Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 494 What kind of talent do you have?

Lu Yuan took a look at the delivery boy.

"What kind of talent do you have? 35

The delivery boy froze for a moment and smiled mysteriously.

"Sir, what do you need?

"Stop talking nonsense and add these seasonings!

Lu Yuan threw a plastic bottle over.

"Sir, this is really not good."5

Wang Xin's eyes widened.

"Lu Yuan, this is not necessary."

Lu Yuan pouted.

"What do you think, this is the seasoning. 35

"Can they eat without adding something?"

"Don't worry, I'm still waiting for the money from the Shangguan family, so I can't do anything to them."

The takeaway brother put down the takeaway and ran away without saying hello.

Lu Yuan sighed.

"I'll do it myself! 35

the other side.

The people of Shangguan's family are really hungry.

They dared to come from Jiangnan in a hurry, and the family urged them in such a hurry that they didn't even drink their saliva.

"That guy is too much."

"Didn't you even bring snacks?"

"That's right, it's already noon, and you won't take us to the hotel?

Those high-level officials of the Shangguan family began to discuss with dissatisfaction.

If it wasn't for face, they would have gone out long ago.

The old man was also puffed up.

"The meal is here!

Lu Yuan came in with a bunch of plastic bags.

Everyone who had already stood up was dumbfounded.

These people are basically worth over 100 million.

What the hell is this?

"Lu Yuan, you are going too far!

The old man roared.

Isn't that insulting them?

"Don't be angry!"

Lu Yuan smiled and put the Mala Tang down.

"You are all big bosses.

"I'm afraid I'm tired of eating the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, so I'll change the taste for you!""

Although there is some truth to this.

But these people from the Shangguan family didn't appreciate it at all.

Change the taste, just change the special Mala Tang?

"Don't look at it, everyone, I'll eat this today."

"Otherwise, I won't let you go out to eat."

Don't let me eat out?

Isn't this a fool?


A middle-aged man sighed and picked up a Mala Tang.

He is really hungry.

"Just take a bite!"

He muttered, and took a bite.


It tastes good!

Hula hula!

He ate.

The rest of the people looked at him with contempt.

No matter how hungry you are, you can't eat this rubbish.

Lu Yuan didn't care either and sat on the chair beside him.

The rest of the people looked at the old man.

"Whoever wants to eat, eat it!"

The old man said lightly.

Although he also hated Lu Yuan, after all, the family valued Lu Yuan and couldn't make the relationship too stiff.

Hula hula!

Not long after the old man finished speaking, this voice came.


The old man turned his head in surprise.

These guys are too spineless.


The stomach growled in disgust.

"Old man, why don't you try it too? It still tastes good!"

"Go away, who are you calling an old man!

After muttering, he still picked up one.

You can't live with your own stomach.

After eating it, he was quite surprised.

This taste challenges the taste buds.

Watching these people gobble their food, Lu Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

This seasoning, of course, was obtained by the system lottery.

It's not a waste anyway.

More than ten minutes later, a group of people had eaten all the Mala Tang.

"Also...are there?"


"Want to eat? Six dollars, no more.


I am so special!

Not satisfied with Mala Tang?


"Okay, I'm done eating, so I won't leave you.

"Go back to where it came from, I still have things to do. 99

After saying that, he turned around and left.

After all, every minute costs a lot of reputation.

Don't waste it on these guys.

"He's gone now? Too much!

The middle-aged man frowned.

"Hey, that's alright, our goal has been achieved, let's go back!

The old man sighed.

Originally, he also brought a team and wanted to sign a contract with Lu Yuan.

Too lazy to do it now.

Anyway, it's a superficial article.

He doesn't want to look at Lu Yuan anymore.

However, the spicy taste is really good.

Shaking his head.

What are you thinking about.

The old man walked out first.

Inside the office.

Wang Xin looked at Lu Yuan suspiciously.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"What is your relationship with the Shangguan family?"

"Hey! Now, I have to say it.

"I am the illegitimate son of the ancestor of the Shangguan family."

"Wandering abroad for decades, I have finally found it.

Lu Yuan said sadly.

"Stop it!"

"Could it be that the ancestor of the Shangguan family was a parrot?"


Lu Yuan forgot about this.


Lu Yuan sighed and said the matter briefly.

Of course, when it comes to secrets, he just skips it.

"Your luck is really good.

"You're a billionaire now."

Wang Xin said with a strange expression.

Lu Yuan smiled.

"Money is an external thing.

"If I exchange this money for your heart, I will not hesitate.

"Screw you!"

Wang Xin smiled sweetly.

Although she also knew that Lu Yuan was a joke.

But still very happy.

Woman, isn't that what it is?

Since Lu Yuan became a human, her feelings for Lu Yuan have also been gradually changing.

Lu Yuan hummed a ditty and returned to the office.

Just in time the phone rang.

"Master Wu, I found out that the people from the Kong family have returned to the magic capital.

"They didn't embarrass you, did they?"

700 Lu Yuan snorted coldly.

"You should ask me if I am embarrassing them. 99

Li Shangcheng smiled awkwardly.

Of course he wouldn't agree with Lu Yuan's words.

They are a big family with total assets of more than 7 billion yuan.

Compared with the Li family, there is not much difference.

And in terms of connections, he will be stronger than the Li family.

"Master Wu, are you free, come out for a drink someday?"

"Of course there is, there is now, I have dealt with the matter here, and I was looking for you to celebrate."5

"Okay, my food and drinks are ready, Lord Wu, come here!

Hanging up the phone, Lu Yuan went straight to the clubhouse.

He and Li Shangcheng are also friends of wine and meat.

He didn't know how much he drank.

This time, he drove to the clubhouse.

If you can become a man, who would like to become a bird?

Eating and drinking are all awkward.

"Hey, who told you to park there?"

"This is a private club, not open to the public!

As soon as Lu Yuan parked the car, a security guard ran over aggressively.

Lu Yuan shook his head helplessly.

It's a bit of a hassle to change the image.

However, he did not intend to explain anything.

I got out of the car and pinched my waist.

"Hey, Laozi is here to rob!""


The security guard was stunned, then sneered.

"Boy, don't you ask, what is this place?

"This is Li Shao's club!

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