Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1490: shameless

"Nothing is sorry." Zheng Ren smiled. "This is just a misunderstanding. It would be nice to explain it clearly."

The middle-aged man was a bit shy, grabbed the paper from the table and loaded the control tablets to release the empty pills after the medicine turned and left.

Don't look back.

This oolong, but it is not small.

"Director Lin, you are very busy." Su Yundao, "Why don't you tell the patient clearly in the morning?"

"Doctor Su, it is clear in the morning that it is possible for the patient to smile and leave. But there is still a possibility, he will say that the doctor did not tell himself." Linger smiled.

"Impossible, the method of taking controlled release tablets will definitely explain, at least one sentence must be read by myself." Su Yun made an exaggerated gesture.

"Normally, this should be the case." Linger said with a smile: "But there are a lot of outpatients. Some patients forget to take the doctor once they take the medicine. Go back to the manual and look at the usage and dosage. Do not look at contraindications and precautions."

Su Yun thinks, Linger seems to be right.

The work of the Medical Service is really hard. It’s not enough to explain these things every day, but it’s different from person to person, looking for the right way.

Zheng Ren knows that if he doesn't come out, Ringer has to "see the picture."

A few small means, let the complainants feel ups and downs, and unwittingly entered the rhythm that Ringer needs.

This is a working method.

"Zheng Boss, Dr. Su, let's go and fill out a few forms." Director Lin did not think much about solving this problem.

There are many such things in the Medical Affairs Department Dispute Office. If everyone thinks about it before, people will not have to live.

"I went to the medical school to give lectures. In principle, there is no problem." Su Yun asked.

"There is no problem. I use the name of Zheng Boss Medical Group. Besides, on your body, go to the front of the blackboard, that is, the moment of high light, all the girls must not have straight eyes?" Linger smiled.

Su Yun thinks that Ringer is very honest. To be honest, it is not hypocritical.

“What about the lectures?”

"In the name of the Nobel Prize project team, I am afraid that everyone will have to sign up and directly squash the lecture hall." Linger pressed the elevator. "I am worried about one thing, Zheng boss, please."

The elevators in the office building are still relatively small. At this point, if you are in the inpatient department, you have to wait five minutes for the elevator.

"worry about what?"

"There are some girls who are mad, and my boyfriend is looking for trouble with Dr. Su. But you were all the people in the sharp knife class, and several students are still fine." Linger said with a smile.

When it comes to flattering, Zheng Ren feels that Ringer has become more extreme.

Still not annoying, things are also understood. This kind of unconcealed, disgusting ass, is easy to watch, but it is extremely difficult to shoot.

"You can't say that. After seeing my face value, the students who are a little bit forced in their hearts will be embarrassed. Where can I come to trouble me?" Su Yun corrected Ringer's mistake.

Sophisticated as Ringer has stunned.

Is there anyone who is so shameless?

Stealing Su Yun, the top flow of niche is better than the value of the body, the figure is even more incomparable.

Forget it, when I didn't say it.

How can I toss this face, can I not cooperate with myself?

When he came to the Science and Education Department, Ringer called out two forms, and Zheng Ren and Su Yun finished one by one.

"When I come to arrange the class time, I have to bother with the lectures." Linger said with emotion, "This class of students is much lucky."

"Well, it is very lucky." Su Yun has a deep feeling.

Linger sent Zheng Ren and Su Yun down, then carried his hands and slowly returned to the Science and Education Department.

The people of the Science and Education Department are in conflict with Ringer.

When he came back, a young staff member said with a smile: "Director Lin, the lecture is a good thing. What do you need to advance in the future? What is the relationship with the student's luck? Tell me about it and let me grow up. experience."

The tone of his speech was very gentle, and it was a great cover for the sharp edge.

"Little Sun, do you know that Zheng Boss lectures, how much does it cost?" Linger talked about the forms filled out by Zheng Ren and Su Yun while chatting.

"One lesson, the payment of 200, this is the official price."

"Well, it’s awkward, so the students stood up very cheap. People, but the Nobel Prize candidate."

"How much money should it be suitable? How much money does Zheng boss give when he is outside to give lectures?" The small staff continued to ask.

A lesson 200 is already a price that has risen several times.

Although it is not comparable to the cost of surgery, the lecture is simple. Moreover, he deliberately brought two words to teach, he is a science and education department, but still do not know that Zheng boss did not speak in 912?

He wants to give Linger an embarrassment.

It’s so old, in front of two young doctors, I’m so polite and even feel flattering.

Still shameless?

Linger did not hear it. He finished the form and passed it on the court.

"Come to Zheng boss, listen to the foreign professors he teaches, each 300,000 US dollars. It seems that the second phase has been 400,000, the third phase is 500,000. Will not rise in the future, I don't know."

The chin of the junior staff member fell off.

"Twenty-three experts and professors are worth 6.9 million US dollars. How to get a small amount of 50 million in conversion to RMB. Class hours... two sections ~ There is a section or Dr. Su said." Ringer Stand up and get ready to go back to the medical office.

Take Zheng boss to force, this feeling ... so weird, how do you not believe it.

MD! 50 million, two classes, what are you stealing money?

Ringer groaned in his heart.

" don't I know?" said the younger staff.

Ringer stood up and stared at the little grandson who was working. He looked at him and his back was cold and the whole person was hairy.

"Lin... Forest, you..."

"What did you just ask?" Ringer asked coldly.

"I just asked a word, it seems that I did not file a record in our science and education department." The small staff quickly explained.

"What's special, you don't disappoint! If you ask this, you have to be shameless!" Ringer slaps the table and screams.

Turning your face is faster than flipping a book, and you can use it to beat people.

A roar, several members of the Science and Education Department are paralyzed, and have something to do with themselves.

"Zheng boss teaches, it is in the emperor's liver and daring! People from the hands of our boss to dig up and go to school!" Linger sharp eyes, swept the young staff members on the scene, "If you do not pay attention, Zheng Boss Let’s go to class so far! How many free learning places Zhou Chunyong has arranged, all of which are cheaper than the emperor!”

After that, Ringer walked away and left, saying the next sentence.

"You are all pondering and pondering. How many service-oriented organizations are emphasized by the president, and you have to go to Africa to support you sooner or later."

Out of the door, Ringer laughed silently, and his heart was dark.

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