Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1474: Poor world parents

"It should be the bottle cap of the beverage bottle." Li Yufen said anxiously, handing the film bag to Director Wei.

"I also listened to the teacher. Several children played. Later, somehow, the child was stuck by the foreign object. At that time, the teacher came to help, but did not shoot it, saying that the bottle was swallowed directly."

In general, it is common for children to swallow coins. The cap... Although it is about the same diameter as the coin, it has a large thickness and is not as good as a coin.

After all, in normal terms, plastic items are not developed under X-rays.

If you look closely, you can see that the density of the image is slightly different, but it is hard to see at a glance like the metal material of a coin.

This is a bit of a hassle.

"I later... I rushed to the kindergarten after receiving the call and immediately took the child to a nearby hospital." Li Yufen was anxious, but the medical history was clear and understandable.

"At that time, the child was quite normal, but I was terrified. Go to the hospital and do the examination. The doctor touched the stomach, there was no pain, and there were no other symptoms. It looked similar when it was peaceful. At that time, I gradually stabilized. I think it might be okay."

"After I checked a plain film of the abdomen, the doctor in the emergency department did not see the location, and went to the inpatient department to see it."

“A bunch of directors and professors came to see the film and finally decided that the bottle cap was empty through the stomach and it was already in the intestines.”

Said, Li Yufen took out a film in chronological order.

This person is very organized, anxious and not chaotic, and can always be rational, it is very rare.

It’s not uncommon for a film to be forgotten if it’s changed. Go back and take the film and toss it for a few hours.

Director Wei picked up the film and Zheng Ren scraped it together.

Here is only the condition of the illness, in order to prevent the patient's family members from losing control, the table and chair are embedded with the ground.

The reader was not installed, and Director Wei took the film and looked at the light.

It was chest and abdomen, and the radiologist finally ordered a film.

The doctors in the radiology department also have the heart. They should let the children stand on the machine, look for a lot of angles, and finally find the position.

After all, plastic caps are not the same as metal coins. If metal coins are used, people can stand up and shoot directly.

Even so, the image is still blurry.

Director Wei squinted at the film, and the child's lower abdomen was white.

There are a few different densities, and Director Wei and Zheng Ren have a little bit of investigation.

It is no wonder that Li Yufen said that the doctors in the emergency department did not dare to judge. In the end, many professors consulted and said that the bottle cap had reached the intestines.

From this point, it is difficult to find the location of the cap.

After watching it for three minutes, Zheng Rencai ordered a position with a lower abdomen. He said: "Director Wei, is it here?"

"I also suspect that it is here." Director Wei did not support the big, and Zheng Ren was a small doctor, but said a negotiating tone.

"And then? How do you say that." Zheng Ren asked.

Li Yufen looked at Zheng Ren and Director Wei in a strange way. He took a look at Zheng Ren and said: "After the consultation, the professor said that the problem should be small. Let me pay attention to the child's stool in the past few days, and it may be discharged at any time."

“Nothing?” asked Director Wei.

"No." Li Yufen said very firmly: "I have a very careful look at the two stools, even if only half of the caps are left after digestion, I can find them."

Hey, Zheng Ren sighed in his heart.

Poor parents in the world.

He can even think that the child's stool will not be flushed in the toilet for the past two days. Every time he finishes, Li Yufen will look forward to seeing it a little bit.

When it comes to parents, it’s not easy.

"I observed that the child had pain in the right lower quadrant yesterday morning." Li Yufen said: "I took the child to the hospital and took a second film. The doctor said that the position of the bottle cap did not change, and they did not understand what happened. Normally, it should be discharged."

Said, she took out the second film and handed it to Director Wei, then took the first film, checked the date above, and put the film back into the original film bag.

The image of this film is similar to the first film, but the position of the density increase slightly changed slightly because of the position and the doctor.

However, after rebuilding, Zheng Ren believed that the bottle cap did not move in place.

But the difference between the two films is still there.

The first X-ray film, the small intestine is normal. The second film, the proximal small intestine has flatulence.

"Today's child's stomach hurts, I took him to the hospital to take a third film." Li Yufen took the last film and handed it to Director Wei.

The film shows that the position of the cap remains unchanged or in the lower right abdomen. The difference is that the small intestine of the proximal small intestine is aggravated, and the intestine can see a relatively obvious expansion.

Coupled with the narrative of the mother of the child, Zheng Ren considered having acute inflammation and accompanied by acute intestinal obstruction.

Strange, where is this card?

If a coin or other blunt object is stuck in a certain position, Zheng Ren can understand.

Although it is a small probability event, since the parents of the child can find 912, it proves that the nearby hospital cannot solve the problem.

Therefore, Zheng Ren can accept the small probability event However, unlike the blunt object, the edge of the cap is slightly sharp.

This degree of sharpness is not enough to cut the stomach wall or the intestinal wall, but the intestinal wall tissue has a self-protecting function, and there will be an escape response after a sharp stimulation.

It is not the self-awareness of human beings, but a self-protection instinct of the body.

The sharp edge of the cap will stimulate the intestines, avoid damage and enhance emptying.

It should be said that one day should be discharged, how can it be stuck in the intestines?

Zheng Ren did not understand.

Director Wei just wanted to put the film down, and Zheng Ren took it over and looked at the light carefully.

“Is there a bowel movement yesterday, today?” asked Zheng Ren.

"Yes, but not much, a little thin."

At least one incomplete intestinal obstruction can be diagnosed, but this is strange.

It’s not a big thing. The elasticity of the intestines is still very strong. How do you get the card?

Strange things!

Zheng Ren has thought about several possibilities in succession. It is not very big and cannot be used as a diagnosis.

Director Wei has already had an appointment with Li Yufen to bring the child to the hospital.

Looking at the situation, it is estimated that an emergency operation is required, and the cap is taken out.

Although Li Yufen had a distressed look, she had no choice but to call and let her lover send the child.

"Zheng boss, what do you think?" Director Wei asked.

Zheng Ren also did not understand, in the face of Director Wei, those strange and bizarre guesses needless to say.

He shook his head slightly and prepared the child to come.

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