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Chapter 885: night elves call for help

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Sharlayan and his party did not stay long in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

After having lunch with the enthusiastic King Varian and the still alive and kicking Queen Tiffin, with the assistance of the court mage, the four returned to Quel'Thalas in the far north of the continent through a semi-permanent portal.

"It turns out that there is a relationship between them."

After learning about Edwin VanCleef's background from Sarlayan, Valeera, who was in charge of intelligence, said with emotion: "I just said how it is possible for a mere chief mason to become a senior cadre of MI7. "

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "In the eyes of ordinary people, thieves are low-ranking people, and their social status cannot be compared with the legitimate work of stonemasons."

"If it wasn't for Pasonia's kindness of teaching back then, Van Cleef, who is already in a high position in the Brotherhood of Masons, would not resolutely join SI:7."


Sarlayan clapped his hands: "This is the end of Van Cleef's story for the time being."

"Valeira and I are going to report to the Sun King what we have gained from this trip. Oni, you and Stella should go back to Unicorn Town first, and check whether Little Tina's government supervision work is going well."

Speaking of her own sister, Stellagosa's brows twitched: "To be honest, I'm a little worried about that girl... Oni, let's go now."

"Ha~" Onyxia yawned lazily: "Okay, then we'll leave first, you two remember to come back early."

During this trip to Blackstone Mountain, Valeera was the last one to leave Unicorn Town.

Before leaving, she handed over the task of supervising the territory to Tina Gosa who was still working hard to complete the homework.

With the rapidly growing little friend Gianna as a reference, Tina, a "child" over 100 years old, finally put away her playfulness and worked hard to complete the various training tasks assigned by her sister, and her playful and troublesome mentality gradually matured.

Sharlayan, Valeera and the others saw Tina's growth in their eyes, and it was a test for her to stay in the territory to supervise government affairs this time.

If she can successfully complete the supervision task, Salayan will take her with her the next time she goes out. If the supervision task is not completed satisfactorily... then Salayan will reconsider his commitment to her.

Watching the distraught Stellagosa and the lazy Onyxia open the door and leave together, Sharlayan shook his head in a funny way: "This can be regarded as caring and chaos, we can all see Tina's growth, only Dustella is still worried that she will get into trouble."

Valeera also said with a smile: "After all, they are sisters who grew up together, so it's impossible not to worry."

Guided by the court mage of the Sunfury Tower, Sharlayan and Valeera entered the court of the Sunstriders and went straight to Kael'thas' private office.

Coincidentally, Welles was reporting the news from the other side of the sea to Kael'thas in the office.

"...To sum up, because the situation in the sea is getting worse and worse, the night elves let go of their arrogance for the first time and asked Quel'Thalas and Suramar for support."

"The situation in the sea? Support?"

Sharlayan raised his eyebrows curiously: "Could it be that the Naga launched a massive attack again?"

Kael'thas with a tired face squeezed a smile to Sharlayan: "You are finally back, a little later than I expected, did you encounter any emergencies?"

Sharlayan took the slate delivered by Dagran out of the space package, and lightly placed it flat on Kael'thas' desk.

"The Darkforge City is going very well. The people from Backlight Blade should have sorted out the detailed information of the Molten Core battle and handed it over to you, so I won't repeat it."

"The problem comes after."

Sharlayan's expression became serious: "Due to the abnormal behavior of the black dragon prince Nefarian, I specially sent Valeera and Onyxia to infiltrate Blackwing Lair to investigate intelligence."

Kael'thas frowned slightly: "What did you find out?"

"To sum it up, there are mainly two things."

Sharlayan stretched out his right index finger and **** one after another: "One is that Deathwing's return will be at least three years later, and the other is that Nefarian has long planned to part ways with Deathwing, but because he is still fledgling, he hasn't yet. Get moving."


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Seth was stunned for a while before rubbing his temples with a wry smile: "It really is important information... Thank you for your hard work."

Sharlayan turned his gaze to Uncle Welles, who was still in a businesslike manner: "So? What's going on with the night elves?"

Out of courtesy, Welles didn't immediately answer his nephew's question, but first asked the tired-looking Kael'thas for instructions, and only after getting approval did he tell the whole story.

