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Chapter 898: Barrage: Everything is Sharlayan's fault!

Kael'thas deliberately weakened the proportion of noble children in the military and political circles. The entry of the medical minister Alina Fontaine, who was born as a civilian, into the cabinet was a clear signal of reform.

However, at a time when civilian talents have not yet fully emerged, it is not easy for him to go too far, lest it cause fierce social conflicts in the country.

After all, it is still those high-ranking nobles who hold the right to speak, and Kael'thas, who is the king, also has to follow the established rules.

If Kael'thas dares to parachute down the civilian regiment commanders of veteran aristocratic power regiments such as Sunfury, Fire Wing, and Flame Blade, he may not be able to stage a mutiny and power grab for you in a matter of minutes.

Kael'thas was not that strong, so he would not attack the most stubborn legions of these noble forces first.

The Flood Dragon Corps is a newly formed troop, not only has low qualifications, but also only has a size of about a thousand people, which is far from being able to compare with those powerful old-school legions.

Kael'thas intends to use the Flood Dragon Legion to throw stones and ask for directions, to test the reaction of the nobles to civilians serving as legion commanders.

Sharlayan was too lazy to ask about the intriguing political struggles in Silvermoon City. His mission was to implement Kael'thas' orders and solve the current problems Quel'Thalas faced pragmatically.

As early as after Sharlayan returned from his trip to Black Rock Mountain, he took the time to give Donali an inoculation, telling him and the officers to step up the training of the soldiers and prepare them for the battle at any time.

There was less than a day between the Flood Dragon Legion getting its name and the official expedition, and the Flood Dragon Legion that had made preparations in advance did not loose their belts.

In the early morning of the next day, when Salayan arrived at the temporary station of the Flood Dragon Army with Valeera and Tina Gosa on his shoulders, nearly a thousand soldiers of the Flood Dragon Army were ready to board the ship, and they stood neatly. It is still relatively rudimentary on the legion dock.

Sarlayan never liked long-winded nonsense, he simply explained the purpose of the trip to the soldiers present, and then resolutely boarded the high-speed battleship specially prepared for him first.

"Anchor! Set sail!"

Sharlayan used the spell of amplification to allow himself to spread the order to the entire fleet: "Target, the capital of Kul Tiras, Boralus!"


Due to the special positioning of the Jiaolong Legion, the five warships equipped by the Quel'Thalas Admiralty did not focus on surface firepower, but specialized in speed and flexibility.

In order to avoid complications, Sharlayan did not choose a waterway close to the coastline.

The fleet set off from the west coast of Quel'Thalas, heading southwest all the way to the endless sea.

After bypassing the Tirisfal Forest under the rule of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the helmsman fine-tuned the course and headed straight for the Kul Tiras Islands, without even appearing within the observation range of the Lordaeron Navy patrol ship.

The entire fleet is composed of lightweight high-speed warships, and each warship is only symbolically equipped with two latest magic guns at the bow and stern.

Without a large number of heavy cannons, it took only 3 days for the Jiaolong Army to reach Boralus Harbor downstream.

Since Jaina had greeted Daelin in advance who was still celebrating the complete victory of the Howling Fjord, the five slender warships were not stopped when they arrived at the port of Boralus, and they were stable under the command of the port authority officials. Stop firmly in the military port.

Before disembarking, Sarlayan gave an order to Legion Chief Donali: "You guys stay on board and rest. I will go to the palace to meet His Majesty Daelin."

"Donali, take care of those hot-blooded lads, and try not to conflict with the Kul Tirans."

Donali: "Yes! Marquis of Deep Shadow, please be safe."

"Huh?" Sharlayan's expression was a little puzzled: "Safe? Why should I pay attention to safety?"


Donali glanced secretly at Valeera who was standing beside Sarlayan: "It's nothing, my subordinate made a slip of the tongue."

'Ah...that's how it is. '

Having worked in the army for many years, Donali's ability to read people's words is not bad at all.

Ever since she landed in Boralus Port, Valeera's complexion has not been very good.

For this expedition to Kalimdor, Sharlayan originally planned to take Little Tina along as agreed, leaving others to supervise the city construction project in the territory.

Stellagosa and Onyxia readily agreed to Sarlayan's request, but Valeera... she insisted on going to Kalimdor with Sarlayan.

