With a flash of light, Lu Yuan turned into his original face.

He looked around for a while, this is the real self.

So handsome!

He had intended to enter the hotel.

But when he got to the door, he was stopped.

"Sir, please take out your invitation!""

Only then did Lu Yuan react.

He is no longer a parrot.

Can't come and go.

But where to get the invitation.

"Sir, you can't enter without an invitation!

The security is quite polite.

Lu Yuan nodded slightly.

In this case, of course, he couldn't force his way.

He was a little depressed.

After finally using the transformation card once, is it such a waste?

At the very least, you have to go pick up girls!

Of course, that's just thinking about it.

He stood aside to see if there was any way to get into the hotel.


At this moment, he suddenly turned around suspiciously.

In his perception, a sneaky girl was hiding behind a car.

He hesitated for a moment, then walked over curiously.

When seeing this girl, Lu Yuan was really amazed.

She was young, but her skin was white.

A pair of big eyes kept rolling around, appearing extremely agile.

Her temperament is somewhat similar to Ouyang Qin'er.

It's just that she is more lovely and more elegant.

"Little sister, why are you hiding here? 35

Lu Yuan asked curiously.

For such a girl, Lu Yuan is still very interested.

It's nothing to worry about, it's okay to just chat.

"Shh, don't make a sound, they're catching me!


Lu Yuan was also a little nervous.

Turning around and looking at it, where is someone?

"Little sister, there seems to be no one!"

"Shh! Look over there!"

Lu Yuan turned around curiously.

There are indeed many people, but they are far from here.

They hide here and won't find out?

But at this moment, those people seemed to be aware of it, and ran over in a hurry.

"Oops! Found. 35

Lu Yuan is also a little strange, so good, how could he be discovered?

"It's really boring!||!

She pouted and stood up.

"Aren't you afraid of being caught by them? Why don't you run? 35

Lu Yuan asked curiously.

Before the little girl could answer, those people had already run over.

"Little princess, I found you!"

One of the old men said helplessly.

Lu Yuan's eyes widened.

What is this called?

Are you not filming?

He looked around and there seemed to be no staff.

"Who is he?"

The old man stared at Lu Yuan with a gloomy face and asked.

"he is my friend!"


Several people have some doubts.

"This person's origin is unknown, take him down first!

The old man shouted in a deep voice.


A few people are going to attack Lu Yuan.

"You are not allowed to do this.""

The girl suddenly opened her arms and blocked Lu Yuan's face.

"Little princess, you are too simple and easy to be deceived. 35

The old man said anxiously.


Lu Yuan was a little puzzled.

Could it be that the little girl in front of you is the one from the Shangguan family?

Found a treasure?

He looked again carefully.

This body, this skin!

This small waist that Yingying holds.


The old man was still hesitating.

But seeing Lu Yuan's eyes, he immediately became angry.

"You bastard, you dare to peek at the little princess.

"I can't forgive you!

In a fit of rage, the old man slapped Lu Yuan over.


The girl suddenly let out a coquettish cry and greeted her with a palm.


With a muffled sound, the old man stepped back one after another.

And this girl, is still not moving.

Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Little girl, her strength is not weak.

It can be seen from this palm that he is definitely more powerful than the ancestor of the Ouyang family.

"Are you disobeying my order?"

The girl suddenly said solemnly.

In an instant, her temperament became icy cold.

From a cute little girl to a cold queen in one fell swoop.

I am so special!

Lu Yuan's eyes widened.

This change is like two people before and after.

"I can not!"

The old man's face also changed.

The rest of the people were even more silent.

The little girl turned around and smiled sweetly again.

"Big brother, don't be afraid, they won't hurt you. 99

"How about you go to the hotel with me? 39

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly.

He couldn't figure out what was going on with the little girl now.

It stands to reason that his face appeared for the first time in Jiangnan.

The Shangguan family must not know his identity.

Then why did this little girl fall in love with him?

"Big brother? 35

Seeing Lu Yuan in a daze, the little girl pulled at his sleeve and gave a sweet cry.

"Oh, I was just about to go in!""

In the gloomy eyes of the old man.

The two walked towards the hotel holding hands.

"Elder, what should I do?"

A middle-aged man stepped forward and asked.

"`" Don't go against the meaning of the little princess. Luo

"Let's go and pay attention to this man. If he has any changes, immediately take action." 5


A few middle-aged people hurriedly ordered them to go down.

Along the way, the staff of the hotel did not dare to stop him.

But they all looked at Lu Yuan vigilantly.

That look was like Lu Yuan robbed their daughter-in-law.

"Big brother, do you see what that shiny thing is?"

"That's the lamp. 35

"Big brother, what's in that glass?"

"It's wine! 99

"Ah, big brother, why are their clothes so weird!

Lu Yuan:

He has found it, this is a curious baby.

Thank you for being so beautiful.

The problem is, I don't know anything.

If you touch her, she will wink at you.

Then ask: Big brother, why are you touching me?

"Little sister, shall we play a game?"

"Big brother, say it!"

"For the next hour, (Wang Qianzhao) let's not ask questions, okay?

"not good!

The little girl pouted.

Lu Yuan was about to collapse.

The staff of Shangguan's house on the side were also quite nervous.

Because Lu Yuan's hands are not honest.

For a while, he hugged the little princess, and then went up to grab it again.

Don't you know it's a big girl?

Really nasty.

But here are all the celebrities in Jiangnan, and it is not convenient to move the bowels.

At this time, the position of the door suddenly became a little confusing.

Afterwards, the surrounding celebrities walked over one after another.

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes.

The head of the Shangguan family and some elders appeared.

"Thank you all for coming to this reception, and on behalf of the family, I offer a toast to all of you! 55

After a few greetings, the head of the family walked over with everyone.

Previously, the rest of the people had no idea that the little girl beside Lu Yuan was Shangguan Qingwu.

After all, he is the first genius of the Shangguan family, so how could he mix with a poor boy?

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