Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1467: Make mistakes

Dressing up on the stage, Zheng Ren holding his shirt and watching the film, Liu Zewei is busy.

Hu Yanhui has already commissioned the machine, and Feng Xuhui placed two large boxes next to him.

All this seems to be no different from Xilin Town, everything is so familiar.

Zhou Chunyong stood behind Zheng Ren and began to read the film.

The film is not difficult.

Very typical right liver hepatic lobe, no intrahepatic metastasis. From the point of view of nuclear magnetic enhancement, the supply of blood vessels is also quite typical, and it should be too difficult to over-select.

Zheng Boss also knows that choosing a simple patient to do a live broadcast, Zhou Chunyong smiles slightly.

It is said that no one is a fool, Zheng Boss level is higher, and will not easily "risk."

Often walking by the river, no one knows the truth of the shoes.

"Zheng boss, brush your hand." Liu Zewei finished the poison, whispered.

"Good." Zheng Ren went to wear lead clothes and brush his hands. Zhou Chunyong thought about it and went with Zheng Ren. He wore a lead coat and was ready to see surgery in the operating room.

This kind of viewing position, changed to surgery, can not grab.

The airtight lead door is closed and the operation begins.

Feng Xuhui saw Zhou Chunyong in the operating room, some strange, has been tough. When the airtight lead door was closed, he asked: "Cloud brother, how did Zhou Director come again?"

"Xiao Feng, this word is good." Su Yunxiao smiled and said.

"Hey..." Feng Xuhui felt like he was saying something wrong.

"The boss used the light to diagnose the latent liver metastases, and the old Zhou came to drink the soup." Su Yun said with a smile: "This old week, the nose is the real spirit, not much worse than the sunspot."

Feng Xuhui looked through the lead glass and looked at the operating room. Zheng always wears live glasses and is doing surgery. Liu Zewei, who is an assistant, has nothing to do.

Behind him, Zhou Chunyong, the director of the emperor's liver and gallbladder.

He is like an intern, wearing a lead coat, standing honestly behind Zheng, and looking at the brain. However, Zhou Chunyong is not honest, and constantly changes his perspective, just like the big monkey.

This picture, Feng Xuhui has long been accustomed to.

Maybe, come and drink soup, but this is a soup.

In the operating room, Zhou Chunyong silently watched Zheng Ren doing liver cancer interventional embolization.

Organ interventional surgery is a large piece for the treatment of liver cancer, and Zhou Chunyong is best at it.

Zheng Boss’s level is very high. Zhou Chunyong admits that he has already put down the shelf and put on a student’s attitude to follow.

Even if Zheng Boss is doing the best interventional embolization for liver cancer.

Blind election, this is the most common way for Zheng boss. Zhou Chunyong looked at the screen is not bright, Zheng boss is operating the micro-guide wire into the blood vessels, my heart is mirror.

Blindly selected with micro-guidewires, this kind of confident operation, Zhou Chunyong admits that he can't do it.

After 23′′, the screen lights up.

As he imagined, the micro-guidewire is located at the branch of the hepatic artery and will soon be over-selected.

Positioning is accurate, just like he can see the blood vessels go.

Zhou Chunyong understands that there is nothing surprising.

Super-selection, a success, although the blood vessels are paralyzed, but Zheng boss not only succeeded in over-selection, but also entered the position of the third and fourth-level blood vessel branches.

The treatment should be very good, equivalent to directly fighting the tumor, and embolization from the 2cm position on the root. Zhou Chunyong is old in this kind of surgery. Like Zheng Ren’s practice, he can do it occasionally, so there is judgment in his heart.

Surgery should be over, Zhou Chunyong took a look at the time, 11'22".

This surgery is really fast!

He was somewhat impressed and silently remembered a few tricks that might help with over-selection. The reason is because Zhou Chunyong is not sure, can only go back and try slowly.

Next, the angiography confirms that the staining of the tumor tissue disappears, that is, without the blood supply, the guide wire and the catheter can be pulled out, and the end of the surgery is declared.

However, Zhou Chunyong saw Zheng Ren without angiography, but stepped on the line and used the micro-wire to carry out the next over-selection.

Hey... is this?

He snorted first and then frowned.

Is there an abnormal tumor that I have not found to support the presence of blood vessels?

Zhou Chunyong saw Zheng Ren doing super-selection. He immediately turned around and went to the film reader to read the film again.

The patient's examination is nuclear magnetic enhancement, and this examination has no way to determine the specific tiny blood vessel morphology.

However, according to Zhou Chunyong's thought, this level of blood vessels should be at least 3 hours in over-selection, and there is absolutely no need to deal with them.

On the film, the only tumor displayed showed that the blood vessels were thicker, which was the one that Zheng Boss had just embolized.

Nothing more, nothing.

Strange, he looked at it twice and felt that he had not missed any details before he turned back.


When he saw a distorted branch of the radial artery on the opposite side of the surgeon, supplying blood vessels to the liver tumor, his heart raised a complex emotion.

Just like the guess that I didn't find evidence, there is indeed a very fine branch of the tumor that feeds the tumor.

However, because I just watched the film myself, I missed the whole process of Zheng Boss superselecting this blood vessel.

When Zhou Chunyong looked back, the embolization was over and Zheng Ren was withdrawing the guide wire and catheter.

Re-contrast the agent at the location of the hepatic artery.

The tumor tissue disappeared and the surgery was “simple” and quickly ended.

Zhou Chunyong is somewhat puzzled.

But he did not ask immediately.

Zheng Bo is doing a live broadcast of the operation. He asked the question at this time. If the situation is known to other

Although he knows that Zheng Boss is doing live broadcasts, he usually does not open the wheat, but he can't take risks.

In private, it’s indifferent to just look at the boss of Zheng.

People's level is indeed high, and they can learn a lot.

But if you let other good people know what the gossip in the back is, you don't know.

Zheng Ren took off the live glasses and announced the end of the live broadcast.

Zhou Chunyong asked, "Zheng Boss, the tumor of the radial artery branch supports the blood vessels, how did you find out?"

"Oh, there." Zheng Ren responded, went to the reader and pointed to the film and said: "Here, the intensity of T1 and T2 is slightly different. I guess there may be a branch of the radial artery. Support, so I took a look at the over-selection and angiography."

"Oh... you mean you don't know before surgery?" Zhou Chunyong was amazed.

Zheng Ren is also somewhat helpless.

There was some rush in this operation. At that time, Professor Yang explained the day surgery and he did not think much about it.

Therefore, the patient did not do 64-row CT three-dimensional imaging, and the image was only reconstructed and existed in his mind.

It seems that doctors who watch the live surgery should have similar questions.

I am wrong.

I had been thinking about the right time for surgical resection, but I forgot about it.

Zheng Ren is doing a self-review in Zhou Chunyong’s strange eyes.

Rebuilding the ability to do so does not require the patient to do more than one check.

However, other doctors headed by Zhou Chunyong need it.

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