Lu Yuan is at the basement vent.

He was surprised when he heard the calculated account, even if it was none of his business.

Really f*ck black!

It's no wonder that the country in the previous life had to severely crack down on the underworld, and if such a person was exposed, it would really drive people to a dead end.


For a person like Father Li, being forced to death deserves it.



Angkor sneered coldly, and slapped him directly, causing Li's father to see gold stars in his eyes.

"Now, is there a mistake?"

Father Li hurriedly shook his head: "No, that's right..."

He dared not speak out.

A person like him would be very arrogant in front of the weak, but in front of a black person, he would be as cowardly as a grandson.

"Very good, since it's not wrong, then pay back the money!" Angkor sat up and raised Erlang's legs.

However, Father Li hesitated for a moment and said, ""Three One Zero" Angkor, can I give you 100,000 today..."

Seeing Angkor's face sinking, Li's father hurriedly shouted: "Don't worry, I will pay back the rest of the money in two days. I found a big Kaizi, and I will definitely be able to get 1.8 million from her. of!

The Kaizi in his mouth was naturally Zhao Rongrong's silly girl.

Hearing this, Lu Yuan was not angry.

Angry with a dead person is not a sin...


Angkor came to a little interest: "What kind of Kaizi?"

Don't look at his family's great business, there are so many younger brothers, and there is a casino that is making money every day... In fact, this Angkor can't get much money on hand, and he will die several million.

Because he wants to maintain expenses, which is a large amount of money, plus the income of the casino, half of it has to be given to the backers on the official road to manage up and down. There was not much left in his hands.

In addition, this Angkor spends a lot of money and likes to chase beautiful women.

A few million dollars can be saved, which is already very good.

"It's my daughter, she met a Kaizi and wanted to adopt her..."

While talking, Father Li took out his mobile phone, found a photo, and handed it to Angkor.

"Angkor, it's this little girl, she's a celebrity, she's very popular on the Internet! 99

Seeing Zhao Rongrong in the photo, Angkor's eyes suddenly lit up.

Angkor usually likes to play with some small internet celebrities, of course he knows Zhao Rongrong.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Rongrong's fame is no worse than those of the traffic stars...

Before Zhao Rongrong participated in "Survival in the Wilderness", Angkor has been watching it for a long time!

In Angkor's heart, he always wanted to be a real celebrity and be his wife.

Zhao Rongrong's performance in "Survival in the Wilderness" is really in line with the candidate for a good wife and mother.

In the past, even if Angkor had this heart, he would not have the opportunity to approach Zhao Rongrong.

At this moment, seeing that Li's father had something to do with Zhao Rongrong, Angkor immediately moved his mind.

"Go, go to my room and say."

Angkor stood up and walked away.

As the owner of the underground casino, of course he has his own separate room.

Moreover, this room also has a secret door, in case of emergency, you can escape directly.

Angkor wanted to ask Father Li about his daughter and Zhao Rongrong.

There are many people in the underground casino, but it is not easy to ask questions.

Soon, the group moved to Angkor's room.

Lu Yuan, who originally wanted to do it, didn't do it either. He wanted to hear what conspiracies these people had.

Lu Yuan quietly drilled back into the vent, and climbed into Angkor's room through the ventilation duct.

"Tell me about it carefully!"

Arrived in the room, Angkor couldn't wait to ask.

Although Father Li was surprised why Angkor cared about this, he did not dare to hide anything, and immediately told Angkor everything he knew.

Even, in order to win the trust of Angkor, he exaggerated, saying how much Zhao Rongrong takes his daughter, and he will definitely continue to cheat money.

After listening to Angkor, he was silent, but his eyes were shining, and he knew what bad idea he was thinking at a glance.

"You mean, for your daughter, Zhao Rongrong gave you two hundred thousand directly tonight?"

"Yeah! There's still a transfer record here..."

Father Li hurriedly took out his mobile phone again, found the payment record, and showed it to Angkor.

Angkor suddenly laughed and patted Father Li's shoulder affectionately.

"Boss Li is okay, it's time to turn around!"

"Where..." Father Li couldn't figure out Angkor's plan, so he could only laugh with him.

"That's it!" Angkor said, "Boss Li, you can give me 80,000 yuan today, and for the remaining 500,000 yuan, as long as you do something for me, I can give you a few days of grace, and even if you do well, I will cut your interest in half!! 99

Hearing this, Father Li instinctively felt that something was wrong, and stammered and asked, "Wu, Angkor, what do you want me to do for you?"

For a person like Angkor, what he asks him to do is definitely not a good thing.  …

as predicted!

I saw Angkor take out a very small bottle from the drawer of the table next to him.

In the bottle, there is a gray powder.

"In the past two days, take some time to invite Zhao Rongrong out, say invite her to dinner, and then take the opportunity to pour this into her drink cup... Wait for Zhao Rongrong to drink it, and leave the rest to me. !"

As soon as the people around him heard it, they knew that their boss had committed sex again.

This plan is simple, but very effective.

With this hand, Angkor did not know how many young girls were abducted.

As long as a few photos are taken afterwards, most girls are afraid of their reputation and will choose to swallow it up. Even if he encounters someone with a stronger personality, if he is a little scared, he will still give in obediently.

Father Li looked bitter.

He didn't expect that this Angkor, who was so daring, actually caught Zhao Rongrong's attention...

"This... Angkor, I've never done this kind of thing before, so I don't know how to do it, why don't you find someone else? Father Li politely refused.

This Angkor is too bad, and all risky things are left to him.

Even if it succeeds, it will cut off her daughter's back.

He didn't want that.

Angkor's face suddenly sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

If it weren't for the use of this old boy, he would have already started.


"Well, after the matter is done, you owe me a debt and write it off... If you don't want to do this, it's okay, I don't like to force others, but you have to pay back a lot of money today, Otherwise don't even think about walking out of here with your legs!!

Hearing this, Father Li's face paled.

He is really regretful now that he provokes people like Angkor...

"But, they are famous people, Angkor, look at me like this... how can I get an appointment?" Father Li's tone swayed.

Angkor smiled and said: "It's very simple, as long as you tell Zhao Rongrong that you are willing to transfer the custody of your daughter to her, and plan to go abroad to develop alone, but before leaving, you want to invite her to a meal, thank you Her care for her daughter... I believe that Zhao Rongrong will not refuse!

The first one, the second one later.

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