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Chapter 889: The Adventures of Nazjatar

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Orb of Deceit, Sharlayan had heard of this extremely rare magic item.

According to legend, the deceitful orb can perfectly imitate the appearance and breath of a specific individual, even to the extent that it is fake.

But as a price, it takes a lot of magic power to maintain the disguise, and the total magic power of a great magister can only maintain the disguise state for about 2-3 hours.

Yin Nasi is a demigod-level adult dragon, and a leader of the Mesozoic dragon clan. The total amount of magic power transformed from her vitality is far higher than that of the great magister.

However, due to the need to maintain the camouflage and underwater breathing of himself and Julian at the same time, the husband and wife who dived into the sea can only maintain the effect of the deceptive orb for more than 4 hours at a time, and then it will take at least 2 hours to recover. Restores spent vitality.

The social class of the Naga is distinct. If they work in the establishment as before, Yin Nasi and Julian, who can only be exposed to the outside world for 4 hours, don’t talk about climbing up step by step. I’m afraid they will be whipped by their superiors as slackers. die.

After following the hunting team back to the village under the sea, the two immediately expressed that they would quit the well-paid hunting team and open a shop selling various groceries in the village.

What? Where does the supply come from?

Of course, it is Yin Nasi's astonishingly large dragon skin space package.

In order to save mana consumption, by the way, it's a cover-up.

Every day, Julian would quietly leave this underwater village on the grounds of going out to buy goods, and turned back into an elf form to search for Cho'gall's whereabouts.

Most of the time he remained stealthy and would not be easily spotted by patrolling Naga.

Yin Nasi, who stayed in the village to sell goods, only needed to maintain her own disguise, which greatly reduced the consumption of mana, and naturally increased the time for maintaining the disguise effect of the deceitful orb.

For Naga, who lives on the seabed all year round, the products Yin Nasi sells are all rare items from the above-ground world.

Although the original intention was just to deceive people, but in the first three months of opening the shop in the village, Yin Nasi really earned a lot of shell coins dedicated to Naga by virtue of those miscellaneous gadgets.

After accumulating enough funds, Yin Nasi and Julian left the village on the grounds of seeking better development and entered the upper-level town. Drive to the Naga capital Nazjatar.

During the time they climbed up bit by bit, Julian actually went back to land to buy goods.

However, he did not return to Quel'Thalas, which was far away, but chose the most prosperous city of Suramar on the Broken Isles nearby.

According to Julian and Innes, Nazjatar is located on the ocean floor not far west of the Broken Isles, between the Broken Isles and the Maelstrom.

Since multiple upper and lower layers of life can be easily separated underwater, the layout of Naga's capital, Nazjatar, is not as compact as the cities of land races. very normal.

After entering the jurisdiction of the city of Nazjatar, the couple chose to settle in the ruins of Xin Aishali, which sank into the sea, which belonged to the outskirts of the city of Nazjatar.

When Julian left the small shop to wander around, he could often find the souls of the Highborne who had not been picked up by the Shadow Realm near the ruins.

The longer creatures like ghosts exist in the material world, the more their sanity and memory will wear out.

The ghosts of the upper elves staying in the ruins of Xin Aishali all came from the earth-shattering 10,000 years ago. After thousands of years of baptism, their sanity has long been obliterated, leaving only the instinct to hate the living and severely incomplete memory.

It is a good thing for Julian that ghosts are irrational. He can "get news" from them without any burden, without worrying about his whereabouts being exposed by ghosts.

Not to mention, although the ghosts of the upper elves had severe memory impairments, after a long period of patchwork, Julian, who was good at investigation and logical reasoning, still obtained a lot of valuable clues.

Among them is the whereabouts of Cho'gall that the ghosts inadvertently recorded.

However, when Julian and Yinas hurried to the Eternal Palace at the core of Nazjatar to search further, they were disappointed to learn from the palace guards that Chogall had left Nazjatar half a year ago and returned to land.

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After working hard for more than a year, what she finally got was such an annoying news. The grumpy Yin Nasi was so angry that she cursed in the street, and the palace guard who answered her question was stunned by the abundance of words.

The other guards nearby thought that Yin Nasi and Julian had come to the palace to make trouble, and it took a while to explain the misunderstanding.

