Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 887: Valeera: The advantage lies with me, the odds of victory are within my grasp!

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Sharlayan's "good-for-nothing" appearance made Kael'thas laugh out loud.

Welles, who was accompanying him, was a little dumbfounded. His nephew, who had won great fame, status, and wealth for the family, was good at everything, but his good luck made people want to complain.

It would be fine if Sharlayan really had a romantic nature, which was not uncommon in Quel'Thalas.

But Sharlayan never took the initiative to provoke any women. He was like a magnet, attracting those outstanding women to his side little by little.

Of course, not all the women who were around Sharlayan felt affection for him.

There are also friends like Sylvanas, Vereesa, and Liadrin, and unrelated relatives like Alleria, Melia, and Tinagosa.

Welles discussed the matter privately with his wife, Alyssa, and came to a less plausible but somewhat explainable conclusion.

The origin of the dragon nature... Although Sharlayan himself did not have any awareness of this.


Sharlayan deliberately coughed and changed the subject: "Since Daelin has already returned to Boralus, there is no need for me to go to Dalaran to find Jaina to deliver a message."

"No, you should go to Boralus yourself."

Kael'thas restrained his smile knowingly and said seriously: "The status of the tide sages is not low in Kul Tiras. They didn't even make a big move in the huge second orc war."

"If you go through the official diplomatic channel at the national level, I don't think Daelin will easily agree to our request. You should ask him to do it with your personal friendship. It's best to convince Jaina first."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "In the end, you just want me to betray my masculinity, so Jaina can help me?"

Kael'thas smiled noncommittally: "It's up to you to guess, the success rate of persuasion by yourself will be higher. This is an indisputable fact, so let's settle this matter."

"Oh, right."

Kael'thas, who was about to serve tea to the guests, suddenly remembered something, and cast a meaningful glance at Welles, who was hesitant to speak, and said to Sharlayan with a half-smile: "You should go home early, There are surprises waiting for you."

Seeing the schadenfreude in Kael'thas' eyes, the corners of Sharlayan's mouth twitched.

"Surprise? It's more like a shock, what the **** is it?"

Kael'thas shook his head with a smile: "It's meaningless to say it in advance, you can explore it yourself."

"Okay, I still have official duties to complete, you three should step down first."

Seeing that Sharlayan was still about to open his mouth to say something, Welles reached out and grabbed him hastily.

"Your Majesty, let's take our leave first, and please don't stay too busy, it's important to take care of your health."

Sharlayan, who was full of question marks, was dragged by Welles to leave the court of the Sunstrider.

Looking at the direction he was heading, it was obvious that he was not going back to the Deep Shadow family's mansion in Silvermoon City.

"Uncle, are you going back to Unicorn Town with us? What about Aunt Alyssa and my little cousin?"

Welles continued walking towards the Tower of Sunfury without looking back: "They have already set off first, let's go, you will know when you get home."

"...I always have a bad feeling."

Valeera followed the two with light steps, counting the days in her heart with all her thoughts.

"Surprise...could it be Sharlayan's birthday party? The time is wrong too."

Since Kael'thas personally issued the "seal order", Welles remained silent on the road.

At this time, the barrage also made many speculations about Kael'thas' behavior of the Riddler.

[Could it be that the urbanization and upgrading of Unicorn Town has been completed? 】

【I don't think it's an official matter on the table. Judging by Kael'thas' smirk, it's probably a private matter related to Sharlayan. 】

【Wouldn't it be the Sun King who opened the golden mouth to bestow the marriage? 】

[Speaking of marriage... I seem to have some ideas. 】

[Don't guess randomly, anyway, we will see the outcome soon, let's just wait and watch the show. 】

Sharlayan: "The riddlers are all dead!"

To provide you with the fastest update of "Live: Azeroth" that the great salted fish is not afraid of stabbing!

Chapter 887 Valeera: I have the advantage, I have the chance to win! Read for free: https://,!

『』, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Salayan and his party spent more than 2 months on the trip to Black Rock Mountain. The barrage may not have any concept, but as a lord, Salayan is very clear that this time is not enough time for Unicorn Town to complete the urbanization upgrades.

It takes a lot of time and resources to build the defensive barrier that covers the entire city, and it can't be completed in a month or two.

When Sharlayan returned to the still beating Unicorn Town, he was not surprised that the upgrade had not yet been completed.

