Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 900: How does the Crystal Palace open? wait online, urgent

Dai Lin originally planned to give Sharlayan a bad start, but he didn't expect his acting skills to be too good, and he accidentally broke the throne passed down from his ancestors. Instead, he silenced himself first.

With the help of Catherine and Priscilla, he left the throne room in a daze, and it was not until he sat down in the living room again that Dai Lin finally came to his senses.

Depressed, Dai Lin patted his forehead feebly, no longer having the high morale he had before.

At this moment, he didn't have the heart to beat around the bush anymore, and said straight to the point: "Salayan, tell me, what's going on with you and Jaina? Can you give my daughter an honorable name? ?”


Daelin was so direct and unpretentious, it was Sharlayan's turn to suffer from headaches.

Jaina sat next to her father with a "well-behaved" look, making a shy look, but in fact, her eyes were always peeking at Sarlayan, who was looking embarrassed, and from time to time, she looked at the sharp-eyed Valeera. fighting.

Since Daelin was so frank, Sharlayan didn't want to put him off.

"Daelin, let me tell the truth, I am also very embarrassed about this matter."

Sharlayan spread her hands and said distressedly: "Before my mother left last time, she promised to establish a relationship between Valeera and me."

"However, after coming back this time, she suddenly changed her mind and vacillated between Jaina and Valeera."

"My marriage is no longer up to me. My mother plans to take over. I don't know who she will choose in the end."

Dai Lin said with some headaches: "Is Yin Nasi..."

"Is she still in Quel'Thalas?"

Sharlayan nodded: "Mother should be preparing for her new laboratory on the outskirts of the capital of my territory, and she is unlikely to leave in a short time."

Dai Lin turned his head and exchanged glances with Catherine: "Well then, I will take some time to visit your territory in a private capacity recently, and talk to Yin Nasi and your father in person."

Hearing this, Valeera's expression was a bit tangled, and now she began to regret coming out with Sharlayan.

Sharlayan breathed a sigh of relief because of this, and the pressure was transferred to his parents. At least he didn't have to worry about relationship problems when he went out to fight.

Putting aside the emotional problems between Sharlayan and Jaina, Daelin, who was gradually recovering, talked about Quel'Thalas' reinforcements to the Night Republic.

"Sharlayan, are you confident that you can break Naga's spirit?"

"In recent years, merchant ships in Kul Tiras have often been attacked by Naga at sea, and we have not been able to come up with effective countermeasures."

Sharlayan didn't pat his chest, but said cautiously: "I'm not sure yet. After arriving at the destination, I have to check one thing first."

Dai Lin asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"


Sharlayan said with a solemn expression: "My parents have been lurking in the deep sea city of Nazjatar in recent years to investigate information about the ancient **** Enzoth. They have had close contact with Queen Azshara of the Naga for a long time."

"According to them, Queen Azshara is not of one mind with Enzoth, and is not interested in its plan to rebuild the dark empire."

"I'm not sure whether this Naga army that jumped out to take the initiative to make troubles was instructed by Azshara, or... was ordered by Enzos, against Azshara's will."

Daelin scratched his head in confusion: "Is this important? No matter Azshara or Enzoth, they are enemies anyway, and it doesn't matter who their subordinates are."

Sharlayan shook his head: "It's not the same, it will be related to my follow-up layout against Naga."

"Azshara is the first and only person in the history of Azeroth who truly broke through as a mortal and became a demigod. The guardians of Tirisfal in the past are just tricks."

"Even if you don't consider her own powerful combat power and the elite Naga who completely obey her orders, the experience she has breaking through demigods as a mortal is invaluable."

"Daelin, I think you should also know that the night elves have several full-level bosses who are stuck before they break through the bottleneck."

"If the experience gained from Azshara allows Malfurion and the others to successfully break through and become demigods, when Azeroth faces the threats of the Burning Legion and the Old Gods in the future, we will have greater confidence in winning. And reduce the loss of personnel and material."

Daelin's eyes flickered, and he asked meaningfully: "Do you really think it's a good thing to continue to grow the power of the night elves?"

"just in case…"

Daelin didn't continue to speak, he believed that Sharlayan could understand what he meant.

Sharlayan smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, if the leader of the Night Republic is Tyrande, I really need to think more about it."

"But now at the helm is the steady and gentle Grand Drew Immalfurion Stormrage. I believe he will not allow the Night Republic to oppress other countries with its national strength."

