Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 196 It's Awesome My Rong Rong!

"Why do I feel that this little African brother is a little unreliable? Zhen Ling laughed.

Qingteng also smiled: "If it is reliable, it will not be normal."

"I still think, that parrot just now... Little parrot, right? Little parrot is really amazing.

"It's the first time I've seen a parrot like this, an intelligent animal like this. Qingteng answered.

"Brother Teng, I feel that after this episode is broadcast, it will definitely be on the hot search!" Zhen Ling said.

Qingteng nodded affirmatively and said nothing.

At this time.

In the field, the partition was removed, and the black spirit boy appeared in front of Han Qian.

"It's about to start!" said the black guy.

Han Qian nodded and looked at the black guy seriously.

The black guy thought for a while, then suddenly said:

"David fills the dragon... Da Luo Feilong... Yao pinch, you are not human..."

Hearing these words, everyone laughed.

"Hahaha, I knew it, it's definitely not reliable!" Zhen Ling laughed.

Qingteng also burst into laughter, and said while laughing: "It's okay, I can still remember a few sentences. 39

Opposite the black guy, Han Qian's pretty face was completely dazed.

Children, do you have a lot of question marks...

She hasn't seen this version of Fahai's film, so 323 naturally doesn't know where these lines come from.

"No?" Han Qian couldn't help asking.

The black guy hesitated for a moment, then nodded affirmatively: "No more!"

This scene made everyone laugh out loud.

Han Qian was very helpless, she knew there must be more than these words, but the black guy on the opposite side obviously didn't remember anything.

At this time, it is time to pass.

Make the next pass.

Han Qian had to turn her head, firmly remembering the words the black guy passed on to her.

As the third position, all she can do is pass on the lines.

The next partition was removed, and the white guy appeared in front of Han Qian.

This guy seems to be still immersed in the singing in the headphones, shaking his head, not knowing that it has already started.

"It's over, it's even more unreliable, haha!" Zhen Ling laughed at the guest seat.

As a comedian, she is very active.


Han Qian waved her hand in front of the white guy, who finally recovered from the music and immediately put down his headphones.

"Are you ready?" Han Qian asked.

The white guy nodded with a serious expression.

Han Qian said: "David fills the dragon!

"David Timon?

Han Qian nodded and said again, "Da Luo Feilong!"

"Big Luo Feilong?"

Han Qian gave a thumbs up.

This white guy is not bad.

"And the last sentence, listen carefully! Han Qian said, "Evil, you are not human!"

"Yao Nie, aren't you Ren? 99

"Yes, yes, very good, I repeat, you should remember. 35

The white man nodded.

Then, Han Qian said it again.

After she finished speaking, the delivery time just ended, and the white guy had to continue to pass it on to the last person, Zhao Rongrong.

When the partition was removed and a white guy appeared, it could be seen that Zhao Rongrong was a little nervous.

She was afraid that she would not behave well and dragged her back.

"I'm about to start!" the white guy reminded.

Zhao Rongrong nodded her pretty face very seriously.

As a result, the white guy froze on the spot and didn't say a word for a long time.

Apparently, the guy forgot!


After thinking about it for a long time, the white guy finally remembered something, and said loudly: "David Fat Dragon! 99

Zhao Rongrong: "???"

The white guy didn't care so much, and continued: "Yao Nie, you are not Ren!

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Rongrong suddenly felt a sense of deja vu...

The host Shen Ming invited Zhao Rongrong down with a smile.

"Come on, Rongrong, tell everyone how many words you have memorized. 39

Zhao Rongrong's mind flashed, and she said loudly, "Is this a line from that Fahai movie?

Han Qian nodded quickly.

After passing it, she can see the complete lines.

In the guest seat, Zhen (afdj) Ling and others, who were about to watch a joke, suddenly changed their faces when they heard this, and they felt that something was wrong.

as predicted.

Just listening to Zhao Rongrong excitedly said: "This movie is starring the goddess of Xianxian, I have seen it, I think about it..."

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Rongrong tentatively said: "It seems to be the line of Fa Hai: Evil, I can see at a glance that you are not a human being, you are so clever, you dare to make an axe, see me accept you, the mighty Tianlong, the Great Law Mantra, the flying dragon In heaven? That's all I remember..."

"Wow! Rongrong, you are amazing! Han Qian exclaimed happily.

The audience applauded.

Lu Yuan also looked at the silly girl and laughed.

This is an old movie, it's pretty good that silly girl can remember so many lines.

at the guest seat.

Zhen Ling deliberately said: "This is too coincidental? It feels like we are going to lose!

"Don't worry, we still have me in our strong team, we can't lose!" Qingteng began to speak loudly.

Zhen Ling said, "Brother Teng, it is because of you that I am worried..."


Everyone laughed.

The host Shen Ming announced: "Rongrong answered a total of 42 words correctly, congratulations to the Yan Zhi team for achieving a record-breaking result!"

The audience applauded.

When the applause stopped, the host Shen Ming said to the two foreign friends: "Thank you for your participation. 99

Hearing this, the two foreign friends knew that it was time for them to leave.

Lu Yuan, Zhao Rongrong and others also returned to the guest seat to rest.

"Next, it's the strong team playing."

The host Shen Ming said: "Brother Teng, please assign three people to come up! 35

"Then me, Zhen Ling, and Xiaoyu! Qingteng Road.

Hearing this, an unnatural look flashed across Lu Yun'er's pretty face.

Although she is not a newcomer, but this kind of opportunity to leave the country is still hard to ask for.

On the contrary, it was the young man named Li Yu, with a happy smile on his face.

In fact, Qingteng did not choose Lu Yuner, which was his cleverness.

Because Lu Yuner is a beautiful woman, if he looks at him differently, he will easily be smeared by black fans, saying that he is lustful when he is married.

This kind of trickery often happens on the Internet.

So, Qingteng chose Li Yu.

"Okay, there are three invited to the stage, who will be the first, have you decided?" the host Shen Ming asked.

"I think, as the most powerful person in this team, it's better for me to stand in the middle!" Qingteng said boldly.

He deliberately pretended to be shameless, created the effect of the show, and made everyone laugh.

Sure enough, many audience members laughed.

Zhen Ling was also laughing and said, "Brother Teng, I think your bragging strength is indeed the number one in the team.

The host Shen Ming smiled and asked: "So, who will be the first?"

"How about Xiaoyu, I'll stand last. 99

Li Yu heard the words, nodded with a smile, and came to the first place.

Second update, third update later.

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