But at this moment, a certain big man who happened to be very bored heard the commotion outside the palace, and came to the scene surrounded by a large number of royal Naga guards to inquire about the situation.

Sharlayan's heart moved: "The big man... Could it be?"

"That's right."

Yin Nasi didn't make a fool of herself, and answered Sharlayan's question straightforwardly: "It is the former Light of Light, and now the Naga Queen—Azshara."

Julian took the words and explained: "Azshara is a demigod of the arcane... or the order system. She saw through the disguise of Yinas and me at a glance, but she unexpectedly did not point out our identities in public, but made an exception. Invite us into the Eternal Temple for a detailed discussion."

The Eternal Temple has been Azshara's royal palace since 10,000 years ago.

Due to the use of a lot of precious and strong materials in the construction, and the multiple reinforcements by Azshara himself using the energy of the Well of Eternity, after the palace sank into the bottom of the sea in the catastrophe, the structure of the building still remains intact.

After wiping away the Faceless Man sent by Enzoth to "assist" her, Azshara changed back to her former night elf form in front of Yinas and Julian.

It was a stunning beauty with golden twins, noble and elegant temperament, and could be called a peerless beauty.

"I'm telling you!"

Yin Nasi said excitedly: "The title "Light of Light" is not wrong. Among the mortals I have met in so many years, Azshara is the most outstanding one in terms of appearance, figure and temperament."

"At that time, I was jokingly fantasizing that if such a beautiful person could become my daughter-in-law..."


Noticing the darkened faces of Valeera and Jaina, and the playful expressions on the faces of Stellagosa and Onyxia, Julian hurriedly coughed and interrupted his wife's habitual running of the train.

"The point, the point!"

"oh oh!"

Yin Nasi smiled embarrassedly: "Well, it's not important."

"Azshara did not pursue our identity as outsiders. She said very generously that she would welcome all aspiring people to join the Night Empire as the Queen of the Night...Don't look at me like that, she said so herself."


Sharlayan touched his chin with great interest: "You didn't mention the Naga Queen, but the Night Queen?"

Onyxia folded her hands on her chest, and asked thoughtfully: "So, Azshara's words mean that she hopes to revive the lost Empire of the Night, and she does not want to admit that she has fallen into a Ugly naga?"

Yin Nasi shrugged her shoulders and said, "It should be. When talking to us, she appeared in the form of Naga when she first appeared, and she has been using the form of night elves in many subsequent exchanges."

"I have to say that even for a stunning beauty like Azshara, after being transformed into an ugly naga form, people are not interested at all."

Sharlayan asked his parents suspiciously: "So, you didn't do it for Cho'gall, but lived in Nazjatar for several years under Azshara's help?"

"What is it about that underwater city that attracts you?"

This topic came to the most critical point, and Yin Nasi's originally relaxed expression became serious: "Salayan, is your place safe enough?"

Sharlayan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly: "What do you mean? Are you afraid that walls have ears?"

"Yes." Yin Nasi's eyes flickered: "What I'm going to say next is different from Azeroth's mainstream views on Azshara over the years. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, it is best to do some things in advance." Prepare."

"Is that so..."

Sharlayan turned to look in the direction of Stellagosa: "Stella, Tina, I leave it to you."

"no problem!"

Tina Gosa agreed first, and she and her sister were in tune with the demon

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After the power, they cast spells together, and a completely transparent magic barrier was launched outside the Deep Shadow Marquis's Mansion. UU Reading www.

"Okay." Tina confidently patted the barren chest of the little dwarf: "I guarantee that no one can hear any sound in the barrier, Aunt Yinas, you can speak with confidence!"

Yin Nasi nodded, and said solemnly: "Based on Julian and I's long-term observation and discussion, we have come up with a point of view that is inconsistent with the mainstream... or the mainstream led by the night elves."

"Azshara did not completely rely on Enzos, she and Enzos used each other."

"Azshara's dissatisfaction with Enzos is increasing day by day as Enzos has accepted more and more subordinates and the composition has become more and more complicated in the past ten thousand years."

"My personal guess is that sooner or later, these two mutually exploiting partners will completely quarrel."

"If we can win over the powerful support of Azshara, we will have more confidence in the future when facing foreign forces such as the Burning Legion and the Old Gods."

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