Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1511: Contentment

"Here, here." Wu Hang nodded his mouth, the movement on his hand was not slow, and he carried the "transparent" structure with a glass slide.

Director Zhang still didn't see...

In an instant, he felt like he had met the emperor's new clothes.

Others can see it, but they can't see it. What should I do next?

"That white." Su Yun came over and glanced at the specimen and found it directly.

Director Yan feels that he is really old.

Under the guidance of Su Yun, he finally saw the specimen taken out.

That is only a few millimeters, a few white meters of white tissue. Wu Hang did a simple processing work. He placed the slide under the main head of the microscope and waited for Zheng Ren to observe it.

"Li Lao, you should lie down for a while." Zheng Ren said in the ct room "I will take a look, a few minutes. If it can, it will end. If not, I will come again."

"Go." Li Lao did not care.

Zheng Ren took off the sterile gloves and came to the microscope in the operating room.

He was very serious and did not say hello to Vice President Yuan and Director Ye.

As if in the entire operation room, except for the microscope, no one else exists, sit down directly and start operating the light.

Vice-President Yuan smiled and asked, "Director Kong, Dr. Zheng is very focused."

"It is estimated that there is some tension." Director Kong said, "latent liver metastases have always been a major clinical problem."

“Is no one diagnosed before?”

"Before the interventional surgery, the liver cancer was cured after resection, or there was a large area of ​​liver transfer, and there was no corresponding chemotherapy drug, so this transfer method was not found."

Vice-President Yuan nodded.

"The later interventional surgery began to treat liver cancer, and it began to have latent lesions." Director Kong explained briefly.

"I heard that you and the liver and blood have teamed up to do a project?" Yuan Vice President asked.

"Well, after two days of surgical resection of the liver cancer lesions after embolization. It is estimated that the surgical results will be very good, but the actual situation depends on the actual situation."

Director Kong’s swearing words are like telling the patient’s family about the condition and saying that death does not bite a thing.

Vice-President Yuan is also very helpless and most hates dealing with clinicians. This way of saying that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder can enter the episode directly from the incubation period.

Three microscope heads, Zheng Ren occupy one, and the late director occupies one. Su Yun is strong and strong, and Wu Hang is squeezed away, which also occupies one.

The remaining directors, as well as Director Ye and Vice President Yuan, were somewhat self-satisfied, just watching.

A few minutes later, Zheng Ren waved his hand and said, "Su Yun, go to help Li."

Su Yun left the microscope, and there was a smile on his mouth that couldn’t tell the meaning.

Wu Hang quickly rushed up and grabbed the microscope, hoping to get into the lens.

Director Kong’s heart was moving. Is this a successful puncture? He came to the late director and asked, "What is the late director?"

The late director of the pathology department did not speak, sitting at the end, and the eyes were looking at the camera very seriously.

“Old late?” Director Kong patted the shoulder of Director Chi.

"Who is." Director Chi frowned, and resisted the fire in his heart. He looked back without a good face. "Director Kong, you are quiet."

"..." Director Kong squatted, what is going on?

"Look at Zheng boss taking pathological cells." Director Chi’s eyes left the camera and the whole person seemed to have returned to normal.

He did not apologize, this is an explanation.

"found it?"

"Yeah." Director Chi was very perfunctory, and then the eyes were attached to the lens.

"The dean seems to have succeeded." Director Kong came to the side of Vice President Yuan and whispered.

Vice-President Yuan looked at this scene and felt incredible.

The pathology of 912 is a large family.

It is not that the scale is large, but the technology of the pathology department is strong, and there are only a handful of countries.

However, the attitude of the late director is enough to show everything.

The biopsy of the needle is estimated to be completed, or the director will certainly not have such performance. Zheng Boss also did not expect, the problem of no solution, so quickly solved without a sound.

Li Lao came out of the ct room and walked along with clothes buttons.

He came to Zheng Ren and smiled and asked, "Found?"

"Well, I found it." Zheng Ren was a little excited, looked up, and immediately realized that he was talking to the patient himself.

Although the patient himself knows his or her own disease, it is a matter of metastasis. As long as the diagnosis is clear, no one will be very happy.

Although it is possible to determine the location of the metastases and to treat them early, there should be no problems after surgery.

Zheng Ren took a moment and was a little embarrassed.

"I have a look at what is the light." Li Lao glanced at the three people sitting in front of the microscope.

Zheng Ren’s action stopped, and both Director Chi and Wu Hang left the camera.

Wu Hang stood up in tears and gave Li Lao a seat.

Although he also wants to see it, but Li Lao has a request, he certainly can not see. It is always better to take the initiative to let the position be better than being picked up.

"Young man, I am sorry, I am curious." Li Lao smiled a little slyly. "Light is a new technology. I want to see how it is used in clinical practice."

In the face of Li Lao's jealousy and harmony ~ ~ Wu Hang is much more comfortable.

Li Lao’s temper is really good.

Wu Hang continued to smash, said, "Li Lao, please sit down. This shot, you can see Zheng boss operating the light to take pathological specimens."

Zheng Ren is hesitant. If the cancer cells are taken out of the patient's face, will there be a fatal blow to the patient?

He looked around and saw that Li Lao’s daughter had no strange expression on her face. It was very calm and her heart was slightly calmer.

"Xiao Zheng, take time to get it, I just look at the light." Li Lao said, "Don't treat me as a patient, healthy and healthy to live up to 80, already very contented. This person is awkward and contented."

Listening to Li Lao said, Zheng Ren had nodded and continued to operate.

There are only three shots, and Director Kong is curious, but he still can't see it. He rushed to Su Yun and waved his hand. When Su Yun came to his side, he asked "OK?"

"Well, I saw that the boss took out a cell with a light. From the pathological classification, it should be a metastatic lesion of hepatocellular carcinoma." Su Yun said with certainty.

"After the diagnosis is clear?" Vice President Yuan asked.

"The dean, after the diagnosis is clear, can be treated locally and injected into the bone cement." Su Yundao "Because it is an early lesion, the bone cement can strengthen the thoracic vertebrae while killing the metastatic tumor cells."

"Is the effect good?" Yuan Vice President asked.

"It should be immediate, and the alpha-fetoprotein will be reviewed 1 week after surgery, and the value will be reduced." Su Yun said with certainty.

Vice-President Yuan decapitated, and I don’t know what to think.


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