Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 478 Powerful Fire Dragon Technique

"Wake up, there is an enemy coming."

"Don't make trouble, I didn't sleep well yesterday!"

"What the hell, I don't care about you!"

After speaking, the security guard ran into the yard.


The security guard muttered and closed his eyes again.

Being a security guard in Shangguan's house is quite an easy task.

High salary, no shit every day.

Therefore, most of these security guards rely on relationships to get in.

"stand up!"

A cold voice came.


The security guard opened his eyes and saw a middle-aged man staring at him coldly.

Immediately, his whole body shuddered.

The enemy is coming?

The next moment, his body flew towards the yard.


With a muffled sound, he fell into the middle of the yard, stirring up a cloud of dust.


Dozens of security guards hurriedly rushed over from the "Six Seven Zeros".

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yuan was surrounded.

"Bold, who dares to break into Shangguan's house?

"Ouyang Xiong! 39


The people around were shocked.

For a while, they did not dare to act rashly.

"Patriarch Ouyang, you are finally here!"

At this time, several old men slowly walked out from the surrounding rooms.

Among them, there are two old people dressed in different styles.

They wore robes and looked out of place with those around them.

"It turns out that the elders have left, it seems that the Shangguan family is well prepared!

Lu Yuan said lightly.

"Hmph, the ancestor is humble.

"We heard that our ancestor has made a breakthrough, and we came here to experience it!"

Lu Yuan laughed out loud, then jumped up.

Talking is useless!

at the same time.

The people around the Shangguan family also started to act.

Each of them has reached a fixed position.

The breath of each other is like a whole.



Shangguan's family, it's really cool!

Lu Yuan admired in his heart.

Although these people are average in strength, but together, they can attack and defend, and their strength has improved a lot.

At least he can be restrained.

Of course, those two elders are the key.

They were as light as swallows and came to Lu Yuan's side in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yuan can judge by their body technique.

The strength of these two people is no less than the ancestor of the previous Ouyang family.

Sure enough, it is a super family that can compete with the Ouyang family.

"Haha, pick up the old man with a thousand swords and return to the sect!


The surrounding leaves and branches flew towards the surrounding crowd.

The opponent's formation is powerful.

But can't stop the leaves.

Puff puff!

In the blink of an eye, most of the people around fell to the ground.

The lethality of this leaf is not weak.

The two elders originally wanted to make a move, but when they saw this scene, they immediately backed away.

This method is beyond their imagination.

"The methods of the ancestors are really brilliant!""

"But I still want to experience it!"


The two rushed up again.

"Come on the sword!


The daggers brought by some security guards flew up one after another.


Running towards the two elders, they flew over.


The two elders, of course, are also prepared.

Take out the dagger and block.

Jingle Jingle!

Naturally, these daggers couldn't hurt the two of them.

"Hmph, just some ants.

"Look at my spell!"

"Fire! 35


A fire dragon rose up.

The people around were dumbfounded.

After all, what you see in the movie and what you see in reality are two completely different things.

What's going on with this dragon?

Is it magic?

But in the blink of an eye, the fire dragon wrapped the two elders in it.


A shrill cry came.

The clothes of the two elders were burnt up in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yuan was also taken aback.

This was the first time he used fire dragon technique.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Those two elders were completely incapable of parrying.

He quickly took back the fire dragon.

He is here to raise hatred, but he can't really kill these two elders.

That's a big problem.

Moreover, the effect of the camouflage card is almost over.

Once entangled with them, it will be revealed.

The next moment, he jumped and went to the roof.

Then, a parrot flew away unknowingly.

It took a long time for the talents of the Shangguan family to react.

"Elder, are you all right?"

The elders of the family ran out one after another.

They all govern the family, and of course they cannot participate in this kind of battle.

"No problem!"

Although the two elders were embarrassed.

But it's just some skin trauma, not the root cause.

"Strange, such a good opportunity, why didn't he kill us! 99

Another elder said with a frown.

"Maybe something has changed. 55

"But his technique is really powerful!"

"This is not something we can resist anymore, we have to tell the old man."

The two elders hurried towards the back of the old house without changing their clothes.

Lu Yuan never imagined what kind of impact the move just now would have.

Although the incident happened in the old house of Shangguan's family.

But the Ouyang family also got the news.

"Old Ancestor actually started again, we have to go to support!

The Ouyang family quickly assembled the masters.

But just after the assembly was over, they got a piece of news that stunned them.

The ancestor defeated the two elders and left calmly.

"What a piece of good news!"

"Go ahead and attack the Shangguan family's industry in an all-round way!

The family said excitedly.

He doesn't have much talent in martial arts.

But in business, he is a genius.

Of course, he knew how much benefit the ancestor's actions would bring to the Ouyang family.


The Ouyang family's huge business system was quickly operating.

For a time, the entire Jiangnan began to be in chaos.

In the hotel room, Lu Yuan was holding his mobile phone and was amazed.

"I didn't expect that the energy of the Ouyang family was so great."

"The entire Jiangnan has caused a financial turmoil.

"I am a great hero, do I have to get some benefits from 3.9!"

But after thinking about it, he didn't think of a good solution.

In business, he is very dull.

But a problem arose.

Shangguan's family is completely conservative.

In the commercial competition, it is almost a complete rout.

In just a few hours of effort, billions have been lost.

Although billions of dollars are just a drizzle for such a huge family.

But this has proved the attitude of the Shangguan family.

This is not scientific!

His original intention was to let the Shangguan family clean up the Ouyang family.

He secretly attacked again.

But now the Shangguan family is not up to par.

It seems that we have to give the Shangguan family some confidence.

Thinking of this, he began to fly towards the Shangguan family.

As soon as he arrived at the old house, he was a little stunned.

The Shangguan family, something big happened!

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