The reason why Sharlayan wanted to seize the time to solve the Molten Core problem was mainly to obtain the summoning data of the Elemental King kept by the Thaurissan family.

In recent years, the expansion speed of Naga in the sea has been significantly accelerated after obtaining the tide stone.

The Tidal Stone was handed over by Sharlayan, and he should take responsibility for the consequences of it as a matter of course.

Naga Queen Azshara kept her promise and did not land again before the appointed time. This is undoubtedly a good thing for the coastal countries including Quel'Thalas, Suramar and Kul Tiras. information.

But Sharlayan had missed a point when making this deal.

That is the inextricable class hatred between the naga and the night elves.

Not all of the capital city of the Night Empire, Xin Aisha, sank into the sea. To this day, there are still many architectural ruins in the outer city of Xin Aisa Li in the Azshara area.

What really suffered was the inner city of Xin Aisha Li, that is, the aristocratic area where dignitaries gathered.

And these noble upper elves in the night empire period looked down on the night elf commoners very much. They never thought that the firm rule of Queen Azshara would be overthrown by a group of lowly mud legs.

During the ten thousand years of sinking into the sea, the earliest Naga never forgot their hatred for the night elf "traitor".

Without a slap in the face, some night elves led by the high priest of the moon **** Tyrande also hated the highborne who rode on their heads to do their best.

The conflict between the two is a typical class conflict. To put it bluntly, it is a **** war. It has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong. It is just a pure conflict of interests.

Azshara did promise not to invade land again before the agreed time expired, but she didn't say that the naga couldn't attack ships at sea.

The Naga regards the sea as their restricted area, and any ship that goes out to sea may be attacked by the Naga, and the ships of the Dark Night Republic are the hardest hit areas.

In order to support Fandral Staghelmet's continuous development of the Sholazar Basin, the Port of Estorante in the Azshara region will often send ships to transport supplies and manpower to the Borean Tundra, and then transfer these manpower and manpower by land. Material resources are transported to the destination.

Naga spotted this route and sent people to harass him every three days.

As a last resort, the night elves signed a cooperation agreement with the Hydraxia water elementals in the Azshara region to jointly fight against the expanding Naga forces.

However, the leaderless water elementals were no match for the disciplined and well-equipped Naga after all. As time went by, the attacks on the ships of the Night Republic intensified.

Naga made it clear that he wanted to trap the night elves to death on the mainland and prevent them from having any contact with overseas.

When Sharlayan sent someone to explain the situation to the Hydraxian water elemental to obtain the essence of water, the night elves also contributed a lot behind the scenes.

However, the distant water cannot quench the near thirst. Even if Sharlayan can successfully expel the clone of the Fire Demon King and obtain the summoning materials from the black iron dwarves, it will take a lot of time to change the fire elemental summoning to the water elemental summoning.

Fandral Staghelmet has not received support from the mainland for several months, and has been pressed very hard recently.

In order to ensure that the materials and personnel could reach their destination safely, the night elves, who were not familiar with underwater warfare, could only bite the bullet and ask for help from distant relatives in Suramar and Quel'Thalas.

"Is that so..."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "I can contact Daelin and ask him to send reinforcements, but..."

Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "Kul Tiras is a powerful country on the sea, not an underwater power."

"When fighting on the sea, the Kul Tirans are indeed very brave, but it is still unknown how effective they can be in the face of the Naga who dive and scuttle ships at every turn."

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Chapter 885: The Night Elf Seeks Help Free latest chapter will be updated as soon as possible!

Kael'thas is also quite a headache about this.

It is rare for the night elves to reach out for help. Quel'Thalas should try his best to win this favor.

But Kael'thas still had some doubts about the diving equipment that Sharlayan had asked to build in advance.

"How about this."

Kael'thas thought of a compromise method: "We are preparing two plans. While contacting Kul Tiras, we will conduct high-pressure actual combat tests on the batch of diving equipment you requested to build."

Kael'thas said with deep eyes: "We don't need Daelin to send a large number of warships. Those heavy ships can't give full play to their advantages when facing the Naga."

"What we need is the unique spellcaster of the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras—the tidesage."

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