When they walked to the gate of the lord's mansion, the three of Sarlayan could vaguely hear the laughter inside, including a familiar soprano who laughed the loudest.


Sharlayan turned his head to look at Welles, who was still pretending to be expressionless, with a strange expression: "...Uncle, we have already arrived here, so please tell the truth."

"Is my irresponsible father and mother back?"


Welles finally stopped in Bengbu, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

"Since you guessed it all..."


Before Welles could tell the truth, a young woman with red-green gradient hair suddenly protruded from the window on the second floor. With a surprised smile on her face, she jumped off the second floor with her hands on the window sill. .

"Dear Sharlayan and Valeera, you are finally back!"

Welles, who was completely ignored, didn't care, and stepped aside with a conscious smile.

Looking at his mother Yin Nasi's long-lost smile, Salayan, who knew the true nature of the great dragon king, felt a little sour, and subconsciously wanted to hide aside for a moment.

But thinking of the possible consequences of doing so, Salayan could only forcefully control his body, and stood there with a somewhat numb expression, letting his mother hug him.

Compared with Sharlayan who looked loveless, Valeera who was hugged around her neck was full of surprises.

Yin Nasi had promised Valeera a few years ago that she would formally confirm the relationship with Sharlayan.

However, Yin Nasi, who came and went freely like the wind, left a letter and left with Julian before she had time to fulfill her promise, and it took several years to leave.

In the past few years, Sharlayan has also tried to entrust the Backlight Blade to find the whereabouts of the two, but they have always returned without success.

Valeera: "Master Qingtian is back! My title is saved!"

"Jianna, don't think that you can walk ahead of me by virtue of your status. If your parents push you, you will still be a loser after all!"

Letting Yin Nasi hug her intimate face, Salayan asked helplessly: "Mother, where have you and dad been all these years? Why can't you be found everywhere?"

"Hehe~ These little things are not important."

Yin Nasi finally let go of Sarlayan and Valeera who were hugged together by her, and played around the two of them playfully, with a dissatisfied look on her face.

"Why is your relationship still not progressing? It's been a few years! I'm still waiting to have a grandson."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Didn't you say that you would personally uphold "justice" for Valeera? Halfway through the conversation, the people disappeared. We can't make a private decision for life behind your back, can we? "


Yin Nasi tilted her head in confusion, "Did I say that?"


Valeera, who was originally admiring, almost had a cardiac arrest, and her face suddenly became pale as snow.

"Is it wrong to pay after all?"

"Yin Nasi, stop making trouble."

Julian, who was several steps behind, finally came to the scene from the second floor through the stairs.

He first smiled and nodded to Salayan and Valeera, and then said to Yin Nasi with a doting and helpless expression: "Didn't you say that you want to establish a relationship for them?"

"Uh~" Yin Nasi raised her head and recalled for a while: "Did I really say that?"



Yin Nasi's expression was a little tangled, and she looked up at the window she jumped out of before.

Valeera and Sarlayan followed her movements and looked up. It was terrible to see that Valeera's white face was covered with blood.

To provide you with the fastest update of "Live: Azeroth" that the great salted fish is not afraid of stabbing!

Chapter 887 Valeera: I have the advantage, I have the chance to win! Read for free: https://,!

『』, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

The pressure rises rapidly and becomes ruddy again.

"Ji! Ann! Na!"

"Sure enough, you are playing tricks on it!


"Hee hee~"

I don’t know when I came to Quel’ Jaina leaned on the window sill and shrugged with a playful look: “What is Sister Valeera talking about? Jaina is still young and can’t understand oh~」

Having just experienced emotional ups and downs, Jaina's schadenfreude teasing made Valeera's mind seem to snap a string.

"Damn girl! Don't run away! You learned to steal men at a young age! See if I teach you a lesson!"

The two of you flashed one by one, and I shadowstepped and ran away. Sharlayan looked at his mother dumbfounded. Her eyes circled back and forth between Jaina and Valeera, obviously hesitating for something.

Sharlayan rolled his eyes helplessly: "Sure enough, we can't open the champagne at halftime, this is almost a g that is bound to overturn."

To provide you with the fastest update of "Live: Azeroth" that the great salted fish is not afraid of stabbing!

Chapter 887 Valeera: I have the advantage, I have the chance to win! Read for free: https://,!


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