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Chapter 858: Azeroth's traditional performing arts -- father's kindness and son's fi

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Sunderland the Wind Chaser has great prestige in the Sky Wall of the Wind Elemental Realm. Before he was defeated and disappeared, he had even faintly surpassed his father, Al'Akir the Wind Rider.

Although Sunderland and Alakir are biological father and son, their political views are completely different.

Al'Akir the Wind Rider, like Ragnaros, is a **** ancient god, bent on recreating the glory of the Dark Empire.

As a representative of the new generation of wind elements, Sunderland has no interest in the old dark empire.

Times have changed. The ancient gods were thrown into the sewer by the Titans and their creations tens of thousands of years ago. If you continue to follow them mindlessly, you will only drag the wind elemental family into the bottomless abyss.

In view of this, Sunderland intends to go a different way with Alakir.

Not to mention taking refuge in the defenders of Azeroth camp like Neptulon, at least learn from Therazane to stand firm and neutral.

Before the war with the fire elemental, Sunderland's active neutrality plan was carried out fairly smoothly, and Ragnaros, who appeared without warning, caught him by surprise.

Looking back now, Sunderland realized that the raid was tricky.

His secret marching route is only known to a very few close people, but this route was exposed to Ragnaros, and he was taken away by his best, clearly prepared in advance.

Although deep in his heart he didn't want to believe it, Sunderland already had an answer in his heart about who the ghost was.


After watching Sunderland leave, Sharlayan turned into a griffin again and flew in the direction of Uldaman with Stellagosa.

The back door of Uldaman is located near Dustwind Canyon in the middle of the Badlands. Instead of wasting time and energy to get the little star to locate the coordinates, it would be more convenient to fly over directly.

Nothing happened, Salayan told Little Xingxing her guess about the truth behind the ambush that year on the road, and as expected, she cried out in surprise.

"This...Aren't Alakir and Sunderland biological father and son? As the saying goes, a tiger's poison does not eat its son. Even if the ideas are different, is it really necessary to do this?"

"Heh~" Sharlayan said with a sneer: "Who knows, maybe elemental creatures have a different understanding of family affection than us flesh and blood creatures."

"The person who can accurately grasp the route of Sunderland's march, and has a channel to quickly inform Ragnaros of it, after all, only Al'Akir, the king of wind elements."

Both being in the camp of the ancient gods, although the wind element and the fire element often have frictions, they are in the same position on the general direction.

In order to facilitate the exchange of needs between these two powerful men, the ancient gods will inevitably set up channels for direct communication between Alakir and Ragnaros, the two kings of elements.

"I boldly speculate that before Sunderland's disappearance, his prestige has gradually overshadowed Al'Akir who still pursues old-fashioned policies."

"In order not to be forced to abdicate by his son gradually taking away the power in his hands, Al'Akir chose to act first, and secretly cooperated with his ally Ragnaros to behead the leader of the emerging faction, the Windseeker."

"Facts have proved that this method of exterminating relatives is indeed very effective."

Sharlayan told the little star what he heard from Neptulon: "Since the disappearance of Sunderland, the emerging faction that supports him to change the position of the wind element has fallen into infighting, and it is probably Al'Akir's. People are instigating behind their backs."

"Without the leader of the various forces in the unified faction, the internal conflicts in the emerging factions have been serious in the past few thousand years, and they can no longer threaten Al'Akir's throne."

Stellagosa frowned: "After so many years, can Sunderland still be able to command those wind elements who followed him earlier?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "I don't know, we are not the parties after all, we can only wait for Sunderland's performance."

"However, I can be sure that the despicable behavior of Al'Akir's black hands in disregard of family affection will definitely eliminate the last worry in Sunderland's heart."

"As long as Sunderland can return to the Wall of Sky with the help of defeating Ragnaros's clone and breaking through the Molten Core, a big drama of fatherly kindness and filial piety may be inevitable."

Stella Gosa suddenly showed a sudden look: "No wonder he is so active in recruiting wind elements to join the team to attack the Molten Core. It turns out that there is a plan to reshape his influence behind it."

Sunderland has been missing for many years, and he can't guarantee how much influence he has left on the sky wall.