To be more precise, she was guarding against Jaina Proudmoore, Queen of Kul Tiras, who would also accompany her to Kalimdor.

In Valeera's own words, love is like a battlefield, no matter how good her personal relationship with Jaina is, it is impossible to give her her man.

[Jianna is really a sudden rise. 】

[When Sharlayan first met her, Jaina was still a young loli, and Valeera didn't regard her as a threat at all at that time. 】

【Looking at it now, Valeera undoubtedly made a mistake. 】

[Because I was too close to Sharlayne when I was a child, and the relationship was cultivated too smoothly, Jaina, who grew up with age, became her biggest enemy. 】

[You are an afterthought, Valeera also doted on Jaina when she was a child. 】

[Even now, the two competing with each other have not broken their faces. As long as the topic does not involve Salayan, they can still talk and laugh happily. 】

[Who would have imagined that the younger sister who has been in love since she was a child will suddenly become her rival in love? 】

【In the end, everything is Sharlayan's fault! 】

Sharlayan: "?"

"Blame me."

[I don't blame you, who made you so attractive. 】

"Ah yes yes yes."

Sarlayan rolled his eyes and laughed directly: "I shouldn't be so handsome, I shouldn't unintentionally exude my charm, and I shouldn't be in contact with women because of business, and stir their hearts."

【...What to do, this guy is so cheap, I want to hit him. 】

[Wake up, you can't beat it. 】

【Too bad, the hat of being the blame of this world can't be put on Sharlayan's head, call Tokiomi out to take the blame. 】

Under the guidance of the royal steward, the three of Sarlayan headed all the way to the Boralus Palace. On the way, he also took time to taunt each other with barrage gags.

When she came to the gate of the palace, the sharp-eyed Valeera saw the hooded man standing at the top of the steps at a glance.

This young woman with a blue hooded cloak can't hide her good figure is naturally Princess Jaina of Kul Tiras who took the initiative to greet her in front of the palace after receiving the news.

Jaina nodded to the royal steward who was leading the way: "Ebert, thank you for your hard work, leave it to me next."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Under Jaina's face-swiping guidance, a group of four entered the palace smoothly, Jaina finally took off the hood on her head, with a bright smile on her face, she wanted to go to Sharlayan and hold his hand.


Valeera suddenly moved from Sharlayan's left to right, as if shifting shape, just blocking Jaina's approaching space.

As always, the two people who were facing each other quickly sparked sparks, and they fought with each other with a smile on their faces.

Tinagosa, who was sitting on Sharlayan's shoulder, smiled and joked in his ear: "Is it a dilemma? Which one should I choose?"

Sharlayan was indeed in a difficult situation, but he was unwilling to admit defeat.

"Hmph~ It's only children who make choices, but of course adults... want them all."

Sarlayan remembered the silly emoji posted on the barrage, and solemnly stretched out his right hand to make a grabbing motion.

Both Tinagosa and Salayan knew that this was just a joke, and they didn't take it seriously, but... the speaker didn't mean it, but the listener did.

Valeera: "???"

Jaina: "!

! "

"Hmm~" Jaina pretended to be shy and held her pretty face full of collagen with her left hand: "Are you so bold? It's a pity...My father may not agree with your idea."


Without Jaina's explanation, Sharlayan had already seen Daelin's angry bearded face on the throne.

Dai Lin, who was full of the anger of his stupid father, forced the corners of his mouth to let out a tooth-piercing and strange laugh: "Jie Jie! Long time no see, Salayan."

"I really didn't expect that my old friend who has been talking to my peers has taken a fancy to my daughter, and wants an old cow to eat young grass!"

Sharlayan felt a little but he still couldn't suppress his complaints**.

"Can you stop laughing so provocatively? Also, it's not that I've fallen in love with your daughter, it's your daughter who has fallen in love with me..."

"shut up!"


Dai Lin, who was burning with anger, just took advantage of the situation and slapped the armrest of the throne heavily, intending to get up and increase his momentum.



Both Sharlayan and Daelin looked at the ornate armrest of the throne that was snapped off on the ground.

Sharlayan: "..."

Dai Lin: "..."

[Laughing, Dai Lin's acting is too much. 】

[The atmosphere is so embarrassing. 】

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