the accusation skill of the paladin. If the person hit is in the state of casting spells, the power of the holy light penetrating through the body can temporarily disrupt the energy balance in the opponent's body, making him unable to release all other spells of the same type in a short period of time.

Shaslar's partiality was extremely serious. After replacing the fire element in his body with arcane energy, he lost the ability to use other types of spells, so he could only focus on arcane spells.

After the spell was interrupted, Shaslar was a little confused. He didn't know what to do when he couldn't continue to use arcane spells.

Liadrin took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the skillful sword and shield combined to force Shaslaar, who was a spellcaster, into a panic, and could only swim backwards to avoid it.

After finally surviving the spell-casting vacuum period, Shaslar suddenly felt a chill all over his body, with a strong premonition of being locked in by someone.

Following the instinct of his body, the first spell he released was not a counterattack, but continued to flash backwards.


A magical arrow that pierced through the air missed exactly where Shaslar was before using the flash, and penetrated deeply into the scorched earth.


Cirvanas, who was hiding in the middle of the army and launched a precise sniper, was a little dissatisfied: "Sure enough, not every flame lord is as dull as Magmanda, and the side effects of Eagle Eye are quite troublesome."

For the first time in the team, Stellagosa, who was in charge of mediating the atmosphere, did not respond to Cirvanas' complaints, her face was very gloomy.

Stellagosa knew that with Salayan's physical fitness, this small injury was nothing at all.

But seeing her man being wounded by magic right under her nose, Stellagosa still couldn't suppress the anger in her heart.

In the words of barrage, this is playing a big ax in front of Luban.

Facing Shaslar, who could move flexibly with the flash technique, Cirvanas' long-range sniper was not so easy to hit.

Unless she continued to close the distance and gave up using Eagle Eye to locate the target, once she used Eagle Eye to lock on the target, the opponent would almost certainly feel a sense of stress.

As the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly, but blessings never come singly.

The black iron scouts guarding the cave to monitor the situation finally played a role at this time.

According to their emergency report, the soldiers under the command of Shaslaar and Baron Geddon were gathering together and rushing towards this side, and the scouts could still clearly see a huge fire elemental rushing to the front of the team.

Not surprisingly, this super-large fire elemental is Ragnaros' beloved general, Baron Geddon.

When she heard the news, Moira felt a little dizzy, and she felt like she was being ambushed by someone.

"Don't doubt it, your feeling is probably right."

Sharlayan, who fell behind and was recovering from his injuries, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

"Gal is an outsider from Deep Rock Continent after all. Although Ragnaros generously showed an attitude of treating people equally, the Fire Lords below may not accept it."

Moira frowned and guessed: "You mean, Gardon's single-handedness is part of the plan of Baron Geddon and Chaslaal, and they originally planned to use him as bait to let us relax our vigilance at the moment of victory." , so they take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on us?"

Sharlayan nodded solemnly: "Although I don't know more specific But judging from the current situation, it should be close to ten."

Moira turned her gaze and looked worriedly at the black iron scouts distributed like a relay in the cave.

"That is to say, next we have to face two flame lords at the same time?"


Sharlayan twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled: "This is expected. I originally thought that when I attacked Lucifron and Magmanda, I would fight on both sides at the same time. The delay until now is considered lucky. "

Glancing at the little star who was in a fit of anger and outputting crazily at Shaslaar, Sharlayan focused most of his attention on the other side of the cave.

"Leave the three of them here, Your Royal Highness, I will leave my back to you."

Moira raised her bushy eyebrows in surprise: "You... want to block Baron Geddon alone?"

Sharlayan shrugged with a smile: "It's not alone, isn't it with your Highness's assistance?"

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