Now that he entered the material world with his body by accident, Sunderland just took this opportunity to summon his confidants to Azeroth.

Since you, Al'Akir, are the first graders, don't blame me, Sunderland, for the fifteenth grades.

Thousands of years ago, Sunderland described to his followers a relatively conservative position, only wanting to maintain neutrality between the two major forces of the ancient gods and the defenders of Azeroth.

Al'Akir's despicable behavior without a bottom line completely angered Sunderland. The moment he regained his freedom, he made up his mind to completely stand by Azeroth's side like Neptulon. The ancient **** faction fights to the end.

The disastrous defeat at the beginning was not a result of the war, and Sunderland was very unconvinced. He decided to recover the debt from the two instigators who secretly planned the conspiracy.

Al'Akir is far away in the sky wall of the wind elemental world, and it is rare to be able to be active in Azeroth. Sunderland does not want to go back for the time being.

Moreover, in his current poverty-stricken state with no possessions and no followers, returning to the wall of the sky rashly is a proper gift of his head.

Just out of trouble, Sunderland's physical condition is still far from the peak period, and he is definitely not the opponent of Ragnaros himself.

Coincidentally, the mortal who released him from captivity happened to have a grudge against the Fire Elemental as well.

I can't beat your body. With the help of a large number of mortal elites, can I still beat your clone and lackey?

As long as the Molten Core and the Ragnaros clone can be taken down, Sunderland can take this opportunity to revive his prestige, recruit his former followers, and stand up against Al'Akir in a clear-cut manner.

Sunderland made up his mind that one day he would lead the army of wind elements who supported him to fight back to the wall of the sky, and take back what should belong to him from his despicable father. least not now.

There is a saying in Danmaku that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon.

Even if it's just facing Ragnaros' clone, Sunderland's current bad state is really not sure.

As the air elemental prince who stepped into the demigod threshold early, Sunderland knew very well that only he could withstand Ragnaros' frontal attack.

Sunderland's vision is very poisonous, and he can see the real race of Salayan and Stellagosa at a glance-the dragon race.

If it is an adult dragon, Sunderland can rest assured that they will be responsible for the main attack task.

It's a pity that these two little guys are still young dragons, and they can't compete with Ragnaros head-on.

Sunderland could only take over the main attack position without hesitation, and be supported by other mortal heroes who were strong enough.

In the desperate ambush that year, Sunderland's weapon was unfortunately damaged. He didn't intend to fight Ragnaros with bare hands. Weapons are a must.

As a prince of air elements who lived in the elemental world all year round, Sunderland was unfamiliar with the material world, so he could only entrust the task of collecting materials to a blacksmith to forge weapons to Sarlayan and Stellagosa, two local snakes.

He himself intends to use secret channels to try to contact the Sky Wall, re-establish contact with his **** followers, and summon them to Azeroth as much as possible.

Time is running out, and Neptulon may retreat from the away game at any time. Division of labor and cooperation is currently the most efficient approach.

Since he wanted time, Sharlayan had no choice but to give up his plan to let Magni forge artifacts and practice his skills, and head straight to the Uldaman underground palace.

When Sharlayan landed in front of Uldaman's back door and turned back into human form, several copperbeard dwarves hiding in the dark suddenly jumped out and surrounded the two of them.

Judging from the position and weapons in hand, the occupational distribution of this 5-member team is very reasonable.

A shield warrior is at the front, a weapon warrior with a two-handed hammer is in the center, and a thief sneaks into the The two spellcasters are a mage and a priest, and are surrounded by two front The platoon protects behind.


The leading shield warrior stopped Sharlayan and Little Xingxing's plan to move forward with a serious expression.

"Who are you? Why trespass on private territory?"

The female priest seemed to have recognized Sarlayan, and hurriedly whispered a few words in the captain's ear, which quickly made the little captain look surprised, and hurriedly ordered the siege to disperse.

"It turned out to be Mr. Sharlayan Deep Shadow. Marshal Muradin and Lord Azadas have already told us that you and your companions can enter and leave Uldaman freely. Please forgive me for being rude."

Sharlayan smiled and waved his hands: "You don't have to blame yourself, you are also dedicated to your duties."

"I have something important to discuss with Azadas, is he free now?"

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