Sharlayan added a few words in his heart: 'Besides, demigods are not considered rare among the Burning Legion. '

'Once the polluter Archimonde comes in person, ordinary demigods are still just a dish in front of him, and some important events that should happen, I will still let him happen. '

'For Quel'Thalas. '

Judging from Sharlayan's confident attitude, Daelin believed that he had already made corresponding plans.

"In that case, I won't say anything more."

Dai Lin turned his head and glanced at Priscilla Ashvane, who was accompanying him all the time. The lady who was not yet fat still had a charm. She nodded to Dai Lin knowingly, and after saying hello to Salayan and the others He got up and left the living room.

"Wait a moment."

Dai Lin leaned back on the chair in a relaxed manner, and Catherine got up consciously and walked behind the chair to massage his temples.

Queen Catherine is well aware of her catastrophic ability to govern, and she will not personally intervene in state affairs unless necessary.

When Dai Lin went out, the queen was in charge of the country in name, but in fact it was Lady Ashvane who acted as the agent of government affairs.

Sharlayan was quite curious about the tacit understanding between these three people. He didn't know how Daelin managed to make his wife and lover live in harmony.

In order to avoid further stimulating Dai Lin, who was already dissatisfied with his emotional problems, now is not the time to ask this question, and there will be opportunities in the future.

A quarter of an hour later, Lady Ashvane returned to the living room with a middle-aged man in a tall hat and gorgeous priestly attire.

Hearing the sound of the door, Dai Lin, who was chatting with Sarayan, immediately raised his head and looked towards the door.

"Ajax, you are here, sit down."

The middle-aged man dressed as a priest nodded to Dai Lin in a rather casual manner, found a seat and sat down without hesitation, and looked curiously at the three Sharlayan who were obviously outsiders.

Although Tinagosa's strength is not as good as her sister's, as a dragon of magic, she is inherently very sensitive to energy flow.

Little Tina used the soul link to remind Sharlayan: "This person has a very strong and pure water elemental breath."

'Water element...'

Sharlayan's expression moved slightly, and he roughly guessed the identity of the man in the priest's uniform.

Dai Lin introduced Sharlayan and the middle-aged man to each other: "Ajax, this is Sharlayan Marquis of Deep Shadow of Quel'Thalas. You should have heard of his name."

"Sharlayan, this is Lord Ajax Stormsong, lord of Stormsong Valley, and leader of all tidesages."

Lord Stormsong nodded politely to Sharlayan: "Marquis of Deep Shadow, I have heard about you for a long time. I have heard about your deeds from Waycrest. Welcome to Kul Tiras."

The four great houses of Kul Tiras are Proudmoore, Ashvane, Waycrest, and Stormsong.

Among them, Proudmoore is the royal family that owns the entire Kul Tiras.

Ashvane's domain is located in the southern part of Tiragarde Sound.

Generations of Lord Ashvane, including Priscia's late husband, have always loyally assisted the Proudmoore royal family in ruling.

The last house of House Waycrest was Drustvar.

In the early days of the founding of Kul Tiras, Waycrest's main duty was to guard the frontier and prevent the brutal Drust from crossing Drustvar and breaking into the Tiragarde Channel where the capital, Boralus, was located.

After the Battle of Grim Batol, Sharlayan was landed in Drustvar by chance. In order to wake up his mother's sleeping soul, he triggered a series of events related to the Thorn Whisperer and the Drust.

As far as the result is concerned, Sharlayan killed the Drust leader Gorak Tul who conspired to rebel, fundamentally eliminating the hidden crisis in Drustvar.

As the lord of Drustvar, Lord Waycrest has always wanted to find an opportunity to personally thank Unfortunately, because Sharlayan often travels around the world, he is always on the sidelines.

Including the former Lord Ashvane who passed away unfortunately, the heads of the four contemporary families are all childhood friends of Dai Lin's generation.

Even if they need to sit on their own territory after adulthood, they still have contacts with each other from time to time, and the relationship has always been very good.

After exchanging pleasantries, Dai Lin brought the topic to the main topic.

"Ajax, how is the tidesage preparing?"

When it came to business, Lord Stormsong, who had been smiling all the time, became serious.

"More than 80 full-time tidesages have been summoned, and they are all on standby at Stormsong Monastery in Boralus."

Dai Lin nodded solemnly: "Let them gather and go to the military port. Sharlayan will take them across the sea to Kalimdor."

"This time, we want to teach those lawless Naga an unforgettable lesson! Avenge the sailors who died in the sea due to the Naga attack!"

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