Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 486 Master, something went wrong!

"Master, something happened."

The middle-aged man said suspiciously.

Once they do it, the situation on both sides will definitely be out of control.

It seems like a weird spell.

When Lu Yuan arrived with Guan Qingwu, he couldn't come in at all.

Otherwise, I am afraid it will cause a sensation.

A dozen people shouted in unison.

"King Hetu, shout f*ck coins!

Lu Yuan's heart moved.

The other five people are really hidden!

They do not belong to the same camp, so it is inevitable that there will be agitation.

A dozen men in black hurriedly gathered here.

The commercial area is the prosperous area of ​​Jiangnan and Antarctica.

"This is the Chinese language I just learned, it means you are awesome!"


Sure enough, within ten minutes, the troops on both sides began to evacuate.

Twenty percent of the shares, I am afraid there are several tens of billions of assets.

Does that mean the plan has changed?

And this time, Lu Yuan naturally won't become a parrot.

Lu Yuan knew that such a big family had all the finances in the hands of the owner.

business district!

Looking at this posture, those guys seem to be about to move.

Lu Yuan:

"Hmph, really anyone can get in now." 5

A short figure suddenly appeared in the corner of the courtyard.

The man asked again.

The question is, how to respond?

Lu Yuan sucked in a breath of cold air.


In the crowd, a few sneaky people were watching.

After a while, a small figure galloped from a distance.

"It's a trap against us.

Shangguan Qingwu raised his head, and then became overjoyed.

The bodyguard mumbled, but did not dare to say more.

Lu Yuan was shocked and hung up the phone quickly.

"If I help you resolve this crisis, how can you thank me?"


In the air, a piece of flying birds passed by, naturally they were Lu Yuan's younger brother.

"The location is in the Taihe Building in the business district. Come over here."

Lu Yuan's face turned black.

After all, Lu Yuan had no choice but to follow.

Seeing something wrong with Lu Yuan's expression, the middle-aged man immediately fell silent.

They did not expect that the retreat would go so smoothly.

In a jungle on the outskirts.

"Don't act rashly and wait for my news."

She had seen Lu Yuan transformed into a parrot before.

"The time has come, they should show up."

But it won't be easy.

"Come on, together! Show!

After a while, a dozen people quietly left the courtyard.

Lu Yuan was a little surprised.

The way they communicate is something special.

Shang Yan's urgent voice came.

A man hurried over and laughed.

Can't be bothered!

"Let's go now."

"Shout f*ck coins? 99

"Ah! Haha, Hetu King, shout f*ck coins!""

He had only sensed five people before.

"I'm late today, just came!"


The middle-aged man said excitedly.

These are all good hands, and they look quite tense.

"It's commercial!""

"How many people died on both sides?"

"Don't worry, I have 20% of the shares in my hands, just give you 1%."

Such a large family business has many related households.

Why is Hetu King still here?

"Go get ready, if it's too late, it's too late!

Shangguan Qingwu naturally noticed the departure of those few people.

call out!

"Big brother, I will grant you any request."

"The Ouyang family is in conflict with the Shangguan family."

If the people of Hetu Country start, now is the best time.

Even if it is 1%, it is many times richer than his live broadcast company.

However, Lu Yuan was a little suspicious.

Didn't (afdj) say, let them wait for an opportunity?

"King Hetu?"

The outside has been surrounded by people from both sides.

Now his little brother has spread all over Jiangnan...

"Well, give me one percent of the Shangguan family's shares!

Two big families, don't look at the aggressiveness of the trouble.

The problem is, she's not Lu Yuan's type.

Hetu King's face suddenly became gloomy.

"It shouldn't be a problem!


And no one knows who this short man is related to.

Today, in the courtyard of Taihe Building, it is quite lively.

"The plan has changed, you hurry to evacuate. 35

Now this 687 is in a state of tension.

He did not stop here, transformed into the deity, and came to Shangguan Qingwu.

He was wearing a black security uniform and looked rather comical.

Shangguan Qingwu hurriedly turned around.

"Crap, if you break in, I'm afraid you'll get into trouble. 35

"King Hetu, shout f*ck coins!"

Both were in the corner, and no one noticed them.

This place belongs to the camp of the Ouyang family.

Ho! This girl is really generous.

Compared to the restless environment, no one notices them.

Shangguan Qingwu said with a frown.

The wealth of the Shangguan family is unknown.

"Oh, this is my relative, who has only been employed for a few days.

The man obviously didn't understand what this meant.

Shangguan Qingwu agreed.

Don't look at one percent, it's definitely a pretty scary number.

"If you are not satisfied, I will give you some more.

At the same time, the man's heart was quite suspicious.

If it wasn't for his superior mental power, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to communicate.

A young bodyguard beside him couldn't help asking.

Lu Yuan said suddenly.

"Okay, that's for sure!

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes, and his perception ability radiated out.

"Hey? Dude, why haven't I seen you before?


The parking lot was already full of luxury cars.

It is a well-known CBD business district nationwide.

Shangguan Qingwu also put down the phone.

After all, the bodyguards are all strong and strong. How did this guy get in here?

But Lu Yuan turned into a parrot and flew out.

"Hurry up like a jade order! Pardon!

Wasn't that the little girl who said it?

"King Hetu, we all evacuated smoothly.

A little rich lady!

Now the number of both sides has reached as many as a hundred people.

He tried to convey his thoughts with his mind.

"What we're saying is, shout f*ck coins! 99

In the courtyard, two groups of people are confronting each other.

"The crisis is over, and now, it's up to the fate of your two families!"

"King Hetu, we didn't insult you!

"King Hetu, why are you here?

Soon, Lu Yuan found the clue.

A strange mental fluctuation came.

I am so special!

The middle-aged man trembled and nodded quickly.

Shang Yan said helplessly.

"How good is this, once the war starts, it will be a great loss! 35

This girl doesn't have any idea about money, right?

"Damn, you dare to insult me!

Shangguan Qingwu didn't feel strange.

"no problem!"

Lu Yuan's figure just disappeared out of thin air.

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